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July 12, 2007
[full story is 4,087 words]
Kate and Linda left the mall, and decided to drive downtown and see ‘what kind of trouble they might be able to get into,’ as Linda laughingly called it. Kate was still buzzed about her momentous affair at the restaurant, and idly rubbed her crotch through the short skirt she had on.
“God, I’d love to be able to finger myself right now..” she murmured as Linda merged her car onto the expressway into town.
“Well, hell, go ahead, darling, I won’t tell!” grinned Linda. Kate looked at her with a gleam in her eyes. She pulled up on the hem of the skirt until her white pantied crotch came into view, then hunched down on the seat. She lifted her hips off the seat and pulled the crotch of her panties away until Linda could see the pink lips of her pussy peek out. Kate kept her bush trimmed away quite a bit, and Linda loved the sight of the glistening feminine lips. Kate moistened her index finger in her mouth and slowly wormed it up into her canal, closing her eyes and moaning softly as she did. She tweaked her clitoris as she slowly moved her finger in and out of her now-moist vulva.
“Oh god this feels sooooo good,” she breathed heavily. She continued massaging her mons and twisting first one, then two, then three fingers up into her depths. Suddenly she cried out softly, arched her hips up off the seat, and whimpered ‘cumming cumming cumming….’ through clenched lips and closed eyes. Linda smiled as her friend slumped back down onto the seat and sighed heavily.
Kate was awakened from her reverie by a honk from just outside her window. She abruptly sat up and looked out, straight into the face of the driver of a van who had pulled up to their right and, from all appearances, had watched the entire performance. He grinned at Kate, gave her the ‘thumbs up’ signal, and slowly passed their car. Kate just smiled at him and nodded.
(click to read entire story…)
July 11, 2007
[full story is 3,639 words]
Kate and Linda were convulsed with giggles as they waltzed down the mall aisle from the shoe store.
“I never saw a guy look so astonished as when I tilted that shoe up and let the cum drip down into my mouth! I thought he was gonna have a heart attack!” wheezed Linda, almost out of breath from the laughter and excitement.
“Yeah, well now it’s my turn” spoke Kate, “and I want to do it up right, too. Let’s go get something to eat.”
“..and drink!” finished Linda.
The girls made their way to a nice upscale Italian restaurant that was hidden away at one corner of the sprawling mall. After waiting a few moments, the young blond headwaiter led them to a comfortable booth near the side of the restaurant, where they could see out into the mall and watch the shoppers walk by. They glanced at the menus for a moment, and Kate motioned for the waiter.
“Yes, ladies, what’ll it be today?” he said nonchalantly, innocently looking down the top of Kate’s loose blouse at her unrestrained breasts. She noticed him immediately, and pulled the menu close to her chest coquettishly.
“I’ll have the clams with white sauce, a salad with oil and vinegar dressing, and a cup of coffee.”
“And I’ll have the same, to make it easy on you.” said Linda, a moment later. “And please bring the coffee right away.”
He walked away, and Kate leaned over to Linda. “Did you see the way he tried to look down my blouse!”
“Of course, honey, isn’t that what you want?” laughed her friend. “What do you have planned for your ‘drink’?” she quizzed.
“I think I might ask for some special cream in my coffee, like you suggested! That ought to blow his mind!” Kate whispered.
Presently the waiter returned with the coffee, placing the cups on the table in front of each lady. “Creme or sugar” he asked, not aware of the ladies upcoming request.
“None for me, I like it black, but my friend has a special need…” said Linda, barely able to conceal the excitement in her voice.
(click to read entire story…)
July 10, 2007
[full story is 3,282 words]
Kate and Linda were sitting at Kate’s small dinette table one summer morning, discussing the neighborhood gossip and local news. Their husbands were out playing golf, and as was their wont, Kate and Linda got together to chat, shop and generally goof off. Each was wearing short shorts and a light blouse, as the summer weather was quite warm.
“I tell ya, honey, that husband of mine is a real dud in bed sometimes. I dress sexy for him and talk sexy, and all he wants to do is shove it in me, jerk a few times, come, and roll over and fall asleep. I really do miss the wild times I used to have when I was younger, you know?” said Linda as she slowly sipped at the cup of coffee in her hands.
