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October 20, 2006
[full story is 6,158 words]
I had never been an actual slave in “real life,” although I had had strong fantasies about being a slave for just about as long as I could remember. I have a very submissive nature, especially around someone who is able to bring out that side of me. This story is about a Mistress I served.
Mistress R. was my online Mistress. We had never actually met; we only corresponded through the email on a local BBS. All I knew about her was what I could read in her “bio.” She was 33 years old, 5’9″ tall and weighed 140 pounds. She was married and had red hair. Most of the other answers in her bio were normal enough, but under a question about personality types, she had selected “dominant.” Of course, with my submissive side, I had to write to her and explore just what she meant by that answer, and I was happy to learn that she liked to fantasize about being a Mistress. Based on this, we soon formed an online relationship with her as the Mistress and me as the slave. She made it very clear that since she was happily married this could never be anything more than “electronic play,” and I readily agreed. Right from the beginning she was very demanding. She remained totally in control and things seldom went the way I wished, but as I followed her orders (by myself, in front of the computer), I began to feel myself mentally coming under her control.
She began my training by telling me that as her slave, my body become her property. Just like I wouldn’t think of touching a Mistress without permission, she required me to ask for her permission and to follow certain rules she set forth before I was allowed to touch “her penis.” She ordered me to relieve her penis three times a day, but I was never allowed to even touch it if I was on any kind of furniture; I had to be kneeling or laying on the floor. This was very hard for me, since reading her letters or chatting with her or thinking about her made me very horny; it was hard to keep my hands off of her penis. I was required to send her a daily report once a day about how I had relieved her penis, how I had carried out any of her other orders, and describing my feelings to her.
Let me explain that although we never played in person, I tried to the best of my ability to obey her every command exactly as she wished, without complaint. I was not entirely successful, I think in part due to the fact that I probably needed her watching over me to insure total obedience. It was enough, though, to make me feel totally like her property. I was honest with her, so whenever I disobeyed or did not follow her orders, I told her so. Being an online computer relationship, I could have lied and she would never have known, but I think then I would have missed out on many of the feelings that came along with it. I really began to think and feel as if I were under her control.
(click to read entire story…)
October 14, 2006
[full story is 1,370 words]
I think it was the blood that kept my attention, really. Not that there was so very much of it, but it was quality blood. I mean the image. I’m not explaining this right. I mean amidst the almost three dozen rising welts on her back there were only three slashes that were bleeding. I think they were on purpose. But they were bleeding so well. Not a lot, mind you, but attractively.
You see, the blood was trickling in rivulets from these three lashes and running down her back. The scarlet tracks split and joined and resplit as they made their way to her shapely ass. Just in the small of her back they spread thinly into the fine lines and contours of her skin like a red river delta. And surrounding each gash, was a slight red spattering, where the blood mist flew from the lash had settled.
Where not rising or running red, her skin was pale. It was beyond pale, it was white, like snow or alabaster. Like the little cotton puff clouds on a fair day, her skin was. The contrast was shocking.
She hung there, her knees bent, legs unsupportive. Still conscious, but no longer holding herself up, she hung there by her arms. Almost without will. Her head was bent to her chest, and I could see that the strain on her shoulders was tremendous. Yet she hung as she had been told to before the whipping. The fact that she could relieve the pressure on her shoulders but chose not to was unfathomable. Admirable. (click to read entire story…)
October 5, 2006
[full story is 2,958 words]
Chip was waiting in the hotel lobby right on time. Since he had been scheduled to work today for the early early lunch shift, he was off at six. That was OK with me, since it had been a late one the night before. Much as I had enjoyed balling all night with this great looking stud, I was a little tired today. Not as young as I used to be, I guess. Nonetheless, the offer to meet his friend in Georgetown sounded too good to miss – tired or not. The friend, according to CHIP, was “into leather”, and had his own playroom in his house. Although I consider myself to be fairly experienced, I had never gotten much into the leather scene. Most of the leather types I had met in the past had been nothing more than bank clerks dressed up in leather jackets and playacting. A definite turn-off as far as I was concerned. When Chip had described his friend to me the night before, this one sounded different, so I was looking forward to meeting the guy and – if things worked out – seeing what he had to offer.
