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September 28, 2006
[full story is 2,783 words]
As a frequent jetsetter, I have for long fantasized about this exclusive club, which in reality probably has few authentic members who have genuinely screwed their way through the stratosphere. How can you manage to have-it-away on board a crowded airliner? Well recently I succeeded – and how! This amazing experience happened on the top deck of a BA 747 heading out of New York for Heathrow, with a beautiful girl I had never met before.
I had had a hectic day getting my work completed before flying out, got to the airport late, and consequently was glad to have got through the airport hassle and slump into my Club Class seat. The top deck of the 747 has a small cabin which some airlines use for first class passengers, but many including BA, use for Business Class; there are only 20 or 30 seats, which gives you the feeling of being in a small, but spacious airliner. The top deck is reached via a spiral staircase and you travel cut off from the masses on the main deck below. This flight, luckily, was fairly empty so I was fortunate that through the lottery of seat allocations, Karen, as she turned out to be named, took up the aisle seat corresponding to my window seat and nobody else got seated either between us or in the row on the other side of the aisle.
Karen was petite and blonde, about 25 I guessed, (rightly as it turned out), and clearly well formed in all the important places. She had remarkably light blue eyes and was obviously in some form of business, as she had a small patent leather brief case and when she took her coat off she was smartly dressed in a grey skirt and white blouse – which showed her firm, well-shaped figure to good effect. I found out later that she was Swedish, a junior salesperson for an internationally known cosmetics company, who at short notice had been given a lucky break to substitute for her boss on a business trip to the USA. Her smart but plain business-woman’s dress looked sexy on her. Her firm breasts thrust out firmly through her white silk blouse as she arched her back to remove her coat and hand it to the stewardess. Black lacy stockings showed her well shaped legs to advantage. But she also radiated something sensual which aroused the first slight stirrings in my crotch. I realized I was feeling quite horny and in the mood for conquest, but not in my wildest dreams did I guess what delights were to follow! (click to read entire story…)
September 23, 2006
[full story is 682 words]
To me reading about real happenings is a much better turn on than reading someone’s imagination. The following story is absolutely true and did happen as written. It may be small and even seem a bit ‘so whatish’ to some people, but oh well its my memory.
Here I was, a virile 17 year old at the time of this adventure in my life, was a thin male, 6ft tall, and still a virgin. Had a fingerfuck experience with a girl earlier that year but that was it.
It was a very hot and humid day in sunny south Florida. I had driven to my favorite beach located next to a state park in southern florida. This beach area does not have lifeguards or ordinances against dogs or drinking or anything for that matter.
I had been drinking all the way there and was feeling pretty good. I had just finishing the remains of an old ‘doob’ I had found in the ashtray from the day prior, when I turned off the main highway onto the dirt access road to the beach. I parked the car in the designated area and gathered my small cooler and towel and walked down towards the beach. I scanned the area for people that were in the buff. (click to read entire story…)
September 14, 2006
[full story is 4,578 words]
Jerry Gilman yawned and wiped his face with a towel. He stared blearily at his watch. Slowly, his eyes focused on the face. 2:30 A.M. He carefully put down the soldering iron and stared at the device on his bench.
The Amplifier didn’t look like much. A tangle of wiring and integrated circuits. In the center was one of the new room-temperature superconducting chips. He’d had to scrounge it from the University’s Supplies Department…well, he thought…steal it, really.
The idea had come to him one day as he worked on his PhD thesis. He was working on a double doctorate, Cognitive Science and Electronics. His thesis had to do with ‘coupling’ to brain signals. Originally, he’d expected the work to lead to better EEG machines.
But a breakthrough had happened. Jerry had realized that there were two sides to communicating with the brain. And the new superconductors…He had been working like a fiend for two months. He hadn’t mentioned it to his thesis advisors–the implications were too huge. So he’d had to pretend to be working on his original thesis. This amounted to two full-time jobs, and the effort was beginning to tell on him.
He shut everything down and went to his apartment to crash. He slept for 48 hours straight, then returned to the lab.
