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July 2, 2007
[full story is 2,736 words]
Loneliness had become an unwelcome companion in the frigid winter nights of Agrabah. The days were still warm, but the desert cold swept through the palace with a viciousness that reminded Jasmine of vizier Jafar’s smile.
Ex-vizier, she reminded herself. He was a genie now, powerless and buried hundreds of feet under the desert sand in his own cave of wonders, where she hoped he would stay for the next ten thousand years.
She sighed and wrapped her woolen cloak tighter about her, looking out over the town where she had first ventured to find the man of her dreams, her beloved Aladdin. With the passing of her father, however, he had been named Sultan of Agrabah, and one of the consequences of his coronation was the slew of invitations to visit other Sultanates and confirm his position among them.
Not that there was any chance of war. Agrabah was a comfortable city that served its people well. Once, it had been an incredibly busy trading city along the profitable Myrrh Road, but the valley to the north had not seen rain in many years and the city there had vanished into the encroaching desert, taking the Myrrh Road with it. Agrabah’s charm along the Myrrh Road had been its powerful spring that fed their agriculture and kept them alive. Smaller now, poorer in riches but richer in spirit, Agrabah had become one of the most beautiful and self-sufficient sultanates in all of Allah’s lands, but it possessed little that would lead another warlord against it.
Her hands were freezing as she leaned against the painted stone railing. She decided to go inside, closing the ornate door behind her and crossing the cold tiles to the fireplace, stoking it up to great warmth. Behind her she heard a soft shuffle as someone pushed aside one of the heavy winter tapestries that held warmth in her room from fleeing to the rest of the chilly palace. A low rumble told her who her companion was, especially when he pressed his cold nose against the back of her neck. She turned around and grabbed the large tiger’s head in a soft and friendly hug. “Oh, Rajah,” she sighed softly. “He’s been gone so long.”
(click to read entire story…)
January 19, 2007
[full story is 1,404 words]
You’ve just turned off your COMEputer after reading all of the messages. You decide it’s time for you to go to bed. As you climb between the cool sheets, I can tell what you’re thinking. I know what you’re thinking.
You can’t see me but there I am. Standing in the shadows watching and waiting. As you turn off the light, I wait patiently for you to go to sleep. My heart is pounding wildly against the thin fabric of the gown that flows over my naked body. Covering all that is there that will make you stiff. I want you. As I watch you drift into a half sleep, I long for you. I move from my hiding place slowly across the room to the bed which you lie upon.
Your breathing is even and slow. I gently nudge against your bed, shaking it only enough to make you turn over to gaze at me with half sleepy eyes. My hands slowly move over the roundness of my breasts, down to my smooth stomach caressing my hips, my thighs. As you watch me you wonder how I have gotten here to where you are, but you really don’t care. I gently crawl on top of the bed just next to you. My fingers rest gently upon your lips as I gaze into your eyes you know what I want.
My fingers move from your lips slowly to your neck as I bend to kiss you with my soft, full lips. Softly and gently my tongue enters your mouth as your arms come and enclose me, pulling me towards you. I can feel your heart beating against my chest wildly. I break the kiss only to slide my lips to your neck so they may lick and pull on the skin where I feel your pulse beating rapidly. My fingers caress your chest, my nails tracing a pattern from one nipple to the other.
Gently flicking it just enough to feel your cock stiffen against my thigh. My mouth soon follows. Leaving a wet pattern with my tongue, I move down to your stomach, slowly. My eyes steadily watching you watching me. As I kiss the insides of your thighs, your cock is positioned directly in front of me, standing there waiting for my mouth to attack it. But I won’t! I want you to feel everything.
I want you to feel everything that is being done to you. My tongue slowly and wetly licks little circles pulling your balls into my mouth, so warm, so wet. The sensation is about to drive you out of your mind.
