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November 19, 2007
Hi everyone. I’m a 19 year old college student and I’m writing my first sex story. The thing is I’m really not a writer so I don’t know if I can make it as exciting as some of the other stories that are posted. Probably the best thing for me to do is to try to follow the same format I see in stories that other girls have sent you.
I’ll begin by telling you something about me.I was kind of a wall flower in high school, I didn’t date much and I didn’t have a serious boyfriend. It’s not because I’m not pretty, I was just kind of shy and usually found nice ways to turn guys down when they asked me out. The other thing was that I suspected that most guys were just trying to get laid. Like at most schools, the guys had a competition going to see who could get laid with the most girls and I didn’t want anything to do with that. After a while I got a reputation for being stuck up and most guys quit asking me out. I didn’t even go to my prom.
Like I said, I’m pretty enough. I’m a cute baby faced brunette with big brown eyes and a button nose, and even though I’m 19 I could pass for 14. I’m 5 feet tall, 103 lbs with 34B-23-33 measurements. My legs are long for a girl my height and they’re smooth and pretty.
In spite of my shyness, I did have sex quite a few times before I while I was in high school. I actually had sex with 6 different guys before I graduated but none of these guys went to my school. I made love for the first time between my freshman and sophomore years with a friend from music camp.
It was my third year at the camp and he and I had become good friends by then. We sneaked off one evening and went for a walk. I was wearing shorts and he told me I have nice legs. We found an empty class room and when we sat he started caressing my thigh. One thing led to another and we made love. Luckily, his penis wasn’t big enough to hurt me much and he pulled out before he came. I sort of instinctively finished him off with a blow job. He then played with me in an attempt to make me climax but my tender clit started to hurt from all the friction and I asked him to stop. Even though I didn’t have an orgasm, I felt like I had reached a milestone in my life by having sex.
(click to read entire story…)
October 13, 2007
The phone rang, and Jennifer jumped. Darlene, her roommate, gave her an annoyed look and picked up the phone. “Hello? Yeah, this is Darlene. Huh? Oh, sure…I have it right here.” Flashing Jennifer another annoyed look, she picked up her math assignment sheet and started to read an assignment from it.
Jenny hugged her pillow close to her, listening to the phone conversation and trying to take refuge in its relative normalcy. It wasn’t him. Thank god it wasn’t him. She pressed her cheek into the soft fabric of the pillow, and held it tightly. Her eyes stared to the side, her mind fighting once again to deny what had happened to her before. It seemed like a dream now, but Jennifer knew it had not been a dream. She could not wake up from this nightmare.
She heard the click as Darlene hung up, and heard her roommate stand. She didn’t look, but she knew the expression that was on Darlene’s face; it was Darlene’s exasperation look, with her eyebrows jagged and her lips pursed together tightly. Jennifer had been seeing Darlene’s exasperation look quite a bit lately.
“You want to tell me what the hell is going on, Jennifer?” Darlene snapped. “I can see being startled by the phone, once, maybe twice, but EVERY FUCKING TIME? What’s gotten into you? You’re so jumpy lately… and you won’t tell me why! What’s wrong, Jennifer?”
Jennifer was silent for a moment. Once again, she was tempted to just blurt out the whole story, about Mark, about his powers, what he had done to her. And once again, she stopped herself. For one, she didn’t want to draw anyone into this beside herself. And for another…who would believe her? Jenny barely believed it herself.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she mumbled.
“What?!? The hell, nothing’s wrong! You’ve completely weirded out on me, Jen! You stay in the room all day, moping around, staring into space. You won’t answer the phone anymore, and it seems to scare you to death whenever it rings…you won’t talk to anyone, you don’t go out anymore…you can’t tell me nothing’s wrong. Give me some credit, Jennifer!”
(click to read entire story…)
August 31, 2007
Jennifer was a frosh at Jefferson College, and so far she liked it a lot. As she walked down toward the gym, she smiled to herself at the California weather. It was nothing like the weather in Alaska. Here it was, the middle of February, and she could walk around in shorts without worrying about freezing to death. Others complained that it was cold and told her she was a nut for wearing shorts. Obviously they didn’t come from Alaska like she did. To her, the crisp chill in the air was more refreshing than it was chilling, and she knew that after running around the track a few times, she would actually be hot.
Jennifer liked to run; it was a good way to keep in shape, and it was a good way to daydream while still being productive. She was a good student and very responsible, and this was her way to escape the constant academic pressures she put upon herself. She could jog around the track a few times, letting her body do the work while her mind wandered onto other things. Others wouldn’t believe her, but running relaxed her. (Her roommate thought she was crazy, but then again, Jenny’s roommate was a plump girl who looked like she had never exercised a day in her life.)