In the light of day, the Amplifier looked even less imposing. His calculations and tests said it should work. But would it?
He placed the Amp into a small plastic box and put the unit in his pocket. In the other pocket went the heavy battery pack which would power it. Grunting, he made a note to work on minimizing the power requirements. A fine wire ran under his shirt, up his neck, and to a small adhesive patch on his temple. He covered the patch with a cap.
Inspecting himself in the mirror, he decided the set-up was unobtrusive enough. Only the thin wire was visible. He strolled outside onto the campus. It was a sunny, bright day, and the green quadrangle was filled with students. Jerry switched on the Amplifier. He staggered, almost fell to his knees. A wave of thoughts and emotions surged through his mind. Frantically, he fumbled for the gain control. At last, he had adjusted the Amp so that he could deal with the input. (click to read entire story…)
September 2, 2006
[full story is 1,733 words]
Atlanta has always been a fun town for me, but this trip had been even better. I had ordered a custom Jeep from an Atlanta customizer. Having a big-wheel four wheel drive vehicle had been a dream for a long time and the time had finally arrived.
We signed the papers late in the evening, so after tooling around town for a while, I had rented a motel room, planning to get an early start back to Alabama. I overslept and after breakfast and checking out of the motel, I didn’t get on the road until after eight.
I quickly noticed a benefit to the large wheels I had not anticipated. It put me way above the rest of the traffic and I had a great view. But the view was even better from time to time as I would pass cars and look down to see lovely legs through the window. Occasionally, I would even catch a glimpse of frilly panties peeking out.
I put the Jeep’s cruise control on 73 mph after I got out of the metro area. I figured that there would be fools going a lot faster that would get the unwanted attention from those Georgia Patrol cars that seemed to lurk everywhere on the interstate. Up ahead, I noticed a red convertible with long blond hair flying in the wind. My speed was a little faster than hers so I slowly crept up on her. As I closed in, I heard the sound of her stereo system blasting over the wind noise. The music must have covered the sound of the Jeep, because there was no reaction as I drew along side the lady.
To my delight, the lovely lady seemed to have other things on her mind. Her skirt was pulled up and her hand was busy frigging her pussy inside her panties, keeping time with the beat of the music. It looked like she was having a ball as she cruised. I had a hard time concentrating on the road and watching the display at the same time. I hoped she wouldn’t notice me for a while so I could keep watching. (click to read entire story…)
August 30, 2006
I thought I was a freak. You see, I am a girl and I like wearing diapers. When I say diapers I mean diapers and rubber pants. I was glad to learn that other people, especially women, wore diapers too.
It started when I was sixteen. I had a friend take me to get my drivers license. I was taking the written examination when I noticed the girl across the counter from me was dancing around. She was hopping from one foot to the other. I thought she was so nervous she would never pass the driving test even If she passed the written test. Just as I finished the written test I heard her sigh with relief and I thought she must have finished too. I soon found out what she had finished. She had just finished peeing.
She had been dancing around trying to hold it in but had finally let go. It was not obvious that was what had happened. But, as she came up to turn in her test I heard a woman say “You wet your diaper, didn’t you?” The girl said “Yes momma, I tried to hold it but couldn’t wait any longer.” I made it a point to look but could see no sign that she was wearing a diaper, let alone a wet one. Her mom must have noticed her dancing around and knew when the girl quit what had happened.
I was told it would be about an hour before I could take my driving test so I decided to use the ladies room while I waited. As I came out of the stall in the ladies room I saw the same girl. She was laying on the floor with her skirt around her waist. She was wearing a wet diaper which her mother was removing. I washed my hands real slow as I watched in the mirror over the sink. When the diaper was off her, her mother washed her up, put another diaper under her and pinned it in place. She handed the girl a pair of rubber pants. The girl stood up, pulled the rubber pants up, let her skirt down and they left the room. By the time I got out of the ladies room they were calling my name to take my driving test.
(click to read entire story…)
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