(click to read entire story…)
October 19, 2006
[full story is 987 words]
Sweetheart, as I re-read your hot letter, I am right at his time eating grapes and I am thinking … of each as one closely resembling your [tag]nipples[/tag]. I touch one (the left one) with my tongue. It is glistening now as I flick my tongue back and forth over it. It begins to harden as my moist tongue probes it. I run my tongue back and forth over it as your nipple starts to elongate and resembles a thick fat eraser as it starts to become engorged. I am now savoring the flavor of the sweet slit of the moist opening in the grape. I know you would help me cup your warm breasts and squeeze it for me, so your nipple protrudes forward. That’s right my Sweet, squeeze it so the nipple stands out and pushes forward towards my mouth. Gee, I just blew a wisp of air onto it, and your teat got a bit more harder. You are so hot tonight my Darling.
I wish you were right here next to me and I didn’t have to imagine that these grapes resembled your nipples. I noticed too that both your aureolas are a darker brown than usual. This is due to you are now getting so hot for me during this foreplay. I savor your nipples again by pushing your left nipple by using my lower teeth to grip just under the bottom of your nipple. Now I can flick my tongue back and forth across your nipple and against the roof of my mouth. Oh yes, Darling I do! I can see that too is starting to drive you WILD!
I know you are starting to get very hot because you are trying to get my member out of my pants. But, WAIT…you want to my hot mouth to push your whole breast into my mouth…yes I know it feels good! You are moaning now…I am trying to push your whole fleshy mound into my mouth. I am slowly sucking it deeper and deeper until my whole mouth is now covering the whole firm fleshy mound. Yes I know if feels so good!
(click to read entire story…)
October 10, 2006
[full story is 1,451 words]
Boy, it’s frustrating. This morning, the unseasonably cold temperature and a filling bladder ganged up on my short sleep cycle to wake me at 6:30. And, after I get up, I can’t get back to bed (not that I was particularly sleepy). So now I have to sit here and watch you not log in. Sigh.
I’ll pass the time somehow. Where was I? Kneeling in front of a tree in a park somewhere, I think. You standing before me, the breeze catching your hair and the airy fabric of your skirt. Concentrate on that for a moment — it could almost lift you away, couldn’t it? Perhaps if you held out those arms and breathed in, holding very still, the wind could just pick you up and steal you away with it.
I’ll have to hold you tighter, then; I certainly wouldn’t want that to happen. You’re feeling the breeze against your skin, tasting it through the stuff of your blouse and skirt, but you’re also feeling my hands on your bared hips, rubbing them gently to keep you warm. (Which works better? The friction of my palms against your skin, or the delirious feeling you get just from knowing my hands are pressed against you?) And, most of all, you feel my eyes.
I return to kissing your stomach, my lips barely moving but gliding across the silken surface of your stomach, painting it as if with camel’s-hair. It is one of the most frightening, ecstatic things I can imagine right now. It is, in fact, the only thing to surpass the delight I feel at sliding my fingertips around the waistband of your underwear, inserting them slightly underneath in order to taste the wonderfully extra-special taboo of your delta and lower hips. (click to read entire story…)
September 15, 2006
[full story is 869 words]
It was three o’clock in the afternoon and it had started to rain. Wet leaves stuck to the glossy red trunk of the Jaguar, beaded with droplets, and a hazy sun caught the rear window. Bobby opened the door and sat down heavily, breathing in the leather. So that was it. The end of Arla. He looked across the passenger seat to the lawn through the streaked window, the lawn that led up to the house. The canopied street curved away before him, its houses and hedges and willows and mimosa trees dripping and green. He looked down. Suddenly he felt her legs around his head again and his face pressed so deep into her pussy that it was stopped by her pubic bone. Her fragrance was overwhelming, so close, so close…
…Arla was sitting beside him as they raced along the 101. The ocean to their right appeared and disappeared through the hills. The wind swirled into the Jag. He shifted gears. She seemed pleased with how he did that. They drove up through the hills and it got cooler. It started to rain, or was it mist? “Hey, we’re driving through a cloud,” he said.
The car felt snug and strong, and he looked over and what he saw, what he saw, was Arla slipped down below window level with her skirt hoisted up and her legs wide open and her panties pulled to the side. Smiling like the sun and moon, she seemed to fill all the space in the cabin. But Bobby was cool. He kept driving, as the wind tore at her skirt in the corner of his eye. (click to read entire story…)
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