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May 12, 2007
[full story is 531 words]
In answer to my question she took the biggest, thickest [tag]dildo[tag] she could find off the wall. It must have been thirteen inches. It reminded of a movie I had seen earlier with John Holmes. She took me by the hand and told me to follow her. She lead me to the front door where she turned the sign around and locked the door, then we proceeded to the rear of the store.
We went into a room with a dim light and a bed in the center and a chair in the corner. She ordered me to sit it the corner.
The girl went to the center of the room and lay on the bed. She was 5’6″, 35-23-35, she weighed about 118 lbs and she was a total fox. She was wearing a white sheer blouse with no bra, so I had a perfect picture of her nice tits and she had the biggest nipples. She also wore a blue skirt with a nice opening on the side that showed her perfect thighs. (click to read entire story…)
May 5, 2007
I had never gotten laid in high-school. It was one of those reputation and late maturity things. This was kinda surprising, because when I went to college I seemed to have no problems at all with getting dates. About ten months ago, I met a girl named Cindy in a computer class and eventually, we ended up going out for the rest of the school year. Our college was in Massachusetts. She lived in Georgia and I am from California. Towards the end of the school year, we were getting kind of sad due to having to be apart for about three months and were arranging to come back a little early and getting an apartment together.
Well, 3 days ago, the most incredible experience of my life occurred. Cindy was always very, very playful, but we never really got past much than heavy petting. I never really minded much because I was still a virgin and really liked her too much to want to mess anything up. We were both all packed, still living apart, and arranged to meet one last time the next day in my dorm room before we left that evening on our respective flights, and that was when it happened.
Now, Cindy is about 5’7″ with hazel eyes and flaming, long red hair down past her shoulders a little ways. She had nice large D tits which she dressed to comment on as much as possible as well as a big, but not overly big ass. I made sure to remember she was on birth control, but never thought much else of it. Finally, in public, she was always somewhat of a tease, which never really embarrassed me, more than it made me proud of her features.
Not many people at all were left in the dorm, like my roommate who was not there. Cindy came over about 1 o’clock and was due to leave about three. For about an hour, we talked and I finished packing. Cindy was especially attractive that day with her hair up in a high ponytail, wearing a very nice, very snug green sweatshirt and some very tight blue jeans. At about 2, we were pretty much left with an hour to kill. We were both sitting on my bed kissing (she was wearing terribly alluring perfume), when Cindy mentioned she had a little going away present for me. She got up, went to the blinds and shut them, the room was still well enough lit through the blinds. She undid her hair, letting it fall about her shoulders and walked over to me.
(click to read entire story…)
April 28, 2007
There’s nothing like a bus ride home to put you in a bad mood.
Here I was, walking the long road to our house from the bus stop in town, musing on how much it was going to cost me to get the car out of the shop, what I was going to do about my many problems at work, and how sore my feet were getting as I trudged home in the hot sun…
I was hot and sweaty by the time I walked up the driveway and slowly swung the door open and entered the relative coolness of the house, when you met me at the door.
“Oh, bad day, honey?” you asked, a look of concern on your face.
“You bet,” I nodded grimly, and then suddenly I knew my day was going to be different.
Instead of your usual jeans and T-shirt, you were wearing an elegant red dress and high-heel shoes, with your blonde hair cascading to your shoulders with a grace that bespoke a careful preparation for this moment.
Your dress, which ended at mid-thigh, showed off your long, shapely legs, and clung to your every curve. My thoughts of work, of the bus, of the long walk home, quickly evaporated as I thought ahead to the coming evening.
(click to read entire story…)
April 7, 2007
[full story is 2,558 words]
“Darling, it’s better, down where it’s wetter, take it from me!” –Sebastian the crab
“Come with me, Ariel.” Eric’s voice was far different than it had been in the three days since they had been married. Ariel wondered if she had done something to upset him. She hadn’t meant to do anything, and found herself filled with doubt. Was he angry because she had slipped and almost fallen during their first dance? She had pleaded for more time–after all, she had only had legs for three days.
“Where are we going?” she asked, as Eric led her down into the lower depths of the castle. She could smell the sea air and it made her think of her family, below. Although the castle was directly on the ocean, the lower depths of the castle were not dank.
“I want to show you something.”
“Are you mad at me?” She could hear far different tones in his voice.
“No, not at all. But I want to show you something that humans do. Just please, be quiet and follow me. I’m kind of nervous as it is.”
Something human! Ariel was delighted. She knew Eric wanted her to be quiet but couldn’t resist. She loved human things.
“A human thing? Really? What’s it like?”
“Well, not all humans do it. You’ll see.” He spun and speared her with his blue eyes, the same eyes that she had seen from the deck of the ship not a week ago.
Ariel was silent. But she did not have to remain silent long. Eric led her down the steps through a short hall, and then through a locked door. Ariel noticed he kept the key on a solitary ring. He opened the door and ushered her in.
The room was large, and relatively airy. Torches burned on all sides of the room, but they were recessed into the wall and unobtrusive. There were large things in the room. A cross of some sort. A table. A thing which looked like a large wooden X. A post with chains hanging from it. One entire wall was covered by a mirror. Ariel had never seen a mirror this large, not in the room Eric had put her in and certainly not in the shipwrecks she had prowled before.
(click to read entire story…)
March 15, 2007
[full story is 4,267 words]
As she awoke she marveled at the softness and coolness of the sheets enveloping her. The warm soft sun shown through the sheer curtains, and as she rubbed her eyes, it dawned on her that she wasn’t quite sure where she was….
As she looked around the room and her eyes fell on him, it all came back to her. Dennis sat in the boudoir chair watching her with fiery eyes of interest. They had been casual friends for a while, and her drunken admission to him in conversation at a party the last night that she was into [tag]submission[/tag] had gotten her an offer to spend Saturday with him. She knew him well enough to not refuse.
As she stretched he moved from the chair and silently moved towards her, taking something from behind his back as he neared her. Winding the piece of black cloth in his hands, he surprised her into stillness by placing it across her face and into her mouth, gently tying it in back, tight enough so that it dug in between her jaws a bit. Stretching out his hand in an offer of support he raised her to her feet, taking a moment to look at her in the wonderfully soft and silky teddy she had worn to bed. With a flicker of his eye and a quick wave of his hand he grasped the plunging neckline and ripped the silk right down the middle, allowing her breasts to bulge out and showing at the bottom of the rip her dark mound of pubic hair. He chuckled at the surprise in her eyes, and saw fit to speak to her.
“I know what you like, I can read it in your eyes, they are a very clear window to your soul. I can tell what you want, what you need. I happen to have complimenting needs, desires, and wants, and as so will do my best to fulfill yours while fulfilling mine. You will have little say in what goes on here, although if you feel that you cannot and will not take any more of a specific situation, then make it clear to me. Do not falsify the end of your wits or you will be punished for it.”
“Shall we begin?”
She nodded a silent yes to his awaiting gaze.
As he walked around her, he grabbed the low cut back of her teddy and ripped it down the back, and with a swift pull broke the snaps at the crotch and let the shredded garment fall to the floor. He paused to look at her shape, very soft and lovely, her milky skin, and warm brown hair. “Follow me,” he said as he placed a hand on her shoulder and walked out of the room. She wasn’t sure where they were going, or if anyone else was in the large house…
(click to read entire story…)
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