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September 2, 2006
[part II is 3,226 words]
Note: This is a fantasy about teens having sex with other teens, so if this offends you, please read no further and choose another story instead.
Rob and Brittany talked in hushed tones as they sat on the bed in Rob’s room. Their mom was asleep in her room and the door was locked, but they still took no chances. Rob fingered his sister beneath her pajama tee shirt as they talked. She rubbed his swollen cock beneath his jockey shorts.
Lately, 15 year old rob and his 13 year old sister had taken to getting each other to a pre-climax state by openly fantasizing about each of them and another person. When they had done everything the could do to arouse the other, they would fuck.
“Okay, now that you’ve seen me do it with Jeromy, I want to watch you do it with Nicole. Don’t worry, she’ll do what I tell her to because she wants into my panties. Nikki is into young girls. She tells everyone that she shaves her pussy because of swim team, but the real reason is that she wants to look like the girls that she wants to do it with. Like, I am almost too old for her because she really likes fifth and sixth graders. But for some reason, she wants me. That was the whole reason for doing it with Jeremy, so that she could see me naked and maybe get me turned on enough to do it with her.”
“What would you do with another girl?” Rob asked. (click to read entire story…)
[part I is 8,241 words]
Note: This is a fantasy about teens having sex with other teens, so if this offends you, please read no further and just choose something else to read.
Fifteen-year-old Rob Kramer was worried sick about becoming a sixteen-year-old virgin. He wasn’t a bad looking guy. Just an ordinary kid. Brown Hair. Brown eyes. Average build. Not tall enough to be a basketball legend and not wide enough to be a fullback. He rarely got less than a C or more that a B. Rob thought of himself as Mr. Average. He had a few brief encounters with girls but sexually had never gotten past the feeling-up stage.
Lately, Rob was having a hard time understanding the mixed feelings he was having lately about his 13 year old sister. Even though he was only two years older, he had always been protective of her. Sure, they argued and fought as typical kids always did, but he still always made sure that she caught the school bus, had her lunch and the other things that a protective brother would do. And he knew that she looked up to him as a “big brother” even though she did sometimes act bratty.
Brittany was always “Little Miss Perfect”. Straight A’s in school. Room always immaculate. Her clothes always matched. Her chestnut brown hair was always precision cut with perfectly straight bangs in front and straight across her back. She had big brown eyes that could radiate whatever expression she was feeling. They had a habit of making people want to do Brittany’s bidding.
Until now, he had always thought of her as a little kid. She had been in elementary school. She never paid attention to boys. Her body had not yet started the adolescent development… until now. (click to read entire story…)
September 1, 2006
[full story is 1,647 words]
It was a dark day in Paradise. Dank air stifled what used to be the purest location… Grace dusted herself off before rising to realize her own nudity. Her hands touched gently the soft breasts which she had always taken for the norm….that was before the fall. They were fallen angels, and they knew not where they were, only the beauty from which they were thrust. She looked around slowly. It was a sad place, this earth…
Tremendously aware of her own nudity, she wandered cautiously to the side of a small tidepool and looked down. There is a difference between being naked, and knowing you are naked…almost like a baby discovering his ears…he could always hear, and yet he knew not how… Grace gazed for a few moments at her own figure, devoid of wings, staring into her own eyes. As her eyes traveled downward, so did her hands.
She let her hands cup lightly her milk-white breasts as her fingertips explored her hardened nipples. She then let her hands slip downward, caressing her stomach and thighs. She then let her hand rest at the triangular patch of hair below her belly button. She rubbed it gently and felt something she had never felt before. It was a mixture of nausea and elation. She moved her fingers inward and felt her own wetness. A cool breeze swept over her body, braising her hair over her shoulders and across her breasts…she closed her eyes.
When she reopened them, she was not alone. Staring into the tidepool, she saw another fallen one at her side. She turned to face him, then seeing his bareness, Grace tried to shield her eyes with her hand.
(click to read entire story…)
[full story is 6,181 words]
The time, six months ago. The scene, the local YMCA.
There I was, a 6 foot, 265 pound blob of 40 year old insecurity and bruised ego, struggling to keep up with the rest of the aerobics class. Sweat stung my eyes and pain radiated from my bad knee — neither sensation was particularly noticeable compared to the pounding of my heart and the gasping sounds of my labored breathing. Pride was the only thing which kept me on my feet and moving.
I could tell that the instructor was watching me, waiting for me to collapse — or perhaps trying to figure out what I was doing in her class. It wasn’t an advanced aerobics class, but it was more than what a beginner like me should have been in. I signed up knowing only that I needed some structured exercise — no one told me what I was getting into, or, more probably, I wasn’t paying attention. Now, I was too proud to admit that I was in a little over my head. Yes, the instructor, a rather nicely put together brunette who appeared to be about 19 or 20, was definitely looking at me.
Locking down my newly discovered determination (developed after months of intense therapy — more on that later if it becomes relevant), I compromised slightly by not doing quite as much as my classmates and eventually made it through the session without a myocardial infarction.
After we finished, the instructor, Lisa, walked right up to me as I was headed for the showers.
(click to read entire story…)
She got out of her car and locked it before she shut the door. She took the stuff out of the trunk after opening it. Carrying a blanket and a good book with her as she stumbled through the dense woods. She finally reached a clearing and gasped at the sight. Acres of green tall grass lay before her. Smiling, she skipped to a spot she thought would be safe to settle down.
After laying the blanket down, she laid on her stomach and started to read the book. The sun shone on her, making her a little hot. She sat up and took her shirt off then laid it down beside her. She resumed her reading.
Deeply engrossed in her book, she didn’t see a shadow fall on her. She jumped when she felt a hand touch her shoulder, stifling a scream. She stared into the person’s face in bewilderment. She sat up and covered her chest, since she was clad in a sexy bra. The person moved and she saw his face. She sighed with relief as he spoke.
“Did I startle you? I’m sorry,” he said.
(click to read entire story…)
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