Jenny was wearing a tank top and a loose fitting pair of shorts. Underneath the shorts, she wore a pair of those tight-fitting bike pants, made of the stretchy black material. This was mostly to keep her warm, and to keep her decent. Plus, whenever she ran in panties, they got all drenched in her sweat and basically became too disgusting to wear. Similarly, under her tanktop, Jenny wore a tightfitting elastic top over her breasts. The reason for this was that she hated the feeling of running in the discomfort of a bra, and if she wore nothing, she bounced, and that became painful after awhile.
Jenny was happy with her body, unlike most women, and this happiness gave her a very visible confidence. This confidence almost did more to make her attractive than her actual physical appearance. Jenny had dark hair and tan skin, and a nice smile. When she had first arrived on campus, men had swarmed around her, mostly frat guys checking out the new women, but Jenny had made it through without acquiring any boyfriends. She was not one that had to have a boyfriend; on the whole, she preferred not to, as they took up a lot of time and never seemed to be much worth it. She didn’t need the time-drain. Yes, Jenny would only settle for a boyfriend that she actually loved, and the frat guys soon gave up on her, disgusted, and moved to other prey.
(click to read entire story…)
August 17, 2007
[full story is 2,012 words]
I teach anatomy to medical students and nurses. Although I have never tried to seduce a student, I often have fantasized about making love to one or more of my students. The following is a story based on that fantasy.
I hear a knock on my office door. As I open the door I am greeted by the sight of two sensuous students, Tina and Linda. Tina is a brunette with large, dark, inviting eyes. She has a slender figure, with small, firm breasts, a tiny waist, and a nicely rounded ass. Linda is a voluptuous blond. She has a beautiful face, framed by long blond hair. Her figure flows from her abundant mammaries, to a slender waist and then expands into her full, round ass. Both these freshman nursing students really fill out their student nurse uniforms. They both are freshman nursing students in my anatomy class. Unfortunately, neither of them are doing well in the class. I do welcome their presence in lecture, because they wear short skirts to class. Since the lectures are given in a large amphitheater and these two do not keep their legs together, I have a very nice view of their crotch all during class. I often have thought about screwing these two, but no opportunity has presented itself. That is until now.
“Hello Tina and Linda, What can I do for you?”
“Professor, we know that we are failing anatomy. We want to know if there is anything we can do to improve our grade in your course. Perhaps you could give us some special tutoring.”
“Well Tina, I think that special tutoring sessions can be arranged. After all, its still early in the semester so you both still have time to raise your grade. Both of you come into my office and sit down.”
As I begin my tutoring session, I explain to the girls that they must come in twice a week for the remainder of the semester to pass the course. They quickly agree. I ask them some questions to break the ice:
“Tell me girls, how old are you?”
Tina replies, “I’m 18.”
“Me too,” adds Linda.
(click to read entire story…)
August 15, 2007
[full story is 2,884 words]
I turn the corner and walk through the doors into the library. I stop and listen for any familiar voices in the general area. No one. Pushing the button on my watch, I listen for what time it is. “Seven twenty-four, p.m.” Good, I’m early. I walk to an empty table, fold up my cane, sit down and wait.
Five minutes later, I hear someone walk up to my table. “Hello, Tom. Been waiting long?” It’s my study partner, Christine. I’d recognize that silky voice anywhere.
“No, I just got here.”
We get out our books, and I put my tape recorder on the table. After about a half hour of studying, I hear noise coming from one of the small public rooms. I ask Chris if she could see what it was, and she leaves the table to check.
“It’s a science fiction club. They meet here every Thursday,” she says upon returning.
“Oh. Well, their movie is too loud for me to concentrate. Perhaps we could find somewhere else to study.”
“Hmmm. Well, my roommate has her boyfriend over tonight. Not the best atmosphere for studying right now, How about your place?”
I think for a second, trying to remember how clean my apartment is. “I guess that’ll work. I live three blocks from here.”
“Ok, let’s go.” We pack up our stuff and leave. “Would you like me to lead you?” she asks as I start to get out my cane. I gladly accept, and we begin walking down the street.
The feel of the skin on her arm under my fingers is strangely stimulating. I’ve never felt such soft smooth texture. She quickly notices the way I’m touching her.
“Ooh. What are you doing? That feels good.”
(click to read entire story…)
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