“Exactly. I mean, I love Roger dearly, and wouldn’t really want to spend my life with any other man, but jeeezus, I do get HORNY once in a while.” Kate responded. “What’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever done, Lin?” she asked almost shyly.
Linda looked at her for a few minutes, gauging the depths of the other woman’s sensitivities. She swallowed the sip of warm coffee in her mouth and leaned forwards surreptitiously.
“When I was in college I got drunk accidentally on purpose at a fraternity party. After it got real late, I ended up being the only girl there. The guys all started talking about their sexual conquests, and they all claimed to be the worlds’ greatest lovers, you know?” She stopped for a second to take another sip of coffee. “I said that any woman worth her salt could outlast ten guys, and they all laughed. I challenged them. I got up real slowly, and stripped as sexily as I could, without falling on my face! A couple of the guys hauled some mattresses out to the living room, and I lay down right in the center of them. I started stroking my cunt and licking my lips really sexy, and before you know it, there were 20 or 30 naked guys dancing around. I laid back, crooked my finger at the nearest one, and motioned him over.
(click to read entire story…)
May 12, 2007
[full story is 531 words]
In answer to my question she took the biggest, thickest [tag]dildo[tag] she could find off the wall. It must have been thirteen inches. It reminded of a movie I had seen earlier with John Holmes. She took me by the hand and told me to follow her. She lead me to the front door where she turned the sign around and locked the door, then we proceeded to the rear of the store.
We went into a room with a dim light and a bed in the center and a chair in the corner. She ordered me to sit it the corner.
The girl went to the center of the room and lay on the bed. She was 5’6″, 35-23-35, she weighed about 118 lbs and she was a total fox. She was wearing a white sheer blouse with no bra, so I had a perfect picture of her nice tits and she had the biggest nipples. She also wore a blue skirt with a nice opening on the side that showed her perfect thighs. (click to read entire story…)
February 27, 2007
[full story is 3,053 words]
After the Gulf War the Corps had no place to put me. I made the error of accepting a promotion to Major in July, I figured this war was going to happen, I might as well be in charge. I should have stayed at the comfortable rank of Captain, but I guess I wanted to be a big shot. The war was over, I was sitting around waiting for the next thing to do. Col. McBride called me in and told me that I had been RIF’d (Reduction In Force) I was out of a job. 18 1/2 years in the U.S. Marine Corps down the fucking drain.
After some soul searching I decided it was time to go back to school and work on my Doctorate. I fucking hate school, but I hate hanging around looking for something to do, even more. So, I ended up in Texas. Big fucking deal. Uncle Sam has to pay the freight so who cares. I end up living in an apartment complex full of snot-nosed mama’s boy types. I had never seen such a bunch of weird fuckers in my life. 12 weeks on the Island and I could make men out of these little homo bastards…or I’d end up killing them. After all, that’s what Marines do, they kill, and they die. It’s a great job. But this Marine is going to be smart now, he’s gonna be a P H fucking D.
I buckled down and went to work. I had a mission, I had a goal, I had no choice but to finish, and finish I will, in true Marine Corps fashion. Things got better, I was not so repulsed by the assholes who walked around wearing sweatshits that say B.U.M. Equipment and wearing their fucking hats backwards. What the fuck exactly is B.U.M. equipment? Is that some shit that the fudge-packers use? And if you can’t wear your cover squared away, get rid of the fucker, and get a fucking haircut too!
Let me tell you a little more about Major Warren Mansfield. I was born to be a Marine. I spent my lifetime getting to where I am today. I worked hard, I played every sport there was, and I fought every asshole in my school just so I could learn to live with pain. I went to college and got my degree, then off to the University of Science Music and Culture (U.S.M.C.) 12 weeks at Parris Island, the best, most memorable days of my life. I was hit, I was kicked, I was slapped, punched and pissed on. I ate constantino wire and pissed napalm. I learned to do what I was bred to do. I learned how to be a killing machine. One year later I lead my troops into a small village in Viet Nam, and I got to see first hand what a blown-up skull looks like. Sure I was a young Lieutenant, but I felt like a seasoned war dog by the time we secured that little piece of commie heaven.
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