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November 24, 2007
Paula was going out of her mind, she was down to her last twenty dollars and if she didn’t find a steady source of income in a hurry she was gonna find herself out on the street!!! The rent was due in just three more day, no, make that three months rent was due in three days, and even though her landlord had been understanding of her problems, even a nice guy like Mr. Fuller would finally put his foot down sometime, and Paula was pretty sure that time would be this Friday!!! Restlessly she thumbed through the help wanted ads, when suddenly her eyes locked on an ad that read, “Women, Make Big Money Fast, No Experience Necessary, Start Tomorrow, Call 555-4321 and ask for Mr. Zolton”!!! Could this be the answer to her dreams, that she didn’t know, but as her hand reached for the phone, she sensed that her life would be changing forever!?!
“Please, have a chair, Miss Winters,” Ogden Zolton said easily, “I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the place!?!” “Uh, no, not really,” she replied softly, “your directions were perfect!!!” “Good,” he replied while leaning back in his chair and lighting up a cigarette, “so tell me, Miss Winters, do you know what we do here, I mean how we make our money!?!” “No, I don’t,” she answered quickly, “your ad wasn’t too specific on anything, except for the fact that the money was good!!!” He smiled for a second, and after blowing out a long stream of smoke, nodded and replied, “The money’s very good, in fact I’d say it was excellent, how does five hundred dollars a day sound to you!?!” “F-five hundred,” she stammered, “did you say five hundred dollars per day!?!” “Exactly,” he shot back, “and there’s a chance it could even go higher!!!” Her head was swimming at the prospect of making so much money so quickly, but her good sense told her nothing was that easy, so in a wary voice she asked, “What would I have to do to earn that kind of salary!?!” “A very good question,” Ogden Zolton replied while getting up from his desk and motioning her to follow him as he opened the door, “let me show you and you can decide if you’re cut out for our kind of work!!!”
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November 19, 2007
Hi everyone. I’m a 19 year old college student and I’m writing my first sex story. The thing is I’m really not a writer so I don’t know if I can make it as exciting as some of the other stories that are posted. Probably the best thing for me to do is to try to follow the same format I see in stories that other girls have sent you.
I’ll begin by telling you something about me.I was kind of a wall flower in high school, I didn’t date much and I didn’t have a serious boyfriend. It’s not because I’m not pretty, I was just kind of shy and usually found nice ways to turn guys down when they asked me out. The other thing was that I suspected that most guys were just trying to get laid. Like at most schools, the guys had a competition going to see who could get laid with the most girls and I didn’t want anything to do with that. After a while I got a reputation for being stuck up and most guys quit asking me out. I didn’t even go to my prom.
Like I said, I’m pretty enough. I’m a cute baby faced brunette with big brown eyes and a button nose, and even though I’m 19 I could pass for 14. I’m 5 feet tall, 103 lbs with 34B-23-33 measurements. My legs are long for a girl my height and they’re smooth and pretty.
In spite of my shyness, I did have sex quite a few times before I while I was in high school. I actually had sex with 6 different guys before I graduated but none of these guys went to my school. I made love for the first time between my freshman and sophomore years with a friend from music camp.
It was my third year at the camp and he and I had become good friends by then. We sneaked off one evening and went for a walk. I was wearing shorts and he told me I have nice legs. We found an empty class room and when we sat he started caressing my thigh. One thing led to another and we made love. Luckily, his penis wasn’t big enough to hurt me much and he pulled out before he came. I sort of instinctively finished him off with a blow job. He then played with me in an attempt to make me climax but my tender clit started to hurt from all the friction and I asked him to stop. Even though I didn’t have an orgasm, I felt like I had reached a milestone in my life by having sex.
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October 27, 2007
The agreement was that Hope would meet John on the ground level of the apartment building at the elevator bank. They would rise together in the elevator to Hope and Tom’s apartment on the eighth floor. The agreement was that for Hope and Tom’s 10th anniversary, Hope would grant Tom’s ultimate wish–to watch another man fuck Hope while Tom watched.
Hope nervously paced the ground floor, waiting for John, wondering if she would regret her agreement with Tom. She loved Tom and very much wanted to please him, but she had never shared her body with another since their wedding and worried about the consequences for their marriage.
Yet, after much discussion and mutual reassurances, both Hope and Tom had begun to feel an unequaled sense of anticipation…of excitement. Now they had only to hope the careful selection of John as a partner would not be regretted.
Hope turned as she heard slow, solid footsteps approach behind her. She looked up into John’s smiling face, his eyes dancing with light.
“You sure you want this?” he said as he brushed Hope’s hair from her face.
“An agreement is an agreement,” Hope smiled as she pressed the elevator signal “UP.”
