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July 10, 2007
[full story is 3,282 words]
Kate and Linda were sitting at Kate’s small dinette table one summer morning, discussing the neighborhood gossip and local news. Their husbands were out playing golf, and as was their wont, Kate and Linda got together to chat, shop and generally goof off. Each was wearing short shorts and a light blouse, as the summer weather was quite warm.
“I tell ya, honey, that husband of mine is a real dud in bed sometimes. I dress sexy for him and talk sexy, and all he wants to do is shove it in me, jerk a few times, come, and roll over and fall asleep. I really do miss the wild times I used to have when I was younger, you know?” said Linda as she slowly sipped at the cup of coffee in her hands.
“Exactly. I mean, I love Roger dearly, and wouldn’t really want to spend my life with any other man, but jeeezus, I do get HORNY once in a while.” Kate responded. “What’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever done, Lin?” she asked almost shyly.
Linda looked at her for a few minutes, gauging the depths of the other woman’s sensitivities. She swallowed the sip of warm coffee in her mouth and leaned forwards surreptitiously.
“When I was in college I got drunk accidentally on purpose at a fraternity party. After it got real late, I ended up being the only girl there. The guys all started talking about their sexual conquests, and they all claimed to be the worlds’ greatest lovers, you know?” She stopped for a second to take another sip of coffee. “I said that any woman worth her salt could outlast ten guys, and they all laughed. I challenged them. I got up real slowly, and stripped as sexily as I could, without falling on my face! A couple of the guys hauled some mattresses out to the living room, and I lay down right in the center of them. I started stroking my cunt and licking my lips really sexy, and before you know it, there were 20 or 30 naked guys dancing around. I laid back, crooked my finger at the nearest one, and motioned him over.
(click to read entire story…)
February 20, 2007
[full story is 2,326 words]
This is my first posting…I have more to share in the future if you like this, but must post anonymously, since I am a senior manager at a Fortune 100 company and knowledge about my extra-curricular activities would cause the end of my career.
It was hot and steamy as we arrived at the airport in Brisbane for the long journey home to Boston. This was the end of a month-long campervan vacation in Australia, and I, for one, was overjoyed to be heading back to some normalcy. For an entire month my wife Anne (I call her “the queen”) had avoided sex in the campervan, or anywhere else for that matter, since “the children are nearby.” — The irony of her way of thinking will be evident shortly.
Actually, she is not very interested in sex anytime, since she was taught by her mother that sex was “dirty.” The only time she ever saw her parents making love, they were fully clothed (hike up the skirt, dear – I’ll just quickly unzip.) Sometimes I wonder how we ever ended up with three children; one is grown and on her own, the two boys (Ralph, 17 and Trevor, 14) were with us on holiday. Because I travel regularly, I have opportunity for other sexual outlets during the year, but four plus weeks within close quarters with a demanding uptight woman does not give you much opportunity to develop alternatives.
I had some first class upgrade coupons, but at check-in time was told there was only one seat available. Anne immediately volunteered because of her “potential for a bad back,” and was seated in 3A. The boys and I were given 21K/L and 22L. This was aisle and window seating in the 2-5-2 configuration, and the last two rows in the second section. I took the single seat, and let Ralph and Trevor sit together for the first ten-hour segment of the flight.
An attractive woman dressed in a loose sweater and very tight blue jeans took the seat next to me. I could see that Ralph was uncomfortable and maybe even a little jealous, since he kept turning around to talk to me, but she was too old (29) to be interested in him. She introduced herself as Christine, “You can call me Chrissy.” She was about five foot eight, light brown (almost blond) long hair, a nice ass – firm and high, breasts with an impact even through her shapeless sweater, and obviously in good physical condition.
(click to read entire story…)
December 28, 2006
“…And four is just COMPLETELY OUT OF HAND”
[full story is 3,444 words]
Our parties are usually nothing to be laughed at and this one turned out to be no exception.
We didn’t have as many people as we expected but we did get the ‘core’ group of people together so we had a quality party rather than a quantity party. On the whole, it was a WONDERFUL occasion. Steve, as usual, brought a gorgeous woman along to introduce to the crowd.
Shelly was incredibly cute. A little short, 5’4″ or so, and a little heavy, but, for some reason I was immediately attracted to her. I walked over to Steve and whispered in his ear
“Who’s the babe?”
“Oh, don’t know you Shelly?” he said with mock surprise. “Shelly, this is Kurt, Kurt this is Shelly”
“Hi, I’m Kurt, nice to meet you.”
“We usually call him ‘Speedy'”
“Hey, buddy, I don’t need any more of your shit tonight.”