We got a taxi easily at the hotel, and headed for Georgetown. Along the way, since neither of us had eaten dinner, we stopped for two pizzas to take with us. We drove along what appeared to be a major parkway for a while, and then Chip had to give the driver directions through Georgetown to his friend’s house. The house turned out to be a small, very ordinary looking semi-detached house along a very ordinary looking street. I was a little disappointed. I do not know what I had expected, but this didn’t look like it. We paid the driver, the cab left, and we walked up the walk to the front door and rang the bell.
Unlike the house itself, the guy who answered the door WAS everything I had expected – and more. He was about 6’2″, a little taller than me, and had the broadest shoulders I had ever seen. Standing in the doorway of this little house made him look even bigger than he was. He had short jet black hair and a thin inch wide beard running along the edge of his jaw. The beard and his rugged facial features made him look particularly formidable. He was wearing a loose sweat shirt and tight, faded jeans which outlined a nice looking piece of meat to the left of his crotch. It seemed to extend half way to his knees. We shook hands and he took our coats and threw them over a chair in the living room. His name was Mark. (click to read entire story…)
September 12, 2006
[full story is 1,493 words]
Author’s Note: Daddy is my lover, this is a fantasy my lover likes to portray, this is a fictional story that should not be construed as incestuous in nature.
Shall I ignore his protests that I stop tormenting his caged lust? Should I bend down in front of him as he gazes into my eyes? Or should I chastise him for the unspoken lust that his eyes are pleading to me?
I think I shall give him some of the loving he is so eagerly asking for. Please my sweet, let me have you just one more time. The quick fuck in the meadow had not quenched her desires much, Daddy, please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t mean to make you hard before dinner. But dinner is over now. Would you like some dessert? Like a faint breeze I flit from the room. Off to the shower I run. Daddy doesn’t like it when I have grass stains on me. He and I had been running down the hill and I slid a long ways after slipping. As I scrub away the green I think of the moments about to happen.
Creaaak… Somebody has opened the bathroom door. I bet it’s daddy, he doesn’t like it when I take too long in the shower. I quickly turn the water off and await the inevitable. I spread my legs so that I have more balance and then I lean against the cool tile with my eyes closed. I know that any moment he will have shed his clothes and I will feel him there beside me. I jump as his tongue slides across my nipple. His fingers explore my slippery clit, clean and wet but from desire, not the water that still rolls in droplets down my naked frame. I open my eyes to see those familiar dark orbs searching for the sparkle of desire in mine, I smile knowing he has found it. (click to read entire story…)
September 4, 2006
[full story is 1,478 words]
Late August we went to spend some weeks in the Alps with all the family. The panorama was idyllic: rocky mountains, luxuriant woods, meadows and pastures studded by crystal lakes. We walked many hours every day and enjoyed ourselves a lot.
One morning our kids remained to play with some friends in a beautiful park, full of games and attractions, so Alex and I went for a walk in a wood quite far away. The previous day and night I had been in charge, and Alex was wearing marks of my belt and teeth. Besides, he had his legs striped with red and blue bruises, because I had beaten him with tiny branchlets. He was very proud of those marks and ready to switch. He informed me with a steel voice: “Today I AM in charge, sweetie.”
For half an hour we followed a beaten path, then decided to enter into the thick of the forest. We went on for some minutes: at a certain point it was as if we were passing the threshold of an enchanted realm, and time was no more. The ground was crowded with fallen branches, rocks covered with musk, stones of different shapes and dimensions, tall grasses. A beautiful raven, black as the deepest night, was following us from the beginning of the morning and stopped himself to rest on the tallest branch of a tree nearby. Squirrels were playing. There was an exquisite fragrance of wet earth and mint plants. For a long time we remained silent.
At last my Master told me: “I think that this is the right place. The trees are dense enough, and there’s a good supply of the kind of wood I was looking for”. The wood around us was a mixed forest, partly made of conifers and partly of oaks and [tag]birches[/tag]. I was dressed in a wool sweater, a pair of orange shorts, and heavy shoes. At my neck I wore a silver collar with very big turquoises. In my earlobes there were eight small golden earrings and two large ones of silver and turquoise. They were so heavy that were slowly stretching my holes. Over his jeans Alex wore a very big belt, with an heavy engraved buckle. (click to read entire story…)
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