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January 29, 2008
She was so hot. I just loved to look at her as she left her apartment. No matter when or for what reason she looked very sexy. She had the kind of body that just screamed ‘fuck me’. And that is what I wanted to do. She was kind of short but had those perfect legs that gave the illusion of going on forever. She had that long, thick hair that was just perfect to nuzzle in too.
I watched her every day, and I knew her habits. On weekday mornings she dressed in a short dress type suit. All stiff and business-like, the type that made men and women equal in the workplace. Later she would come home and change for jogging. She wore some tight sweat pants and amorphous shirts. Because she had some huge breasts she wore one of those tight jogging bras. Every day she came back all hot and sweaty making me really horny.
Some would say, “If you wanted her so much, why don’t you get her?” Well for sure I wanted to but she always seemed to have another guy. And did she go through them. She never had one for more than a few weeks, and I wanted to be more than that. That is why I watched and studied her for so long. I knew her ins and outs, including her favorite sex positions, via a telescope bought for the purpose. As a matter of fact I finally decided that I would confront her with my love as soon as I found out one last bit of information. I didn’t know her name. I vowed that when I got it, I would get her.
One day she did not follow the usually routine. She went out to work did not come home for her daily jog. I saw this as an excellent chance to figure out her name. I knew for sure that her name would be on her mail, which she usually picked up from her box before jogging. Inconspicuously I slipped down to the mail boxes. The apartment owner either was a trusting soul or cheap because the boxes did not have locks. Lucky for me! I glanced and saw no one around. I quickly popped open her box and scanned her letters. Finally I say what I had been waiting for. Among the letters to occupant I found one addressed to ‘Miss Betsy Bryant’. I am ready to make my move. I knew in my mind I was going to get this woman and I would start the next time I saw her.
About 4 o’clock the next day I saw Betsy getting her mail. I slipped out of the apartment and came up the road as if I was going to the apartments. I walked up to her and pretended to ask her the direction to a friend’s place. When she was about to answer I said,”Wait a minute? Aren’t you Betsey Byrant? Don’t you remember me? I’m Jim, from school.”
This had her thoroughly confused and I moved in for the kill. I rambled on about some made-up school career until she invited me to her place. I had never really seen her place except from the windows, and I was impressed. She had impeccable taste in decor that seems the mark of the successful woman.
After we got on the couch I admitted to really being her neighbor and used the school mate bit as a ploy to get in her apartment. Betsy was shocked and I was afraid that she would kick me out. Finally, at my urgings she cooled down, and admitted that she knew I was BSing her anyway. The she started spouting off info on me! She knew everything about me. Of course I was surprised. It turns out that she used the computer at work to find out about me when she noticed me spying on her.
“Well, I bet you don’t know my favorite sex position,” I finally said.
“I bet I can find out,” she said slyly.
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December 28, 2007
I’ve been traveling with Shawn Michaels and Big Daddy Cool Diesel. I’ve been putting on the super sexy act with them, being a cock tease. That night I share a hotel room with them and sat between Diesels’ long legs watching TV with Shawn lying next to us. Diesel wrapped his arms around my waist and started running his hands up and down my ribcage. He leans over and whispers in my ear, “You’ve been teasing us for the last couple of days.”
I just shrug and go on watching TV. Pretty soon Shawn gets up and puts his coat on then whispers something in Diesels’ ear and leaves. Diesel then leans down and starts to kiss up and down my neck. I can feel his goatee brushing along my neck. I love having my neck kissed so I arch it so he can reach it better. He knows this is turning me on so he continues. Finally, he whispers in my hear, “I want you to be Big Daddys’ little girl and Shawn wants you to be his as well. I know with the way you’ve been acting, you want us too.”
I just moan and nod. He reaches down and pulls the t-shirt I wear as a nightgown over my head and starts running his rough hands all up and down my chest.
I reached up and put my arms behind his head so my whole chest was exposed to him. He had me arch up my hips and reached down and pulled my panties off. He then let his hands wander all over my body. I can feel his huge erection pressing into the small of my back. He then started talking to me; “Outside the bedroom you will be an equal partner with us in every way. But inside the bedroom we are your Daddys and in charge. We will treat you like the slut we know you are and do what we know you like. If you want it slow and easy once in a while just say so. But we both know you like it rough and hard and we are the ones to give it to you, alright?”
I just nodded. By this time Shawn came back and Diesel nodded and Shawn smiled. He disposed of the shopping bags in the bathroom. He then stripped down to his underwear and disappeared back into the bathroom, returning a couple minutes later with a couple of towels, a big bowl of hot water and a washcloth. Diesel bent his legs and propped mine on top of his then spread them far apart, exposing my whole genital area.
(click to read entire story…)
November 30, 2007
After a month of planning, the day had finally arrived. My wife, Cathy, and I arrived at the hotel room before the other couple. The room is basically what other decent hotel rooms have; two queen size beds, a desk with rolling char, and a stationary chair. I know that we both were anxious and a little nervous.
We dropped off our bags in front of the desk while assessing the room. Not much later did we get our stuff unpacked and put into the dresser, there was a knock at the door. Excitedly my wife ran to the door and peered out the peep hole to see who it is. “They’re here, they’re here!” my wife exclaimed. Hurriedly Cathy opened the door, and with a flourish of her hand, she extended it in towards the room, motioning our friends, Jerry and Jenni in.
