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July 12, 2007
[full story is 4,087 words]
Kate and Linda left the mall, and decided to drive downtown and see ‘what kind of trouble they might be able to get into,’ as Linda laughingly called it. Kate was still buzzed about her momentous affair at the restaurant, and idly rubbed her crotch through the short skirt she had on.
“God, I’d love to be able to finger myself right now..” she murmured as Linda merged her car onto the expressway into town.
“Well, hell, go ahead, darling, I won’t tell!” grinned Linda. Kate looked at her with a gleam in her eyes. She pulled up on the hem of the skirt until her white pantied crotch came into view, then hunched down on the seat. She lifted her hips off the seat and pulled the crotch of her panties away until Linda could see the pink lips of her pussy peek out. Kate kept her bush trimmed away quite a bit, and Linda loved the sight of the glistening feminine lips. Kate moistened her index finger in her mouth and slowly wormed it up into her canal, closing her eyes and moaning softly as she did. She tweaked her clitoris as she slowly moved her finger in and out of her now-moist vulva.
“Oh god this feels sooooo good,” she breathed heavily. She continued massaging her mons and twisting first one, then two, then three fingers up into her depths. Suddenly she cried out softly, arched her hips up off the seat, and whimpered ‘cumming cumming cumming….’ through clenched lips and closed eyes. Linda smiled as her friend slumped back down onto the seat and sighed heavily.
Kate was awakened from her reverie by a honk from just outside her window. She abruptly sat up and looked out, straight into the face of the driver of a van who had pulled up to their right and, from all appearances, had watched the entire performance. He grinned at Kate, gave her the ‘thumbs up’ signal, and slowly passed their car. Kate just smiled at him and nodded.
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October 16, 2006
[full story is 1,618 words]
A co-worker said to me, “Everybody’s got a broken heart story!” I imagine that they do. I had a lot of trouble getting over mine. You’ll never know how many times I wrote this story, reliving the moments described here. This is a true story. In the interest of my good mental health it’s far past time for me to post this story and delete all copies I have of it and be done with it. Don’t ask me for additional copies, real names or real places. Any mail I receive regarding this story will be ignored and forgotten.
April Fool’s Day of 1981 – “Playing the Fool”
I used to work nights at the hospital. I liked how quiet the hospital was on night shift. With only a few duties to perform, I often read all night long. At the end of night shift would come a beautifully still morning, where I could go downtown and take care of daily business before most people were awake.
The only problem with night shift is not being able to sleep with my girlfriend, Jane. Because her schedule was opposite of mine, she had stayed home all night and would go to work later in the day. The only time I had a chance to be with her was early mornings. I treasured these mornings we had together. My future plans at the time included not only mornings together, but living our lives together.
I walked softly down the hall in the early morning light, trying not to wake my neighbors in the adjacent apartments. I opened the door and threw my coat on a nearby chair. I tiptoed to the bedroom door hoping I could slide quietly into bed with my lover, Jane. As I neared the door, I noticed it was shut. As I stood just outside the door I heard a low sounding noise.
I will never forget what I saw next as I walked into the room. That moment will replay in my head for many years to come.
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August 27, 2006
Chapter 4
Both men were working as a team now. One with finger busy slipping in and out of her cunt, while the other petted the clit standing from the soft lips of her pussy. Lisa was coming continuously with both pairs of male fingers fucking her cunt.
Suddenly, she dropped her eyes from the screen. The seat in front of her was occupied, but not in the usual manner.
In fact, the owner of the seat was not facing the screen at all.
He had turned and was staring directly between her wide open thighs, as her feet rested high on the seat, exposing all of her legs, her soft wet cunt, and, her curvaceous ass as well.
He was staring deeply into her opened thighs, watching as the two busy hands and twirling fingers were fucking her squelching wet cunt.
Her instinctive female reaction took over. Her open thighs snapped tightly together, protecting her pussy from the man’s view, pulled at her skirt and drew it down over her pussy and legs.
Bill insistently pulled her dress back up over her belly, exposing her wet cunt, putting pressure on the inside of her thigh to make her open her legs wider again. She realized that Bill had probably noticed the newcomer before she had, knowing he was watching her cunt. At first, she was tempted to fight Bill’s pressure on her thigh to open her legs, but than on second thought, she relaxed and spread her legs, moving higher on the seat to bring her hot steamy cunt closer to his staring face.
(click to read entire story…)
There’s no other line of “work” as pleasurable and as overflowing with opportunities to enjoy luxury, travel and riches as that of the gigolo. And believe it or not, today it is easier than ever for a man to enjoy life as a gigolo!
To become a successful gigolo and enjoy the benefits of this kind of life, you must develop and project the proper way of thinking. There’s a great difference between a “male prostitute” and a gigolo.
The male prostitute makes himself available to all women of all ages, generally concentrating on bored, frustrated and “exploring” housewives looking for extra loving as well as variety to satisfy their sex needs. This type of woman is very easy to spot, and even easier to take to bed. It makes of a lot of, and a variety of beautiful sex, but it’s all for free. You have to know precisely how to cultivate these women to start, and then get them to continue paying you for each time you “service” them — not just the loan of a few dollars — which you never intend to pay back — but $50 or $100 plus expenses for each tryst you arrange with them.
The gigolo concentrates his efforts on making himself available to widows and wives of busy businessmen who really don’t care what their wives do, so long as they don’t become embroiled in a public scandal. These women range in age from about 45, on into their 80s.
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August 26, 2006
Oh shit! This guy makes porno movies! You heard of them, but had never seen one. Why didn’t you read it more carefully? You decide it is time for you to leave. So you head for the door. He blocks you and asks where you think you are going. “Home,” you tell him.
“Unh-uh. Not so fast babe. Remember those contracts you signed? You want me to sue your ass off? Looks to me like you don’t even have enough money for a lawyer.”
Damn! He tricked you. It’s not fair! But you don’t know what to do. He’s right, you can’t afford lunch, much less a lawyer. So you decide there’s nothing you really can do. You don’t want to go to jail.
“Ok. What do I have to do to get them back?”
(click to read entire story…)