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July 26, 2007
[full story is 1,249 words]
The turbulent storm was raging outside, just as it had been almost all day. The humidity and the pounding of the rain were making me sleepy and tired. Just plain old groggy. I decided to retire to my bedroom for a nap until the showers had ended. I was too weary to continue working on the business project that was before me. I had, for sometime, been in a self evaluation period, and I no longer felt like I knew who I was. Somewhere something had gotten lost.
I retreated to my bedroom as the thunder roared. It was illuminated only by the misty haze that hung in the spring air. I slipped out of my sweats and went across the room to toss them into the hamper. I began to re-trace my steps, as I caught my image in my mirror. I stopped, looking curiously for a moment. The hazy light made my fair skin seem luxurious. My blonde hair, pulled up, had taken on an ash tone, and my oval face was highlighted by my full blush lips and deep grey eyes.
I raised my hand to my face and traced the soft lines of my cheekbones, my eyes closed as I began caressing my flesh. I looked down at my breasts, through the mirror, full and round, they stood suspended by the bra that held them. I moved my hands to release them from the contraption that embodied them. My nipples became erect and took on a sudden glow.
I began to feel my sexuality as the sweet fragrance of my own flesh rose and hung in the heavy air. As I closed my eyes, I saw my delicate body and envisioned it wrapped lightly in silk. I placed the palms of my hands on my nipples, and began circular motions as I felt the imaginary fabric caressing them to their full alertness. I gazed again into the mirror, as I guided a hand to my panties, I felt the texture of the satin ribbon daintily tied in bows against my hips.
I tugged gently at the ribbon until the bow came untied, the corner of the panty fell down exposing the skin just to the side of my vagina. My stare into the mirror had become fixed as I stroked the skin with my littlest finger. I watched myself convince my other hand to render the other bow unsecured, allowing the light panties to drop to the floor beneath me.
(click to read entire story…)
July 2, 2007
[full story is 2,736 words]
Loneliness had become an unwelcome companion in the frigid winter nights of Agrabah. The days were still warm, but the desert cold swept through the palace with a viciousness that reminded Jasmine of vizier Jafar’s smile.
Ex-vizier, she reminded herself. He was a genie now, powerless and buried hundreds of feet under the desert sand in his own cave of wonders, where she hoped he would stay for the next ten thousand years.
She sighed and wrapped her woolen cloak tighter about her, looking out over the town where she had first ventured to find the man of her dreams, her beloved Aladdin. With the passing of her father, however, he had been named Sultan of Agrabah, and one of the consequences of his coronation was the slew of invitations to visit other Sultanates and confirm his position among them.
Not that there was any chance of war. Agrabah was a comfortable city that served its people well. Once, it had been an incredibly busy trading city along the profitable Myrrh Road, but the valley to the north had not seen rain in many years and the city there had vanished into the encroaching desert, taking the Myrrh Road with it. Agrabah’s charm along the Myrrh Road had been its powerful spring that fed their agriculture and kept them alive. Smaller now, poorer in riches but richer in spirit, Agrabah had become one of the most beautiful and self-sufficient sultanates in all of Allah’s lands, but it possessed little that would lead another warlord against it.
Her hands were freezing as she leaned against the painted stone railing. She decided to go inside, closing the ornate door behind her and crossing the cold tiles to the fireplace, stoking it up to great warmth. Behind her she heard a soft shuffle as someone pushed aside one of the heavy winter tapestries that held warmth in her room from fleeing to the rest of the chilly palace. A low rumble told her who her companion was, especially when he pressed his cold nose against the back of her neck. She turned around and grabbed the large tiger’s head in a soft and friendly hug. “Oh, Rajah,” she sighed softly. “He’s been gone so long.”
(click to read entire story…)
June 15, 2007
[full story is 797 words]
Shirll spread her legs and reclined on her bed. The music pulsed deeply, going into her very essence, causing her erotic mood to become highly sensorial. Her fingers traced the smooth lines of her body. Using a knife to cut away her panties seemed more erotically stimulating that simply removing them or masturbating through the soaked cloth. She arched her back and tried to rip open her bra by thrusting her enormous breasts forward. Through the material of her bra you could see her enormous tits and the dark subcircle around them. They were very wet from her secretions.
She massages her breasts with her left hand, while her right hand is lying gently and unmoving upon her thigh. Under the smooth caresses and fondling, her elegant breasts dilate as she sighs and smiles, she is beginning to come. Her bosom is so awe inspiring through her bra that one wonders how one could bear it if seen unclad! Suddenly the door opens and her roommate walks in…. and stares. Shirll makes no attempt to cover herself whatsoever. She spread her legs further apart and gently touched her fingers to her genitalia and brought some of the flowing juices up to her tongue.
“Hi Tanis”, she said, and arched her back with a scream of pain and ripped open her bra. Her breasts stood almost straight out, rare for someone who has ’em that enormous. And on the end of those immense nipples there was a clear fluid seeping that somewhat resembled semen. Tanis was gaping in astonishment, partly because she had never seen her stripped before, and the other reason being that of the alien fire she felt racing through her body. Unconsciously she touched herself through her jeans, as she always did whenever she felt like it — she had done so in front of Shirll many times, and had even got off when Shirll was in the room watching, however nothing ever developed beyond watching each other masturbate through their clothing. Now, however it was looking like that might change. (click to read entire story…)
June 2, 2007
[full story is 1,212 words]
Jill attends Boston University and had been dating Eric for 3 months, that is until yesterday when he broke up with her. He was seeing some other chick on the side. Jill, a senior, and 21, had never had such good sex as she had had with Eric. She already missed that part of their relationship.
Jill is a gorgeous 5’6” dirty blonde with medium length hair and a perfect body. her legs are trim, yet quite toned and her ass was also a magnificent sight. Jill has a pair of nice supple tits and a sexy belly button. Let’s put it this way, Jill probably could have hooked up with anyone she wanted too at BU. It’s a shame such girls are so picky! On this Thursday afternoon, Jill had just finished her Biology lab and was headed back to her dorm in the late afternoon cold- must have been 10 degrees. Her roommate, Jenn (another beauty), had already left for the weekend to go to UCONN, where her boyfriend attends graduate school. Jill was alone in the room and began to think of Eric and as she did, she felt a slight tingling sensation between her legs. She turned on the TV and laid her tired body on her bed to rest from the long day, when the phone rang. (click to read entire story…)
May 12, 2007
[full story is 531 words]
In answer to my question she took the biggest, thickest [tag]dildo[tag] she could find off the wall. It must have been thirteen inches. It reminded of a movie I had seen earlier with John Holmes. She took me by the hand and told me to follow her. She lead me to the front door where she turned the sign around and locked the door, then we proceeded to the rear of the store.
We went into a room with a dim light and a bed in the center and a chair in the corner. She ordered me to sit it the corner.
The girl went to the center of the room and lay on the bed. She was 5’6″, 35-23-35, she weighed about 118 lbs and she was a total fox. She was wearing a white sheer blouse with no bra, so I had a perfect picture of her nice tits and she had the biggest nipples. She also wore a blue skirt with a nice opening on the side that showed her perfect thighs. (click to read entire story…)
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