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November 8, 2007
Pete Tyler knew he was asking for trouble when he slid open the unlocked window. But without a moment’s hesitation slipped inside of the unoccupied house. Only two weeks out of prison and here he was back prowling homes in search of jewelry, money, or anything else of value that he could be hidden under his coat. Like the old pro he was he immediately rifled through an unlocked jewelry case only to find that it only contained cheap costume settings that were practically worthless! After tossing the case away in disgust he made his way to the den and made short work of the desk and adjoining file cabinet. “Dammit,” he said under his breath, “a guy can’t even make a dishonest buck anymore robbing houses.” He was just about ready to sneak out the back door when all of a sudden, and much to his surprise, the door swung open and a cute little red haired woman of about twenty eight barged into the kitchen carry several bags of groceries!
It was too late to run, and for a hot second both startled parties just stared at each other trying to figure out exactly what to do next! The woman glanced back at the still open door and was about to make a break for it when Pete pulled a switch blade from his pocket and said menacingly, “You’ll never make it, honey, so why don’t you just set down the bags and let’s think this through!” “W-what are you doing in my house?” the woman asked fearfully. Pete reached out and grabbed the woman’s purse and replied evenly, “I was looking for this, and by the way, thanks!” “Take it and get out!” she pleaded. “That’s all I have!” Pete counted out forty six dollars and tossed the now empty purse onto the kitchen counter before saying, “Ya know what?” “For the past four years I did nothing but think about having someone like you, and now I’m gonna get to!!!”
Pete grabbed the stunned young woman by the arm and literally dragged her into the bedroom. “N-no, please no!” she begged but to no avail. “P-please leave me alone!” He tossed her like a rag doll onto the bed and for the first time she got a good look at him, and it made her shudder with trepidation! He was at least six feet tall and very powerfully built with wide shoulders and bulging biceps on his brawny arms!
(click to read entire story…)
October 29, 2007
It was getting close to lunch time and I was already restless. I was staring into the terminal of my workstation, not concentrating on what I needed to do, but thinking of wild sexual encounters involving myself and my latest lust.
There was a light tap at the door behind me, taking me out of my reverie. I turned to see the part-timer, Anita, looking around the door as she opened it. She had started the previous day. She was doing a report for the boss and I had been assigned to answer any questions that she may have had.
The day before, while she had been in the adjacent office, going over the project with the boss I couldn’t help but notice her. She wore a modest skirt which came to about her knees. He legs were marvelous, thin and shapely. She had a fine body with sensual curves. She wasn’t skinny, or thin, but she was fine. Her breasts, full and perfectly proportioned, pressed against the light blouse that she wore. Her face was pretty and she had a wonderful mane of long, auburn hair.
As she left the office with her bundle of notebooks and papers, Anita’s eyes met mine. They were a light shade of brown. Her smile was infectious. It made an electric sensation go through my body and my head was light. I smiled my best smile back at her. She didn’t look away and with a wave and a crinkle of her eye, she said “See You!” and was out the door. She was scheduled to be here for the rest of the week and suddenly I had the feeling that it was going to be quite good.
She had come by on two occasions the previous day. On the first, she had only inquired about how to format the report she was working on. She stood at the door, leaning into my office as she asked.
I turned in my chair to face her. Her hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned forward and her blouse fell open a bit, offering a brief glimpse of her treasures as she asked, “How should print this when I’m done?” I could feel a stirring in my loins. I said, “You can just keep the text in block paragraphs and put the figures in columns under however many headings you feel necessary.” I couldn’t take my eyes away from the opening of her blouse, hoping that I would get another view. When I finally shifted my gaze up to her face, Anita had a knowing look and a sly smile. She said “O.K., I can do that,” then she stepped out of the office and closed the door behind her.
Later when she returned she had a rough draft of the report compiled from a small percentage of the stats she had reviewed. She set the pad on the desk in front of me and leaned over my shoulder and pointed out key elements as I read. I could smell her scent, not a perfume, but a sweet feminine scent. I could hardly concentrate, I could feel my pulse quicken. Her hair was on my shoulder and felt as light as clouds.
(click to read entire story…)
October 25, 2007
Their eyes had met at the turnstile….his fare ticket had been returned with a “See Attendant” notice, and his blush was very noticeable against his blonde beard. Rachael smiled sympathetically as he moved aside and let her through.
Sexy eyes she thought to herself as she walked to the escalator descending to the train platform. Hearing the train doors open, she ran quickly down the slowly moving stairway and arrived just in time to see the doors closing and the train pulling away. “Nutz!” she mumbled under her breath, and moved to her accustomed queue position, where she opened her novel.
The ill-fated mad dash to the train platform had made her warm and she removed her long coat, dropping her book in the process. As she bent over to pick it up, her rear end bumped against the person in back of her, and she swiftly straightened, turning to apologize. Now it was her turn to blush as she saw that same blonde beard and sexy eyes she had encountered upstairs at the turnstile. She had noticed him many times before, and had imagined he had watched her a few times as well, although she didn’t think it was true.