Hope’s heartbeat began to quicken as she pressed the elevator button for the eighth floor. She quickly wiped away a narrow line of sweat upon her upper lip and hoped John would not notice as the elevator began to rise.
John smiled and Hope felt drawn to the lively crinkles around his eyes as he did so. John was well-built, at least eight inches taller than Hope and she wondered if he liked short women. She asked him his feelings and John responded, “You’re not short. You’re petite.” They both laughed.
John smiled again and reached across the elevator to pull her closer to him. His hands caressed her breasts and suddenly his hands grasped her narrow waist, lifting her and bracing her against the elevator wall as he pressed his body against her. As John’s warm mouth covered her lips, his tongue darting back and forth, Hope felt his hardened dick shove into her crotch. She gasped for breath as the elevator door opened and John lowered her to the floor.
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October 11, 2007
She was an attractive divorcee, and a lot of fun to talk to. I had no idea she would say “That sounds like a great idea!” when I suggested she join my wife and me for an evening. And the lack of resistance when I asked Jan about it didn’t really make me feel too badly.
Here we were together in the hotel suite after an evening of dining and dancing. Sally liked Tuborg Gold Tequila and Jan liked Manhattans. I was all set for both. We sat and had a few drinks, when Sally asked Jan to join her in a joint. She never had before, but was willing to try. I had just quit smoking a few years before, so didn’t dare join them.
Well, it wasn’t long, with pot and whiskey, and three people who had known each other for a few years, before the atmosphere became very, very comfortable. I finally suggested turning off the lights and lying down and they both agreed.
It was pitch dark, and my clothes were off in a flash. Lying there in the middle of the king size bed, I was growing with anticipation, hearing them both undressing on either side of the bed. Sally lay down first and I put my arm around her, kissing her gently. Her skin was so soft, and I had never touched her before. As I felt the bed move when Jan sat down, I rolled over on my back, taking her in my other arm. Her breasts were larger, and her perfume sweet, and she snuggled in closely.
I was in ecstasy, feeling both of them in my arms, and their thighs against mine. Both of their hands were exploring my chest and abdomen. Suddenly I realized that I could feel their lips and bodies, but I could no longer feel their hands. They had reached across and were exploring each other intimately. I could begin to feel their hips writhe as their fingers found each others clits and reached inside.
Then they began kissing my nipples, and running their tongues across my belly and into my belly button. Their tongues met on the tip of my penis as they were kissing the shaft on each side at the same time. Two tongues on my cock at the same time, and then an alternate seesaw battle taking turns sucking and engulfing it. And always not being able to more than guess where their hands were.
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October 6, 2007
My name is ‘Show Girl.’ I’m 23 years old, 5’5″ tall, 115 pounds, and my measurements are 36C-21-34. I’m a natural blonde, with blue eyes and I’m into sexy talking and sexy ideas.
Actually, MY fantasy is to be on a stage with a lot of people watching me dance naked. In my fantasy, the guys hoot and holler, making very lewd and suggestive remarks about what they’d like to do to me in bed. I dance alone for a while, shaking my tits in their faces, or bending over in front of them close enough for them to try to lick my pussy. They all chicken out at the last minute though, and this makes be bolder and hotter the longer I dance.
I have in mind one of those semi-round stages, with a short, straight runway straight out from the stage. I start out dressed in a skirt and blouse, and quickly lose my clothes to stand completely nude before everyone.
While I’m dancing, my pussy gets wetter and wetter, and I feel my pussy cream mixing with the sweat that covers me from dancing under the hot lights. Faces are blurred beyond the edge of the stage, but the men are all intent on checking out my body. As I dance, I get more and more suggestive about what I want. I’ll lay on my back with my legs spread and rock my hips as though I was being fucked hard and fast. Then I roll over and spread my legs and thrust back, showing everyone my wet pussy and sexy ass. This I do with a nice looking guy of about 27 sitting at the edge of the stage. I shove my ass and cunt almost in his face several times. When I get up and dance by him, I can see a thick bulge in his lap, and I know he’s hot for me.
Finally, I see a pretty woman about my age sitting at the edge of the runway with her boyfriend across the table from her. I dance down towards her and lay on my stomach, pressing my large breasts against the floor. I look her in the eye and run my tongue across my lips sensuously, then flick my tongue up and down, showing her I’d like to eat her pussy too. To my surprise, she gives me an air-kiss, and runs her tongue around her lips too.
Excited, I sit up and spread my legs wide, with my ass at the edge of the stage, gyrating my hips lewdly right in front of her. I’m daring her to show me. Then she leans forward, and I hear the crowd hush. Her tongue lightly licks my soaking pussy, and she runs it over my clit, taking me closer to a climax. She leans back and fingers my vagina, and then licks my cream from her fingers, smiling up at me.
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