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October 2, 2006
[part two is 3,571 words]
I stood back up as soon as my head felt cleared enough to do so. Her large posterior loomed just above my head as she moved away. “Ms. Sager said that I was suppose to get a copy of the inventory from you, so that I could find out what I need to sell,” I asked as I walked towards her. She answered that she was looking for it.
I stood in the center of her working area. She moved from one file cabinet to another and then to the counter where another computer was at. Then suddenly, she turned and walked right into me. I quickly, had this impression of a truck bearing down on me as her massive thighs knocked me down. I fell tumbling away from her. She broke out laughing at my misfortune.
With one hand, she grabbed by my arm and pulled me up as if I were a doll. “Looks like I better give you something to do to keep you out of my way before you get kicked out of my office,” she said smiling. Melissa gave me the task of getting her some paper clips for the papers I need.
I stood on my toes to see if I could reach her tray full of paper clips. I couldn’t even see over the top of her desk much less than reaching her tray. I looked at her chair next to me. The chair was high enough to assist me on what I need to do.
I struggled to climb onto the swivel chair as quickly as I could. The chair spun around as I tried to climb into her seat. I was getting dizzy from spinning around in circles. Soon as it stop spinning as I grabbed the desk and reached for the single item that she could’ve gotten it without any efforts.
I pushed the swivel chair around so I could face the giant brunette. I sat down into the plush of the seat and leaned into the back support.
Melissa was already looking at me as I spun the chair around to her. She had her hand covering her mouth as if to refrain from laughing out loud. She said,” I didn’t want to disturb you from your conquest, but some of the papers you need already had paper clips.” “Damn!” I exclaimed, tossing the object over my shoulder hoping it would land on the table.
“Hey! Don’t do that!,” the busty giantess said, taking three steps towards me. Her shapely legs straddled the chair and practically plummeted her ponderous weight onto my legs. Her weight was crushing the life out of my legs as I screamed. She felt like she weigh at least five thousand pounds of flesh and bones. Her stomach smothered me as she reached to replaced the paper clips back into their proper place. Try as I might, I couldn’t budge her. She squealed with delight when I punched her tits. (click to read entire story…)
September 26, 2006
[full story is 2,074 words]
To Miss Stephanie,
It was almost time for Stephanie to get home and Alicia was getting warm with excitement at the thought. She was finishing the vacuuming, the last of the housework that she had told her to do that day. Nothing thrilled her more than playing servant to the tall, imperious girl she had married. She was so beautiful and she loved her so much – that kneeling in submission before her was the supreme pleasure in her life. She had a hard-on in her tight panties, beneath the frilly white apron that covered them, truly a slave of love to that girl.
She heard the front door open and a tingle of titillation went through her. Then she stepped into the living room : a gorgeous creature with long dark hair. She stood with hands on hips, watching her finish her tasks, clad in the white silk blouse and neat black skirt she had worn that day to the office where she was a rising young executive. She had a look of disapproval on her face as she stepped across the freshly vacuumed carpet and dropped into an easy-chair.
“I’m tired, Alicia,” she sighed. “it’s been a hard day, one conference after another. And some of my underlings are no better than you. Inefficient. I have to do everything myself.” She nodded, shutting off the vacuum cleaner as she motioned for her to set it aside and come to her. “Remove my shoes,” she snapped, “and then massage my feet.”
“Yes, Mistress,” she said, hurrying over and addressing her in the form she most liked to hear. It thrilled her just to say those words, the submissive words of a love slave, and she was soon on her knees at her feet. (click to read entire story…)
September 12, 2006
[full story is 1,493 words]
Author’s Note: Daddy is my lover, this is a fantasy my lover likes to portray, this is a fictional story that should not be construed as incestuous in nature.
Shall I ignore his protests that I stop tormenting his caged lust? Should I bend down in front of him as he gazes into my eyes? Or should I chastise him for the unspoken lust that his eyes are pleading to me?
I think I shall give him some of the loving he is so eagerly asking for. Please my sweet, let me have you just one more time. The quick fuck in the meadow had not quenched her desires much, Daddy, please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t mean to make you hard before dinner. But dinner is over now. Would you like some dessert? Like a faint breeze I flit from the room. Off to the shower I run. Daddy doesn’t like it when I have grass stains on me. He and I had been running down the hill and I slid a long ways after slipping. As I scrub away the green I think of the moments about to happen.
Creaaak… Somebody has opened the bathroom door. I bet it’s daddy, he doesn’t like it when I take too long in the shower. I quickly turn the water off and await the inevitable. I spread my legs so that I have more balance and then I lean against the cool tile with my eyes closed. I know that any moment he will have shed his clothes and I will feel him there beside me. I jump as his tongue slides across my nipple. His fingers explore my slippery clit, clean and wet but from desire, not the water that still rolls in droplets down my naked frame. I open my eyes to see those familiar dark orbs searching for the sparkle of desire in mine, I smile knowing he has found it. (click to read entire story…)
September 3, 2006
[full story is 828 words]
My line of work involves delivering and hooking up TVs for our customers who aren’t able to do so. Most frequently it’s older or informed people who require my services, which was the case – at least that’s what I thought – when I went into the showroom to cover for the manager. An older couple came in, purchased a cable-ready television and requested that it be delivered to their home. I informed them I was the one who took care of these installations and added that I’d be over the following day to hook up their system.
As they left the store, it appeared that their daughter or niece – a very attractive young lady had come to the store to meet them. After a quick chat with the older couple, the girl came in and told me that she would be home the following day to accept the television delivery. I watched her exit the store, and as the light hit her sundress, I could see that she wore no panties underneath. Her perfect ass and crack were completely visible from my vantage point. (click to read entire story…)
September 2, 2006
[full story is 2,759 words]
Anderson asked the logical question: “Now what?”
“We’ll handle this just like a standard set of permanent orders.” He pulled the desk drawer open and handed Anderson a piece of paper, it was another set of BuPers message orders. When the standard wording was translated, it read that Lt Anderson was to be detached from his current duty station, take 30 days’ leave (known as “delrep” for “delay in reporting”) and report to the military air terminal at McGuire Air Force Base in civilian clothes; he was not to use his own vehicle to get there. His personal effects (known as “household goods” or “HHG”) were to be put in storage at government expense for the duration of the orders. “You won’t be stationed at McGuire,” Col. Hampton explained, “That’s where we’ll be picking you up. Bring three days’ worth of clothes. The Commodore of DesRon 2 has already written a detaching fitness report, you’ll sign it when you get to where you’re going after your leave.
“So go home and get your personal life in order. Make sure you’re parents know that you’re going to be out of touch for a long time, it may be a few years before they get to see you.” He handed Anderson a card. “They can call this number in case of an emergency, but make damn sure they understand that doesn’t include anything less than imminent death. And make sure they know that you may not be able to come back for any kind of emergency. You can use the address on the card as a forwarding address for your mail.”
“Where am I going?”
“You’ll know when you get there, Sherry. The same lady who drove you here will take you back to your transportation. See you in a month.”
Anderson left the room. Hampton watched him go and sighed. He was getting to have too much time in this assignment, he told himself. At first, he thought of the program as a way to gain some use from worthless deviates. But now, he knew that the men he recruited were fine people, they simply had a different orientation. Hampton now knew that tossing them out was a waste; now at least he could do something with some of them. (click to read entire story…)
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