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August 30, 2006


I thought I was a freak. You see, I am a girl and I like wearing diapers. When I say diapers I mean diapers and rubber pants. I was glad to learn that other people, especially women, wore diapers too.

It started when I was sixteen. I had a friend take me to get my drivers license. I was taking the written examination when I noticed the girl across the counter from me was dancing around. She was hopping from one foot to the other. I thought she was so nervous she would never pass the driving test even If she passed the written test. Just as I finished the written test I heard her sigh with relief and I thought she must have finished too. I soon found out what she had finished. She had just finished peeing.

She had been dancing around trying to hold it in but had finally let go. It was not obvious that was what had happened. But, as she came up to turn in her test I heard a woman say “You wet your diaper, didn’t you?” The girl said “Yes momma, I tried to hold it but couldn’t wait any longer.” I made it a point to look but could see no sign that she was wearing a diaper, let alone a wet one. Her mom must have noticed her dancing around and knew when the girl quit what had happened.

I was told it would be about an hour before I could take my driving test so I decided to use the ladies room while I waited. As I came out of the stall in the ladies room I saw the same girl. She was laying on the floor with her skirt around her waist. She was wearing a wet diaper which her mother was removing. I washed my hands real slow as I watched in the mirror over the sink. When the diaper was off her, her mother washed her up, put another diaper under her and pinned it in place. She handed the girl a pair of rubber pants. The girl stood up, pulled the rubber pants up, let her skirt down and they left the room. By the time I got out of the ladies room they were calling my name to take my driving test.

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