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September 3, 2006
[full story is 4.085 words]
It had been a fairly interesting evening. Although I don’t much go for bars of any description, I do like to play pool, and on Wednesday night we had the pool tournament down at the Other Place (silly name for a gay bar, but I’ve seen worse).
For the past several weeks, I had won easily, although there was much amazement at my technique… I came an hour early, bought a pitcher of beer, listened to music and drank. Then, just before the tournament, I bought another pitcher, played two practice games, and then I was ready. Every week, the other entrants all looked for me to be an easy mark with that much alcohol inside me. And every week the alcohol loosened up my hyper-analytical personality, letting me relax, keeping me from doing mechanics calculations prior to each shot, and let me sink any shot I called out to the amused and amazed on-lookers. This week was the same, and I was in the final best-of-three games in the last round, playing against the final challenger to see who would get the prize.
She’d introduced herself as we met over the table, saying her name was Kim. She was an attractive woman, maybe an inch under six feet unshod, just a bit over in the ropers she was wearing. She had golden blonde hair, eyes so green that tawdry words like “emerald” couldn’t do them justice, a beautiful, smart-ass grin, and what seemed to be a very well-made body in those tight Wrangler jeans. I did all the cataloguing somewhere in the back of my head, as I watched her racking the balls on the velvet; she grinned as she took the rack away, twirling it between her fingers as it cleared the tops of the balls. (click to read entire story…)
[full story is 1,393 words]
As she walked into the store I could tell she was in great shape. She wore a halter top and shorts of a bright orange color, which really set off her fantastic tan. As she approached me I watched as her thighs would constrict and relax, constrict and relax with each step. I guess I gawked because she smiled at me and the look in her eyes was a taunting one.
“Where do you keep the blank cassettes?”
“Right this way.”
As I started to show her where they were she said, “oh, stay there I’ll find them myself.”
As she walked away I had the feeling she wanted me to watch her from the rear. What a sight! The ripple of muscle in her buttocks was fantastic; but, the bunching of her calves, which were accented by her high heels, was truly awesome. She got her tapes, came up to the counter and looked around to see if anyone else was in the store. We were alone.
“Are you a betting man?” she asked coyly.
“Well, sometimes, why?” I replied.
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll bet I can beat you in [tag]arm wrestling[/tag] and even make you beg me to take these tapes for free. Wanna bet?” (click to read entire story…)
[full story is 828 words]
My line of work involves delivering and hooking up TVs for our customers who aren’t able to do so. Most frequently it’s older or informed people who require my services, which was the case – at least that’s what I thought – when I went into the showroom to cover for the manager. An older couple came in, purchased a cable-ready television and requested that it be delivered to their home. I informed them I was the one who took care of these installations and added that I’d be over the following day to hook up their system.
As they left the store, it appeared that their daughter or niece – a very attractive young lady had come to the store to meet them. After a quick chat with the older couple, the girl came in and told me that she would be home the following day to accept the television delivery. I watched her exit the store, and as the light hit her sundress, I could see that she wore no panties underneath. Her perfect ass and crack were completely visible from my vantage point. (click to read entire story…)
September 2, 2006
[full story is 1,733 words]
Atlanta has always been a fun town for me, but this trip had been even better. I had ordered a custom Jeep from an Atlanta customizer. Having a big-wheel four wheel drive vehicle had been a dream for a long time and the time had finally arrived.
We signed the papers late in the evening, so after tooling around town for a while, I had rented a motel room, planning to get an early start back to Alabama. I overslept and after breakfast and checking out of the motel, I didn’t get on the road until after eight.
I quickly noticed a benefit to the large wheels I had not anticipated. It put me way above the rest of the traffic and I had a great view. But the view was even better from time to time as I would pass cars and look down to see lovely legs through the window. Occasionally, I would even catch a glimpse of frilly panties peeking out.
I put the Jeep’s cruise control on 73 mph after I got out of the metro area. I figured that there would be fools going a lot faster that would get the unwanted attention from those Georgia Patrol cars that seemed to lurk everywhere on the interstate. Up ahead, I noticed a red convertible with long blond hair flying in the wind. My speed was a little faster than hers so I slowly crept up on her. As I closed in, I heard the sound of her stereo system blasting over the wind noise. The music must have covered the sound of the Jeep, because there was no reaction as I drew along side the lady.
To my delight, the lovely lady seemed to have other things on her mind. Her skirt was pulled up and her hand was busy frigging her pussy inside her panties, keeping time with the beat of the music. It looked like she was having a ball as she cruised. I had a hard time concentrating on the road and watching the display at the same time. I hoped she wouldn’t notice me for a while so I could keep watching. (click to read entire story…)
[full story is 2,759 words]
Anderson asked the logical question: “Now what?”
“We’ll handle this just like a standard set of permanent orders.” He pulled the desk drawer open and handed Anderson a piece of paper, it was another set of BuPers message orders. When the standard wording was translated, it read that Lt Anderson was to be detached from his current duty station, take 30 days’ leave (known as “delrep” for “delay in reporting”) and report to the military air terminal at McGuire Air Force Base in civilian clothes; he was not to use his own vehicle to get there. His personal effects (known as “household goods” or “HHG”) were to be put in storage at government expense for the duration of the orders. “You won’t be stationed at McGuire,” Col. Hampton explained, “That’s where we’ll be picking you up. Bring three days’ worth of clothes. The Commodore of DesRon 2 has already written a detaching fitness report, you’ll sign it when you get to where you’re going after your leave.
“So go home and get your personal life in order. Make sure you’re parents know that you’re going to be out of touch for a long time, it may be a few years before they get to see you.” He handed Anderson a card. “They can call this number in case of an emergency, but make damn sure they understand that doesn’t include anything less than imminent death. And make sure they know that you may not be able to come back for any kind of emergency. You can use the address on the card as a forwarding address for your mail.”
“Where am I going?”
“You’ll know when you get there, Sherry. The same lady who drove you here will take you back to your transportation. See you in a month.”
Anderson left the room. Hampton watched him go and sighed. He was getting to have too much time in this assignment, he told himself. At first, he thought of the program as a way to gain some use from worthless deviates. But now, he knew that the men he recruited were fine people, they simply had a different orientation. Hampton now knew that tossing them out was a waste; now at least he could do something with some of them. (click to read entire story…)
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