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October 6, 2006
[full story is 2,780 words]
Anna is a very beautiful woman. She is tall, blonde, and tans to a gorgeous golden hue.
I’ve worked with her on a project for quite some time and have had fantasies about her from the start. I feel an attraction to her every time that I see her.
I’d noticed her looking at me at times when we’ve worked together but neither one of us have voiced anything. She knows that I’m married and I’ve been too frightened to say anything since I know that not only is she married, but I could be very wrong about the way that I’ve interpreted her looks.
There have been many times though that I have longed to kiss the back of her neck as she leaned forward while we worked at the computer. She has very sensuous shoulders and neck.
Anna’s husband is on the road most of the time trying to land more capital investors for his company. Anna hints at her loneliness at these times, and we often work late on the days when her husband is out of town.
My wife was in New York on a business trip and Anna’s husband was out as usual. It was in early evening and I was totally lost in gazing at her pretty neck and profile when I realized that she was staring at me over her shoulder. She had just asked me a question three times without a response. She noticed me turning red with embarrassment and started to turn red also as she realized what I had been daydreaming about.
I apologized and stood up to leave as she turned toward me to say something. She froze staring at my crotch where my hard on was showing. My whole body felt on fire as I looked down at her, her red lips were glistening in the light and her eyes seemed to be deep blue pools. I moaned another apology and started to leave when she reached forward to feel my cock. (click to read entire story…)
October 5, 2006
[full story is 2,958 words]
Chip was waiting in the hotel lobby right on time. Since he had been scheduled to work today for the early early lunch shift, he was off at six. That was OK with me, since it had been a late one the night before. Much as I had enjoyed balling all night with this great looking stud, I was a little tired today. Not as young as I used to be, I guess. Nonetheless, the offer to meet his friend in Georgetown sounded too good to miss – tired or not. The friend, according to CHIP, was “into leather”, and had his own playroom in his house. Although I consider myself to be fairly experienced, I had never gotten much into the leather scene. Most of the leather types I had met in the past had been nothing more than bank clerks dressed up in leather jackets and playacting. A definite turn-off as far as I was concerned. When Chip had described his friend to me the night before, this one sounded different, so I was looking forward to meeting the guy and – if things worked out – seeing what he had to offer.
We got a taxi easily at the hotel, and headed for Georgetown. Along the way, since neither of us had eaten dinner, we stopped for two pizzas to take with us. We drove along what appeared to be a major parkway for a while, and then Chip had to give the driver directions through Georgetown to his friend’s house. The house turned out to be a small, very ordinary looking semi-detached house along a very ordinary looking street. I was a little disappointed. I do not know what I had expected, but this didn’t look like it. We paid the driver, the cab left, and we walked up the walk to the front door and rang the bell.
Unlike the house itself, the guy who answered the door WAS everything I had expected – and more. He was about 6’2″, a little taller than me, and had the broadest shoulders I had ever seen. Standing in the doorway of this little house made him look even bigger than he was. He had short jet black hair and a thin inch wide beard running along the edge of his jaw. The beard and his rugged facial features made him look particularly formidable. He was wearing a loose sweat shirt and tight, faded jeans which outlined a nice looking piece of meat to the left of his crotch. It seemed to extend half way to his knees. We shook hands and he took our coats and threw them over a chair in the living room. His name was Mark. (click to read entire story…)
October 3, 2006
[part three is 3,518 words]
I slowly stuck out my tongue as she continued her shifting her hips across my face. The giantess purred as she released both of my hands to massage both of her enormous tits. “Now I don’t taste all that bad, do I?” she cooed. I was fighting the urge to put my tongue back in my mouth after tasting the bitterness of her vagina.
Both of her huge hands grabbed my head and tried to shoved it deeper into her cavernous cunt. Her giant oscillating hip gyrated at a faster rate. I was close to the point of passing out until Melissa rolled off of me, pulling me with her. I laid on top of her gasping for oxygen, until I heard her say, “Fuck me, you little runt.”
I looked down at my half hard shaft, trying to will it to rock hard, but I was to exhausted to do so. I had a feeling that I would get a beating if I don’t fuck the secretary soon. This time, I willed an exotic image of a woman at my height that any man would want to have for the night. Slowly, my genial started to become erected. I crawled forward slowly, as I stretched my legs and back.
Suddenly, something large and big swatted on my back. The blow sent me sprawling forward, face first into the giantess’s tits. A voice, I know all to well, said, “You should know better than that, Melissa. You’ll screw up the incantation if you let him touch you that way.”
I rolled over to see my boss, Ms. Suzan Sager, towering above me. She changed her clothes to something that looked more dominating. She wore a pair of jet black high heel boots, which showed off her massively powerful thighs. I could see her pubic hair protruding from the sides of her panties. The cups of her black lacy corset was being threatened to be overrun by her giant hooters. Over her broad shoulders, she wore a black cape, which hung all the way down to the floor.