She averted her eyes quickly, not knowing what his thoughts were, but she couldn’t restrain her own. She tried to go back to her book, but couldn’t concentrate. The stranger had stepped forward to the side to look down the tunnel for an oncoming train, and she could see the slight bulge in his suit pants in spite of the jacket he held over his arm. He stepped back in place behind her, and she went back to her story.
Soon, she felt something push gently up against her ass, which felt much like a briefcase. He must have made a mistake, she thought, and mentally forgave him. Shifting from one foot to the other, she couldn’t help fantasizing about this stranger behind her. She had noticed he was about her age, of average height and weight; the kind of teddy bear she would love to hold and suckle. His face was that average-guy good looking, with strong cheekbones (what she could see beneath his beard), and smiling blue eyes.
Well, what am I doing day-dreaming about him” she asked herself. After all, he probably wouldn’t even LOOK at me. She unobtrusively tugged at her slightly snug blouse, smoothing it over her breasts, and rounded hips.
She had been uncomfortable all day, noticing how this blouse accentuated her large breasts, and how the new brassier she was wearing held them up and allowed them to bounce MUCH too much when she walked.
(click to read entire story…)
October 21, 2007
Third of the “Deb’s Tails” series. There are more in the works; Deb has told me several others, I just need to find the time to write them down.
My wife, Deborah, often tells me “bedtime stories” of her sexual adventures. Some of them I know are true, either because I was there, or because she has corroborative evidence. Some of them, I’m sure, are fictional. Others, I’m just not sure about.
I don’t know about the truth of this one. It sounds like the kind of thing she’d do if she were in the right mood, but since I wasn’t there, I can’t vouch for it.
If you’ve ever heard anything about the New York subways, you probably think you know what they’re like. Noisy, obnoxious, and crowded. Most of the time that’s true, but as any New Yorker will tell you — once you get past his pride in living in the least livable city in the country — that some trains can be practically empty if you pick the right times and routes. Many evenings, around 10 or 11, even the busiest routes start emptying out, and by midnight it’s sometimes possible to have a car to yourself.
In all fairness to New York, though, it does have it’s good points. The Circle Line is one of them. It’s a mini-cruise around Manhattan (it is an island, you know!) Any place that’s got a decent-sized body of water has something similar. Seattle has trips around Puget Sound, New Orleans has riverboats running along the river. The Circle Line cruise is really beautiful at night with the city all lit up, but in the middle of winter, you can — and probably will — freeze your ass off.
Deb and I often have separate social lives — an inevitable reaction to work-related gatherings where people sit around and talk shop. What usually happened in New York was that I’d stay home and play with my techie-toys while she was out partying with her colleagues, or she’d stay home with a book while I was out cheering for the Mets. Naturally, that meant a few solo subway rides for both of us, often at somewhat odd hours.
This is the story of one of those trips as Deb told it to me (albeit, with my title).
(click to read entire story…)
October 13, 2007
The phone rang, and Jennifer jumped. Darlene, her roommate, gave her an annoyed look and picked up the phone. “Hello? Yeah, this is Darlene. Huh? Oh, sure…I have it right here.” Flashing Jennifer another annoyed look, she picked up her math assignment sheet and started to read an assignment from it.
Jenny hugged her pillow close to her, listening to the phone conversation and trying to take refuge in its relative normalcy. It wasn’t him. Thank god it wasn’t him. She pressed her cheek into the soft fabric of the pillow, and held it tightly. Her eyes stared to the side, her mind fighting once again to deny what had happened to her before. It seemed like a dream now, but Jennifer knew it had not been a dream. She could not wake up from this nightmare.
She heard the click as Darlene hung up, and heard her roommate stand. She didn’t look, but she knew the expression that was on Darlene’s face; it was Darlene’s exasperation look, with her eyebrows jagged and her lips pursed together tightly. Jennifer had been seeing Darlene’s exasperation look quite a bit lately.
“You want to tell me what the hell is going on, Jennifer?” Darlene snapped. “I can see being startled by the phone, once, maybe twice, but EVERY FUCKING TIME? What’s gotten into you? You’re so jumpy lately… and you won’t tell me why! What’s wrong, Jennifer?”
Jennifer was silent for a moment. Once again, she was tempted to just blurt out the whole story, about Mark, about his powers, what he had done to her. And once again, she stopped herself. For one, she didn’t want to draw anyone into this beside herself. And for another…who would believe her? Jenny barely believed it herself.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she mumbled.
“What?!? The hell, nothing’s wrong! You’ve completely weirded out on me, Jen! You stay in the room all day, moping around, staring into space. You won’t answer the phone anymore, and it seems to scare you to death whenever it rings…you won’t talk to anyone, you don’t go out anymore…you can’t tell me nothing’s wrong. Give me some credit, Jennifer!”
(click to read entire story…)
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