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September 6, 2006
[full story is 1,852 words]
When I was at [tag]school[/tag], I used to sing in the choir. The reason was quite simple to the average horny boy – 25 girls to 10 boys and the sexiest teacher in the school in charge of it. My lust at the time was for a girl called Alison who just happened to be in the choir as well. We used to get on famously but I always seemed to lack the courage to ask her out. She was [tag]sixteen[/tag] (same age as me), brown hair and eyes, 5’4″, had all her curves in the right places and whenever she smiled she sent me wild.
Anyway one night we had a concert not too far from were she lived and after it was over, being the chivalrous type, I walked her home. Can’t remember what we talked about now but it was probably something stupid like homework or who randy bandy Leslie, the class slut, was having that night. When we arrived at her house, she asked me in for a coffee and of course I said yes. Her parents had quite a nice house – what little of it I saw on that occasion. She showed me through to the lounge, put the TV on and disappeared into the kitchen or so I thought. When she came back she had changed out of her school uniform (always worn at choir concerts) and was wearing a tight pair of jeans, a thin blouse through which i could see the lacy outline of her well-filled bra and in her hands were two steaming cups of coffee. (click to read entire story…)
September 3, 2006
[full story is 1,393 words]
As she walked into the store I could tell she was in great shape. She wore a halter top and shorts of a bright orange color, which really set off her fantastic tan. As she approached me I watched as her thighs would constrict and relax, constrict and relax with each step. I guess I gawked because she smiled at me and the look in her eyes was a taunting one.
“Where do you keep the blank cassettes?”
“Right this way.”
As I started to show her where they were she said, “oh, stay there I’ll find them myself.”
As she walked away I had the feeling she wanted me to watch her from the rear. What a sight! The ripple of muscle in her buttocks was fantastic; but, the bunching of her calves, which were accented by her high heels, was truly awesome. She got her tapes, came up to the counter and looked around to see if anyone else was in the store. We were alone.
“Are you a betting man?” she asked coyly.
“Well, sometimes, why?” I replied.
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll bet I can beat you in [tag]arm wrestling[/tag] and even make you beg me to take these tapes for free. Wanna bet?” (click to read entire story…)
September 2, 2006
[full story is 1,733 words]
Atlanta has always been a fun town for me, but this trip had been even better. I had ordered a custom Jeep from an Atlanta customizer. Having a big-wheel four wheel drive vehicle had been a dream for a long time and the time had finally arrived.
We signed the papers late in the evening, so after tooling around town for a while, I had rented a motel room, planning to get an early start back to Alabama. I overslept and after breakfast and checking out of the motel, I didn’t get on the road until after eight.
I quickly noticed a benefit to the large wheels I had not anticipated. It put me way above the rest of the traffic and I had a great view. But the view was even better from time to time as I would pass cars and look down to see lovely legs through the window. Occasionally, I would even catch a glimpse of frilly panties peeking out.
I put the Jeep’s cruise control on 73 mph after I got out of the metro area. I figured that there would be fools going a lot faster that would get the unwanted attention from those Georgia Patrol cars that seemed to lurk everywhere on the interstate. Up ahead, I noticed a red convertible with long blond hair flying in the wind. My speed was a little faster than hers so I slowly crept up on her. As I closed in, I heard the sound of her stereo system blasting over the wind noise. The music must have covered the sound of the Jeep, because there was no reaction as I drew along side the lady.
To my delight, the lovely lady seemed to have other things on her mind. Her skirt was pulled up and her hand was busy frigging her pussy inside her panties, keeping time with the beat of the music. It looked like she was having a ball as she cruised. I had a hard time concentrating on the road and watching the display at the same time. I hoped she wouldn’t notice me for a while so I could keep watching. (click to read entire story…)
September 1, 2006
She got out of her car and locked it before she shut the door. She took the stuff out of the trunk after opening it. Carrying a blanket and a good book with her as she stumbled through the dense woods. She finally reached a clearing and gasped at the sight. Acres of green tall grass lay before her. Smiling, she skipped to a spot she thought would be safe to settle down.
After laying the blanket down, she laid on her stomach and started to read the book. The sun shone on her, making her a little hot. She sat up and took her shirt off then laid it down beside her. She resumed her reading.
Deeply engrossed in her book, she didn’t see a shadow fall on her. She jumped when she felt a hand touch her shoulder, stifling a scream. She stared into the person’s face in bewilderment. She sat up and covered her chest, since she was clad in a sexy bra. The person moved and she saw his face. She sighed with relief as he spoke.
“Did I startle you? I’m sorry,” he said.
(click to read entire story…)
August 28, 2006
“Hi Craig.” she said as we passed in the hallway, “remember me?” It isn’t that I didn’t recognize her, it’s just that I didn’t expect to ever run into her again. Hilary had graduated from the university some four or five years earlier, and it is pretty unusual for former students to return to visit beyond a year or two after graduation.
“Well hello Hilary, what are you doing here?” I replied, a little surprised, since I didn’t remember her being overly friendly with me, especially since I was merely on the staff at this university, and not one of the faculty.
Hilary explained that she had been invited back to give a guest lecture to the current students on the life of a working actress on the road with bus and truck musicals.
These are revivals of old standard musicals, usual a performing vehicle for some fading variety star of twenty years ago, like Robert Goulet or Debbie Reynolds. They go from city to city playing anywhere from one day to a couple of weeks. It can mean being on the road for months at a time. The name comes from the fact that the scenery travels in a truck, and the performers in a bus. The hours are long and the work grueling, and the hotel rooms are all the same. However, the pay can be excellent, and competition for the roles is tough. If you can last it out on the road for any length of time, you are good, and you are tough.
And Hilary was tough. When she was a theatre student, she was not one your stars-in-the-eyes innocent acting students. Quite the contrary, as the daughter of professional performers, she knew what it took to succeed, and because of that she worked hard at her craft. After four years of intense study, she had developed into a talented singer, actress and dancer.
Her biggest drawback as a performer was that she was small. Petite is perhaps a better word. Standing barely five feet tall, Hilary was not the standard show girl type. All the more need for talent and sheer will to get ahead in the business.
Her small stature was never a drawback in my book. Being on the short side of average height myself, I always had a preference for small women. And Hilary fit my ideal almost to a ‘T’. At five foot, she may have weighted ninety five pounds or so, but her small body was exquisitely shaped and well packed to boot, her shape reminded me of Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing. When she was still a student I can remember watching her rehearse, and being fascinated with her small taut round thighs and her pert tits, that jiggled so nicely when she danced. My pulse would quicken rise whenever she was dancing on stage and an actor would lift her so that her costume would rise to reveal her high round butt encased in lycra and lace. She was the kind of vision that would occupy both my sleeping and waking dreams. I spent much of my time back stage watching her great little ass.
(click to read entire story…)
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