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February 22, 2008
My childhood was not your normal, typical childhood. As most kids were chumming around with others, I ended up spending most of my time at home, or with my dad or uncles. Interestingly enough, I went a number of times with my dad to his favorite hangout; a friend of his operated a gas station that was frequented by truckers. So, by the age of 13, I had been exposed to every known word in the book, along with stealing some glances at the magazines that they had there. Seemed like some of them used used “fuck” for every other word coming out of their mouths. Needless to say, this left me with an idle curiosity of women as a whole.
As I grew older, my dad started taking me on jobs with him; he ran an air conditioning business on the side. One of his clients was the apartment complex next to the high school I was going to. I’d go with him on these jobs, helping him out with the ladders, installing Freon, swapping out compressors, etc. Occasionally, we’d have to go into the apartments to make sure that the air conditioner would kick on and cool down the apartments.
Well, one day there was a problem with the air conditioner in apartment #2301. Needless to say, since it was a saturday, I went with dad to help him. We’d went to the apartment manager’s office to get the work order, and then proceeded to the apartment. When we got there, we found that there was a leak on the roof, and that it would require only a small soldering job, along with filling up the unit with more Freon. After doing this, we went down to the apartment itself, and knocked on the door. A woman, I’d say in her late twenties, answered the door. We told her that we had worked on the air conditioner, and wanted to check to make sure that it was cooling her apartment. She invited us in, and let us go to the thermostat. My dad started to play with the controls, as I just scanned my eyes around the room. She seemed to be into computers, and music (which was my pastime; I was programming in three different languages, and enjoyed computer music/synthesizers). We started to get into a conversation, and then wouldn’t you know — dad said all looked okay and that we should go. As we were leaving, the girl gave me a slip of paper. Not thinking anything about it, I put it into my pocket.
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November 26, 2007
This is a story about my first time with a women. It starts at my house and where I lived with my grandmother ever since my mother had died 5 years earlier. I was 18 at the time and had been jacking off for quite a while by then at least 3-4 years one day my grandmother was doing the laundry and out of the blue said I wish you do you boy stuff in the bathroom and not get it on the sheets all the time. I didn’t say anything just turned beet red.
From then on I was careful not to get any cum on the sheets if possible sometimes id wake up from a dream and have cum though and id try to wipe the sheets but it was IM possible to get the cum out. I was a normal 16 year old id never had any pussy and it was all I thought about id fantasize about every girl and women I thought was sexy which was probably all of them at that age.
I did do my boy stuff in the bathroom a lot as my grandmother called it. And one day I had been in there for maybe 5 minutes and just ran in to drain a huge hard on I had I sat down and leaned back feet on the bath tub in front of me and was stroking my cock and could feel the cum building in my balls and body I knew it wouldn’t be long until I shot a load all over my belly.
When all of a sudden the door comes open and my grandmother was standing there with a laundry basket.she had come to get the dirty laudry from the hamper and there I sat stretched out stroking my 8 incher for all I was worth she didn’t even flinch she said oh sorry let me know when your done. And turned and walked out shutting the door behind her.
I was so embarrassed I thought I had locked that door what an idiot I am. When I came out which I didn’t want to do to face her she said sit down for a minute I want to talk to you. I did I thought she was going to bitch me out. But she started out by saying she was sorry she didn’t know I was in there and its a natural thing for boys my age and asked if id mind answering some questions for her ? I told her no…
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November 9, 2007
It was a last minute decision, but I decided to go camping with my boyfriend for the weekend. My name is Lisa and I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years. I’m still a virgin at 18, but I’ve done lots of oral sex with him. I told my parents that I would be staying at my best friends house for the weekend.
I snuck off later that day and we headed up north. When we got there we set up the tent first and then built a fire and cuddled as we talked about random things. It was a beautiful night and the stars were out, I wished on a couple shooting stars before heading to the tent. Jay said he would be in after he put the fire out. I went to the tent and decided that tonight was the night. I quickly stripped down to my bra (36C) and matching panties and snuggled under the covers. Jay came in and got into some basketball shorts and got under the covers with me. He leaned over and kissed me goodnight and then went to his side.
We laid there holding hands, I got a chill and immediately my nipples were hard. It was perfect. I took his hand and placed it on my tit. He ran his fingers in circles around my nipple, I could help but giggle. I leaned in closer and started kissing him, letting my tongue roam his mouth. I lifted my leg over one side of him and then strattled over top of him. As we kissed I slowly started to grind into his cock. Rubbing my wet pussy back and forth over it. I started to feel it get harder and harder. I took my bra off and his hands shot up and grabbed my tits. I leaned forward and he started to suck on my nipple softly.