“Well it’s true” he said with a grin.
“Yeah, well…” It wasn’t worth trying to salvage a good first impression with him around. I decided I would try a little later.
“I’m Shelly…We met before a couple months ago in Chicago,” she said, offering me her hand.
A woman as physically pleasing as this I would have remembered…and I know I wasn’t THAT drunk.
“I was with Steve and you were with…what was here name?” she said to Steve.
“Who, his squeeze toy?…that was Karen.”
“Steve, give me a break…its been a long day and I cannot defend myself against this barrage.”
“Ok, I’ll give you a little breathing room.”
“Nice to meet you, Shelly, I think I’m going to wander about the party and see if everyone is having a good time”
“Ok, nice meeting you again.”
They turned back to their conversation and I slipped away through the crowd with my tail neatly tucked between my legs.
(click to read entire story…)
November 30, 2006
[full story is 1,609 words]
Augusta is a JAP (jewish American Princess) by definition only. She is Jewish and very spoiled, yet she has strikingly blonde hair and soft facial features. She is very petite with small hands and very tiny feet. Five foot tall with a proportional figure that fits her height and well-shaped breasts which are small yet round and firm. She is also very [tag]pregnant[/tag]. Her husband is off on another of his so-called business trips leaving her to fend for herself this last month before the baby is expected.
I dropped by one Saturday afternoon to check to see how she was doing and I must admit I found out.
“Hi there, what brings you here?”
“I came over to see if you were alright.”
“Fat, tired and sore, but other than that I’m okay.”
“You’re about ready to have the baby aren’t you?”
“Yep, next month, and if he don’t come out I am going to have a fit.”
“How do you know it’s going to be a he?”
“Oh I don’t know.”
“Maybe it’ll be a she and she be as beautiful as her mother.”
“Well right now I don’t feel so pretty, I feel fat and my sides hurt. It hurts when I sit or lay down and it definitely hurts for me to walk.”
“Here this will help.”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to massage your sides. They hurt because you aren’t quite used to carrying all that weight around and it makes your muscles sore and this will make them feel better.”
“Oh God! that does feels good. Where did you learn that?”
“I do have a few kids you know.”
“Yes and I’m sorry you and Toni split up. Do you see the kids at all?”
“No, she has them in Ohio,” I said massaging her sides.
She fell silent to enjoy the massage I guess. I stood behind her chair with my hands rubbing her sides. Standing there looking down at her I could see her breasts through the loose open-necked maternity top that she had on. I reached around cupping one small breast in each hand.
(click to read entire story…)
November 25, 2006
[full story is 2,015 words]
It started when I was in junior high school.
One day, as I was sitting in the back of the classroom during study hall, I began to daydream about one of the older boys in the school. Unconsciously, my hand drifted under my skirt, and my fingers were lightly rubbing the edge of the elastic of my panties.
Vickie’s voice, from the seat behind me, was startling when she whispered, “Oh, Barb, isn’t that lovely.”
“Shut up! Someone might hear you!”
“Don’t worry, No one is paying any attention.” Then Vickie’s hand was suddenly under my skirt, feeling the location of my fingers. She squeezed my hand, and her hand drifted slowly, gently upward. “Where is it?”
Her fingers generated marvelous feelings as they caressed my pubic mound. But, all too soon, the bell rang and it was time to leave. Confused, I tried to avoid her as we left school, but she caught up to me and walked beside me.
“I can make it feel really good,” she said in a hoarse voice, as we walked side by side. Frankly, my knees were weak, and my mind whirled with plans for letting her prove her ability.
Although I hadn’t paid much attention to her before, I began to treat Vickie as a best friend.
Just a few days later, we were playing after school in her back yard. Her house was the same as the others in the neighborhood, but her back yard was very deep–it actually extended the length of two or more of the ordinary back yards. And, there was a grove of about a half dozen pine trees, that surrounded a cool, dark glade. In that glade, I felt completely isolated from the rest of the world.
We were doing something–I can’t recall what–then I felt her presence behind me, and her warm breath in my ear, as she whispered, “I’d like to make you feel good.”
Her arms went around my waist, and she kissed me, or licked me–I don’t know–on the nape of my neck. It would sound icky to a young girl, but it felt–well it felt nice. Very nice.
How hot she seemed as her lips caressed my neck–and how natural it seemed as she pulled my arms upward, and lifted my shirt off in a fluid motion. Her hand rubbed the surface of my ‘teen’ bra, and focused pressure on my right nipple. My breasts were still conical, just developing, but her rubbing showed me for the first time just how sensitive my nipples could be.
(click to read entire story…)
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