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October 25, 2006
[full story is 2,399 words]
All I wanted was a nice, safe, monogamous relationship.
Of course in high school I was a simple guy, a bit different from the rest of the people where I grew up. I had a direction and a purpose; where most kids were interested in going to parties and getting drunk (and maybe a peek if they were lucky), I wanted to study and make something of myself.
You know the kind. Poor white trash trying to make something of himself; the kid in the corner with the glasses held together by tape, calculator in hand. If this were an earlier age, he’d be trying to read the little black numbers off the slipstick; maybe in the future it’s a laptop with holograms projecting out of it’s surface.
Except that I never wore glasses. My parents told me that in order to get along in this life you need to dress well and look good, and who gives a damn about your brains. So I’m just shy of 6 feet tall and fairly well built; I even play waterpolo when sufficiently drunk enough not to care. But my desire was to be a professional, perhaps a systems analyst, with a nice wife and a couple of kids. The dog in the front yard and the Volvo in the garage is optional, of course.
When I was admitted into Pacific Tech, I was elated. All the hard study and good grades allowed me into one of the toughest schools in the state. Yes, the place had a 6 to 1 ratio male to female, but I was only there to study. As soon as I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, and as soon as I graduated to a successful job I would go about finding that nice woman who I could marry and live happily ever after with. My life was progressing quite nicely, thank you, and on the path I foreordained for myself.
One of the first things that happens at PacTech (as we all knew the place) was “Freshman Camp”, a place where all the students went to learn about the honor code and meet the various fraternities. It’s generally a three-day affair which takes place in a small cove just south of Avon on Santa Catalina Island.
We all gathered in the middle of the student houses for the bus ride out. The freshman class, about 200 students, brought their gear out and waited. Looking around I found more than a sufficient supply of calculators hanging from nerdy guy’s belts to satisfy the computational requirement of any one of NASA’s space probes. I was glad for my parent’s advice to keep care of myself and my appearance; I certainly stood out from the crowd!
The busses arrived, and the great mass proceeded to stuff themselves in. Not in any particular hurry I moved to the back of the second bus, and made myself comfortable. As the bus packed, a rather pretty girl picked me out, and worked her way to the back to join me.
She wore a rather tight leather miniskirt, a tank top, and a black leather jacket; the exception to the rule of t-shirts and messed up hair. From this vantage I saw a rather shapely ass and thighs dressed in black fish-net stockings, and something inside of me awoke for the first time.
(click to read entire story…)
September 13, 2006
[full story is 2,126 words]
It was our first date together and I was so nervous I could almost feel myself shaking. Barbara was stunning and had a perfectly proportioned figure. I relaxed as I rang her door bell and when she answered I was even more pleased with the way she looked.
She wore a thin white blouse which fit loosely, a black stone-washed jean skirt which stopped above her knee, and high heel shoes.
As I drove, I spent almost as much time looking at her as at the road.
We went from one destination to another enjoying ourselves thoroughly at each place. As the night progressed, we relaxed and moved closer and closer. Our last stop was a small cafe to get a late night snack. As she sat across the table, I felt her foot gently caressing my leg. I stopped talking and moving for a second, then continued but in a different manner. I didn’t discourage her from continuing so this went on for a few more minutes. Then she went to the ladies room and when she returned, something about her appearance had changed but I couldn’t tell what it was. It was about 2 a.m. so I suggested that it was time that I drive her home.
As she got up and we walked to the car I realized what she did to her appearance, she had removed her bra. The nipples of her firm 36″ breasts gently poked through the blouse begging to be noticed. I let her in the car and walked around the other side and when I entered, I glanced at her and noticed that she had unbuttoned one button from her blouse, exposing the side of her breast almost completely. When she saw that I had noticed her, she moved toward me and we started kissing, slowly at first and then wildly while we ran our hands all over each others bodies. (click to read entire story…)
September 6, 2006
[full story is 1,852 words]
When I was at [tag]school[/tag], I used to sing in the choir. The reason was quite simple to the average horny boy – 25 girls to 10 boys and the sexiest teacher in the school in charge of it. My lust at the time was for a girl called Alison who just happened to be in the choir as well. We used to get on famously but I always seemed to lack the courage to ask her out. She was [tag]sixteen[/tag] (same age as me), brown hair and eyes, 5’4″, had all her curves in the right places and whenever she smiled she sent me wild.
Anyway one night we had a concert not too far from were she lived and after it was over, being the chivalrous type, I walked her home. Can’t remember what we talked about now but it was probably something stupid like homework or who randy bandy Leslie, the class slut, was having that night. When we arrived at her house, she asked me in for a coffee and of course I said yes. Her parents had quite a nice house – what little of it I saw on that occasion. She showed me through to the lounge, put the TV on and disappeared into the kitchen or so I thought. When she came back she had changed out of her school uniform (always worn at choir concerts) and was wearing a tight pair of jeans, a thin blouse through which i could see the lacy outline of her well-filled bra and in her hands were two steaming cups of coffee. (click to read entire story…)
September 5, 2006
[full story is 976 words]
It was a rainy and cool autumn night, a nice change from the long, hot summer. It had been a busy day and so I decided to call for a pizza to be delivered. In the meantime I took a long, hot shower to relax.
My husband was working very late. One child was sleeping and the other was gone to a friend’s house overnight. Just as I was rubbing soapsuds all over my body, I heard the doorbell ring. Wouldn’t you know it? I suddenly remembered that I had ordered a pizza. I knew that the delivery person would be standing in the rain, so I quickly put on a very short red silk robe. I was still wet so it was sticking to my body all over. I ran to the door and opened it to find the pizza kid who was also quite wet. I told him to come in out of the rain. When he stepped into the light of the hall, I was very happily surprised. He was about 6 feet tall, dark hair, brown eyes, very good looking, young but “old enough.”
I was immediately excited. My nipples got hard under the wet silk and I think he noticed. My robe was coming open a little bit when I took the pizza and went to get the money so he could see more of my breasts. I was shaking when I was coming back from the kitchen with the money and I dropped some of it. He helped me pick it up and I could tell he was breathing heavily.
When we stood up I noticed how hard he was. His cock looked so big even under his clothes that I knew I couldn’t resist trying to seduce him. (click to read entire story…)
September 3, 2006
[full story is 4.085 words]
It had been a fairly interesting evening. Although I don’t much go for bars of any description, I do like to play pool, and on Wednesday night we had the pool tournament down at the Other Place (silly name for a gay bar, but I’ve seen worse).
For the past several weeks, I had won easily, although there was much amazement at my technique… I came an hour early, bought a pitcher of beer, listened to music and drank. Then, just before the tournament, I bought another pitcher, played two practice games, and then I was ready. Every week, the other entrants all looked for me to be an easy mark with that much alcohol inside me. And every week the alcohol loosened up my hyper-analytical personality, letting me relax, keeping me from doing mechanics calculations prior to each shot, and let me sink any shot I called out to the amused and amazed on-lookers. This week was the same, and I was in the final best-of-three games in the last round, playing against the final challenger to see who would get the prize.
She’d introduced herself as we met over the table, saying her name was Kim. She was an attractive woman, maybe an inch under six feet unshod, just a bit over in the ropers she was wearing. She had golden blonde hair, eyes so green that tawdry words like “emerald” couldn’t do them justice, a beautiful, smart-ass grin, and what seemed to be a very well-made body in those tight Wrangler jeans. I did all the cataloguing somewhere in the back of my head, as I watched her racking the balls on the velvet; she grinned as she took the rack away, twirling it between her fingers as it cleared the tops of the balls. (click to read entire story…)
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