The word, incantation, ran through my mind. “What could she be talking about?” I thought to myself. “I couldn’t help myself, Ms. Sager. I haven’t been fucked in a long time,” said her secretary. I started to get up off of Melissa, but the honey brown hair giantess kicked me back down on to my back. “I think we’re going to have to debase Tony a little bit more,” snickered my boss. (click to read entire story…)
October 2, 2006
[part two is 3,571 words]
I stood back up as soon as my head felt cleared enough to do so. Her large posterior loomed just above my head as she moved away. “Ms. Sager said that I was suppose to get a copy of the inventory from you, so that I could find out what I need to sell,” I asked as I walked towards her. She answered that she was looking for it.
I stood in the center of her working area. She moved from one file cabinet to another and then to the counter where another computer was at. Then suddenly, she turned and walked right into me. I quickly, had this impression of a truck bearing down on me as her massive thighs knocked me down. I fell tumbling away from her. She broke out laughing at my misfortune.
With one hand, she grabbed by my arm and pulled me up as if I were a doll. “Looks like I better give you something to do to keep you out of my way before you get kicked out of my office,” she said smiling. Melissa gave me the task of getting her some paper clips for the papers I need.
I stood on my toes to see if I could reach her tray full of paper clips. I couldn’t even see over the top of her desk much less than reaching her tray. I looked at her chair next to me. The chair was high enough to assist me on what I need to do.
I struggled to climb onto the swivel chair as quickly as I could. The chair spun around as I tried to climb into her seat. I was getting dizzy from spinning around in circles. Soon as it stop spinning as I grabbed the desk and reached for the single item that she could’ve gotten it without any efforts.
I pushed the swivel chair around so I could face the giant brunette. I sat down into the plush of the seat and leaned into the back support.
Melissa was already looking at me as I spun the chair around to her. She had her hand covering her mouth as if to refrain from laughing out loud. She said,” I didn’t want to disturb you from your conquest, but some of the papers you need already had paper clips.” “Damn!” I exclaimed, tossing the object over my shoulder hoping it would land on the table.
“Hey! Don’t do that!,” the busty giantess said, taking three steps towards me. Her shapely legs straddled the chair and practically plummeted her ponderous weight onto my legs. Her weight was crushing the life out of my legs as I screamed. She felt like she weigh at least five thousand pounds of flesh and bones. Her stomach smothered me as she reached to replaced the paper clips back into their proper place. Try as I might, I couldn’t budge her. She squealed with delight when I punched her tits. (click to read entire story…)
October 1, 2006
[part one is 3,531 words]
“You’re hired” were the words I’d been hoping for. I spent weeks after weeks, trying to find a job as a sale manager. I’ve got a degree in sales, but because of no experience, almost all of the companies wouldn’t hire me. Except for one firm owned by Ms. Suzan Sager. From what I understand, she sells any kind of sex equipment she can get her hands on. From condoms to the torture racks, even the computer generated mind sex that just recently came out.
I couldn’t tell much about Ms. Sager, because she was sitting behind a large desk. She’s a beautiful honey brown hair woman, who’s in her early forties. Her black leather business jacket that she was wearing, jutted almost straight out and then tightly straight down to her narrow waist. It hinted that she’s a very large busted lady. Through out during the interview, she was very serious about her business. She likes to smile a lot as she talks.
Her huge office was luxuriously decorated with expensive items. At one wall, she had a large painted portrait of herself in a ivory frame. Below the picture, was a long glass showcase. Inside the glass was various antique unaccustomed torture devices she had imported from different countries. Next to it was a full wet bar.
On the opposite wall, was a TV set embedded into the wall with a complete stereo equipment. About two feet away was a full bathroom with a walk-in closet. The closet has a full set of clothes for different occasion.
At the same wall, there was another room off set to the side. In the room, there was a large spa sunken into the floor, surrounded by live tropical plants. I could also see a hologram projector, which only the filthy rich people could afford.
Further back into the room, behind the glass doors was a sun room. It was filled with all kinds of exercise provisions. It had everything from dumbbell to a treadmill. Most of the weight were free-weights, almost no machines. At one side of the suite, there was also a double metallic sliding doors, which I had no idea what’s it for.
There was a window, which overlooks her warehouse and the city, behind her desk. She also has close circuit TV under the window which probably covered every room in this building.
There is a double wooden doors that opens electronically behind me, which leads out of her office. Ms. Sager’s office is upon the seventh floor.
The honey brown hair lady asked a series of question about my personal life. I answered her that I was single and had no dependents. I have no girlfriend and lead a pretty quite life.
She told me if I wanted the job, I would have to move onto her property for security reason. She assured me, that there would be no rent to paid, but she has some very strict rules that I would have to go by. She handed me a sheet of paper for me to read her rules. And handed me another stack of paper which contained the regulations of her business. (click to read entire story…)
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