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September 23, 2006
[full story is 348 words]
This happened when I was about fourteen, I think. I had been reading a “hot” book that Louise gave me. I don’t remember the name, but I do remember I got very horny reading it. I stopped reading to play with myself, but somehow, it wasn’t enough. I wanted something inside. I wanted to feel like I was being “made love” to, and to experience what the heroine of the book was experiencing.
I looked around my room for something penis-sized and -shaped, but didn’t find anything. Pens, pencils, even a hairbrush handle came under my scrutiny and were rejected. The more I searched, the more desperate I became, the more I wanted something. (click to read entire story…)
September 16, 2006
[full story is 2,030 words]
Once upon a time, in an apartment complex in a distant town, I received my very first successful airstart. Since I was of the advanced age of thirty, this came as quite an overdue pleasure. I had been dating the girl of my dreams (wet and dry) for several months, and we had fucked and sucked on many occasions, but I had never been able to fully relax and let myself go (er, cumm). But this night was different.
I arrived home from school about 9, and when I opened my apartment door I knew right away that this was to be a GOOD night. Just inside the door were Julie’s shoes. A little farther in were here stockings. Still farther, her skirt, then blouse as I made the turn toward the bedroom. Panties and bra made up the last “steps” to the bed, where I saw something I never will forget. Julie was lying with her back on the pillows, propped up against the headboard, with her ankles crossed behind her neck! She was sucking a pale yellowish liquid from a long plastic tube (which must have come from the lab where she worked). The tube wound around her right leg two or three times, and disappeared into the curly blonde hair around her pussy. What a sight! What a shock!! What a turn-on!!!
At this point, my heart was in my throat. She smiled and asked if I’d care for some champagne. Confused, I looked around for a moment until she said “no, silly, here!” and she handed me the tube. I hesitated, but then figured, what the hell, and sucked on the tube. To my surprise, it was champagne, although a little warm for my taste. “How?” I asked. She reached down to where the end of the tube entered her pussy hair, and spread the lips of her pussy apart, revealing a big red party balloon, which she had filled with a little champagne, inserted the plastic tube, and closed it off with a rubber band. Gloriosky!!! (click to read entire story…)
September 13, 2006
[full story is 2,126 words]
It was our first date together and I was so nervous I could almost feel myself shaking. Barbara was stunning and had a perfectly proportioned figure. I relaxed as I rang her door bell and when she answered I was even more pleased with the way she looked.
She wore a thin white blouse which fit loosely, a black stone-washed jean skirt which stopped above her knee, and high heel shoes.
As I drove, I spent almost as much time looking at her as at the road.
We went from one destination to another enjoying ourselves thoroughly at each place. As the night progressed, we relaxed and moved closer and closer. Our last stop was a small cafe to get a late night snack. As she sat across the table, I felt her foot gently caressing my leg. I stopped talking and moving for a second, then continued but in a different manner. I didn’t discourage her from continuing so this went on for a few more minutes. Then she went to the ladies room and when she returned, something about her appearance had changed but I couldn’t tell what it was. It was about 2 a.m. so I suggested that it was time that I drive her home.
As she got up and we walked to the car I realized what she did to her appearance, she had removed her bra. The nipples of her firm 36″ breasts gently poked through the blouse begging to be noticed. I let her in the car and walked around the other side and when I entered, I glanced at her and noticed that she had unbuttoned one button from her blouse, exposing the side of her breast almost completely. When she saw that I had noticed her, she moved toward me and we started kissing, slowly at first and then wildly while we ran our hands all over each others bodies. (click to read entire story…)
September 11, 2006
[full story is 1,291 words]
You walk in warily, not knowing quite what to expect. I say nothing, just taking your hand and leading you through the doorway. After you pass, I close the door behind you and throw the bolt.
You jump a bit as the spring latch slams home, and look back at me. I only smile and wink.
You look around; you’ve never been in my bedroom before. You look at the mess on the floor, look back at me, but I only shrug and smile. You watch me light some of the oil lamps, your smile slowly growing on your face.
I turn off the light and we are bathed in the soft, gentle glow of the lamps.
Still standing, I walk over to you and gaze into your eyes. Nonchalantly, almost flippantly, I take off my glasses and drop them on the dresser. Easily, oh so easily, I put my arms around your waist, and you put your arms around my neck.
Gently, hesitantly, we kiss.
Softly your lips press against mine, soft, smooth, warm, alive. We kiss and kiss again, and a sigh escapes your lungs between kisses. Your arms tighten about my neck as I hold you ever tighter in my embrace, my arms slowly massaging your back. (click to read entire story…)
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