Cathy exchanged hugs with both of them while I just shook hands with Jerry and hugged Jenni. I could tell that they are as excited about tonight as we are. I waited with my wife, while our friends unpacked and of course, the girls took off into the bathroom to get some makeup on. Jerry and I whittled away the time with some idle chatter, talking about how work was going, and other stuff that is going to be pale in comparison to what would possibly transpire tonight.
After the girls got all done up, we headed out, the four of us, to the local family restaurant and had ourselves a nice cheap dinner, then headed out to the pool hall where we could get some drinks, and play some pool. We teamed up differently than normal. Jerry partnered up with my wife, while I was partnered with his. After a few games of pool, and quite a few drinks, we all decided to head back to the hotel.
When we finally got back to our room, I figured it would be a great idea to play some kind of game and asked if anyone else was interested. One point was made that we didn’t have anything with us to play, so I suggested that we could play an old childhood game called “Truth, dare, double dare, promise or repeat.” Since the game was pretty much explanatory, I didn’t have to get much into great detail. Of course, the girls were trying to stay conservative and only stuck with “truth” while us guys were trying to be a little daring. Some of the dares were kind of lame, until it was my turn to ask a truth question of my wife.
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October 29, 2007
It was getting close to lunch time and I was already restless. I was staring into the terminal of my workstation, not concentrating on what I needed to do, but thinking of wild sexual encounters involving myself and my latest lust.
There was a light tap at the door behind me, taking me out of my reverie. I turned to see the part-timer, Anita, looking around the door as she opened it. She had started the previous day. She was doing a report for the boss and I had been assigned to answer any questions that she may have had.
The day before, while she had been in the adjacent office, going over the project with the boss I couldn’t help but notice her. She wore a modest skirt which came to about her knees. He legs were marvelous, thin and shapely. She had a fine body with sensual curves. She wasn’t skinny, or thin, but she was fine. Her breasts, full and perfectly proportioned, pressed against the light blouse that she wore. Her face was pretty and she had a wonderful mane of long, auburn hair.
As she left the office with her bundle of notebooks and papers, Anita’s eyes met mine. They were a light shade of brown. Her smile was infectious. It made an electric sensation go through my body and my head was light. I smiled my best smile back at her. She didn’t look away and with a wave and a crinkle of her eye, she said “See You!” and was out the door. She was scheduled to be here for the rest of the week and suddenly I had the feeling that it was going to be quite good.
She had come by on two occasions the previous day. On the first, she had only inquired about how to format the report she was working on. She stood at the door, leaning into my office as she asked.
I turned in my chair to face her. Her hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned forward and her blouse fell open a bit, offering a brief glimpse of her treasures as she asked, “How should print this when I’m done?” I could feel a stirring in my loins. I said, “You can just keep the text in block paragraphs and put the figures in columns under however many headings you feel necessary.” I couldn’t take my eyes away from the opening of her blouse, hoping that I would get another view. When I finally shifted my gaze up to her face, Anita had a knowing look and a sly smile. She said “O.K., I can do that,” then she stepped out of the office and closed the door behind her.
Later when she returned she had a rough draft of the report compiled from a small percentage of the stats she had reviewed. She set the pad on the desk in front of me and leaned over my shoulder and pointed out key elements as I read. I could smell her scent, not a perfume, but a sweet feminine scent. I could hardly concentrate, I could feel my pulse quicken. Her hair was on my shoulder and felt as light as clouds.
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October 27, 2007
The agreement was that Hope would meet John on the ground level of the apartment building at the elevator bank. They would rise together in the elevator to Hope and Tom’s apartment on the eighth floor. The agreement was that for Hope and Tom’s 10th anniversary, Hope would grant Tom’s ultimate wish–to watch another man fuck Hope while Tom watched.
Hope nervously paced the ground floor, waiting for John, wondering if she would regret her agreement with Tom. She loved Tom and very much wanted to please him, but she had never shared her body with another since their wedding and worried about the consequences for their marriage.
Yet, after much discussion and mutual reassurances, both Hope and Tom had begun to feel an unequaled sense of anticipation…of excitement. Now they had only to hope the careful selection of John as a partner would not be regretted.
Hope turned as she heard slow, solid footsteps approach behind her. She looked up into John’s smiling face, his eyes dancing with light.
“You sure you want this?” he said as he brushed Hope’s hair from her face.
“An agreement is an agreement,” Hope smiled as she pressed the elevator signal “UP.”
Hope’s heartbeat began to quicken as she pressed the elevator button for the eighth floor. She quickly wiped away a narrow line of sweat upon her upper lip and hoped John would not notice as the elevator began to rise.
John smiled and Hope felt drawn to the lively crinkles around his eyes as he did so. John was well-built, at least eight inches taller than Hope and she wondered if he liked short women. She asked him his feelings and John responded, “You’re not short. You’re petite.” They both laughed.
John smiled again and reached across the elevator to pull her closer to him. His hands caressed her breasts and suddenly his hands grasped her narrow waist, lifting her and bracing her against the elevator wall as he pressed his body against her. As John’s warm mouth covered her lips, his tongue darting back and forth, Hope felt his hardened dick shove into her crotch. She gasped for breath as the elevator door opened and John lowered her to the floor.
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