He laid me on my back and I pulled his shorts and boxers off. He kneeled by my head and I took the tip of his cock in my mouth. I flicked my tongue back and forth gentle and then licked his shaft up and down. I put it back in my mouth and started to suck it gently moving my head up and down. He started to move his hips and fuck my mouth. I reached up around his neck and brought him to my lips. I ran my tongue over his lips and kissed him. I whispered in his ears, “I’m ready Jay, fuck me. I want your cock so bad.” He smiled.
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October 9, 2007
At thirteen, Angie was not very different from all the other eighth graders. The other girls were approaching sexual maturity, some faster than others. Certainly they were all sex conscious, with budding breasts, spreading hips, a new growth of pretty pubic curls. A few of the girls were already full-busted, though these few were at a distinct disadvantage–their thrusting titties gave the look of being fully sexually aware, and mostly, they were by no means ready for any kind of mature behavior. The boys of the same age were a couple of years behind the girls in development.
That summer, after school was through, Angie was sent to Wisconsin to visit her aunt. This was more or less an annual affair, having happened at least twice before. Those summers, Angie’s mother had been overseas on business, and auntie’s house was a convenient place to park her where she would not get into any trouble. Well, not much anyway.
Aunt Millie was a new divorcee. She had a new boyfriend that she was trying to catch, so she frankly had not much time to think about a niece–who she did not really want around, anyway. She was out most evenings, leaving Angie to “play” with the other kids on the street. The kids were a couple of years older, but Angie’s nicely developing figure gave her the look of a 15 year old, and certainly she did know what it was all about even if she had not really done anything yet.
The girl next door, Sally McIvers, was a year older than Angie. She too knew what it was all about, and had some experience at wild petting parties. Usually she was the youngest one at the party. One of the boys on the street suggested that Angie be invited to the next party, and Sally thought this was a good idea. Angie was invited, was excited at the prospect of being with the older kids. Sally told her that there would be plenty of smooching and some petting, but nothing too strong.
Angie had been kissed a few times and once, her cousin had sneaked up behind her and took each of her breasts in his hands, nicely squeezing them as she squealed. Later, a day or two later, while kissing her, he had forced his hand down the back of her slacks, inside her panties, and there squeezed each of those delicious rounds. He did not try to get a finger into her pussy–though later that evening, while alone in bed, she thought about the episode with great excitement, ran her hands across her naked mound. But now afraid, she stopped.
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September 23, 2007
The rain lashed it’s cool touch across my face as I stared at the number on the front door. Anxiety and arousal lined my stomach with lead as I hesitated on her doorstep. I remembered when I posted my advertisement to Usenet last week, eager to meet a woman with whom I could explore my most erotic virgin fantasies. I’d always enjoyed honest sex but I’d never dared allow my repressed desires to surface. But now I had done it! I had advertised and now I was here, to meet a like-minded woman for the first time! My mouth was dry and I felt afraid as I pressed the doorbell. The harsh shriek of a buzzer made me jolt out of my reverie. The woman I was to meet was called Kelly and she seemed to be a lovely person via e-mail but she was obviously more experienced than I.
From behind the wooden door I could hear the rhythmic thumping of feet on a staircase. Through the opaque glass of the door I could see a female shape moving towards me. A sudden guilty image of my girlfriend passed through my mind. I loved my girlfriend but she was not interested in anything other than the normal, pedestrian sex that we’re familiar with. The lock on the door retracted with a metallic scrape and a smile greeted my frightened and wet visage.
“Hello,” she grinned, “You must be Jon.” I returned her smile nervously.
“Yes,” I answered pathetically. She was definitely attractive. She was not classically good-looking but well-formed and pretty. I felt a warm surge of shame as I thought how I must appear. My long hair was wet and straggly and the cold weather would not have flattered my proud nose, either! Kelly did not seem to notice and she ushered me inside.
She led me by my hand up to her bedroom and sat me down on the bed. I just sat there at first, watching her as I began to relax. She retrieved a towel from the bathroom and started to rub my hair dry. I could smell her scent as she stood over me.
“You’re a bit nervous aren’t you” she said softly.
“Yes,” I swallowed. Her left breast brushed against my cheek as she dried my hair. “I’m sorry, Kelly. You know I haven’t done this before.”
“Don’t worry,” she answered, “I like you.” My arousal at her and the promise of what was to come was rapidly overcoming my diminishing nerves. As she finished off my hair, I swept a glance across her bedside table. There was a tube of lubricant, a silk headscarf, a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold.
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