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November 8, 2007
Pete Tyler knew he was asking for trouble when he slid open the unlocked window. But without a moment’s hesitation slipped inside of the unoccupied house. Only two weeks out of prison and here he was back prowling homes in search of jewelry, money, or anything else of value that he could be hidden under his coat. Like the old pro he was he immediately rifled through an unlocked jewelry case only to find that it only contained cheap costume settings that were practically worthless! After tossing the case away in disgust he made his way to the den and made short work of the desk and adjoining file cabinet. “Dammit,” he said under his breath, “a guy can’t even make a dishonest buck anymore robbing houses.” He was just about ready to sneak out the back door when all of a sudden, and much to his surprise, the door swung open and a cute little red haired woman of about twenty eight barged into the kitchen carry several bags of groceries!
It was too late to run, and for a hot second both startled parties just stared at each other trying to figure out exactly what to do next! The woman glanced back at the still open door and was about to make a break for it when Pete pulled a switch blade from his pocket and said menacingly, “You’ll never make it, honey, so why don’t you just set down the bags and let’s think this through!” “W-what are you doing in my house?” the woman asked fearfully. Pete reached out and grabbed the woman’s purse and replied evenly, “I was looking for this, and by the way, thanks!” “Take it and get out!” she pleaded. “That’s all I have!” Pete counted out forty six dollars and tossed the now empty purse onto the kitchen counter before saying, “Ya know what?” “For the past four years I did nothing but think about having someone like you, and now I’m gonna get to!!!”
Pete grabbed the stunned young woman by the arm and literally dragged her into the bedroom. “N-no, please no!” she begged but to no avail. “P-please leave me alone!” He tossed her like a rag doll onto the bed and for the first time she got a good look at him, and it made her shudder with trepidation! He was at least six feet tall and very powerfully built with wide shoulders and bulging biceps on his brawny arms!
(click to read entire story…)
November 9, 2006
[full story is 3,395 words]
My throat was dry as I approached the door to the clinic. I wondered what it would be like, would it be cold and clinical or warm and sensual, would there be a lot of people around, would I be alone, what would it be like.
I opened the door, and stepped inside, I was in a reception area that was empty except for a receptionist. I hesitated a moment and then she looked up from her work and asked me if she could help me. I told her my name and she looked in a book and said that the doctor would be with me shortly and would I please have a seat. I sat down and picked up a magazine and leafed aimlessly through it, my mine racing on what lay ahead, I could hear soft music playing over the speakers, and the air was heavy with the usual scent of a doctors office. As my mind wondered I was startled to hear my name being called… I looked up and a young lady in the white uniform of a nurse was holding the door open and asking me to follow her. I stood, took a deep breath and followed her down a hall, walking past several examination rooms, finally she stopped, told me to go in,and sit on the table. She took my blood pressure, asked me a few questions about my past [tag]medical[/tag] history, then said the doctor would be in shortly.
I sat there for what seemed like the longest time, when finally I heard a soft knock at the door, the door opened and in stepped a young man, in his early thirties. He introduced himself as Dr. Snyder, we exchanged a few pleasantries and then he asked me what I knew about the research they were doing, I said not much, just that the ad had alluded to research into feminine sexuality. He said that was correct insofar as it went. He said more specifically they were doing research into various methods of women achieving orgasm, and measuring the speed, intensity, and subjective feelings the woman was experiencing during the buildup to [tag]orgasm[/tag] and during the actual orgasm. He went onto explain that the various methods they would be comparing were [tag]masturbation[/tag] by the subject, masturbation using a vibrator, induced by the doctor using clitoral massage, plus a new method they were testing called [tag]electro-stimulation[/tag]. He must have seen my reaction when he mentioned electro-stimulation, because he said, ” I can see you have a question about electro-stimulation.” I said yes, and that I had never heard of it before. He said it held great promise in their studies so far it appeared to be a very pleasant and efficient way to induce an orgasm. He told me that if I decided to proceed, he would explain it in greater detail to me at that time.
(click to read entire story…)
November 3, 2006
[full story is 1,041 words]
My wife Teri and I have a game going between us. She teases me with her sexy body and the sheer animal lust builds up inside of me. I hold out as long as possible, until I can’t stand it any more and I have to have her! Pretty fun game, huh? It can lead to some quite interesting (and wild) events.
A few nights ago she and I were playing a game of Scrabble. Sometime during the game she got up and left the room (“to use the restroom,” she said), and when she came back, she was wearing extremely revealing negligee. We managed to play a few more turns as my foot explored her sexy legs and body under the table, and my cock throbbed and threatened to bust out of my shorts like the Incredible Hulk. Then she jumped up, laughing, and ran out of the room. Oh was I horny!
I got up, grabbed the bowl of popcorn that was sitting next to the Scrabble board, and headed after her. “I’M COMING FOR YOU!!!” I yelled. “I’M GONNA RIP ALL YOUR CLOTHES OFF AND EAT YOU UP!!!” I could hear her shout from the bedroom, “Eeeeek!! A rapist cannibal!”
My dick was pointing straight out, leading the way down the hall. When I entered the bedroom, I saw her knockout body lying on the bed. She’d removed her bra and pulled on one of my old T-shirts.
“Here I come,” I whispered, and made drooling sounds like some sex maniac who’d broken into the house. She squirmed and writhed on the bed, saying “no, please, don’t hurt me, don’t eat me, I’ll do anything, please…” Her body writhed and undulated, the large breasts jiggling and moving back and forth underneath the T-shirt. I set the popcorn bowl on the nightstand and sat down on the bed next to her. My hands went out and landed on each side of her body. “No please don’t hurt me don’t eat me I’ll do anything don’t kill me” she whispered. Her boobs continued to wiggle and jiggle intoxicatingly, and my hands headed that way of their own volition. They came to her breasts and squeezed. “Ooooooh!” she moaned, as her whole body seemed to spasm in response to the feel of my clutching hands. That darn T-shirt was hiding those beautiful boobs, her delicious body. I had to look at it, feel it, lick it, kiss it! My hands slid down to the bottom front of the shirt, and took firm hold. Muscles flexing, fueled by intense horniness, my arms pulled my hands away from each other…
(click to read entire story…)
September 12, 2006
[full story is 1,493 words]
Author’s Note: Daddy is my lover, this is a fantasy my lover likes to portray, this is a fictional story that should not be construed as incestuous in nature.
Shall I ignore his protests that I stop tormenting his caged lust? Should I bend down in front of him as he gazes into my eyes? Or should I chastise him for the unspoken lust that his eyes are pleading to me?
I think I shall give him some of the loving he is so eagerly asking for. Please my sweet, let me have you just one more time. The quick fuck in the meadow had not quenched her desires much, Daddy, please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t mean to make you hard before dinner. But dinner is over now. Would you like some dessert? Like a faint breeze I flit from the room. Off to the shower I run. Daddy doesn’t like it when I have grass stains on me. He and I had been running down the hill and I slid a long ways after slipping. As I scrub away the green I think of the moments about to happen.
Creaaak… Somebody has opened the bathroom door. I bet it’s daddy, he doesn’t like it when I take too long in the shower. I quickly turn the water off and await the inevitable. I spread my legs so that I have more balance and then I lean against the cool tile with my eyes closed. I know that any moment he will have shed his clothes and I will feel him there beside me. I jump as his tongue slides across my nipple. His fingers explore my slippery clit, clean and wet but from desire, not the water that still rolls in droplets down my naked frame. I open my eyes to see those familiar dark orbs searching for the sparkle of desire in mine, I smile knowing he has found it. (click to read entire story…)