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December 24, 2007
Robin stood staring out the window of the maternity ward, watching the huge snowflakes blowing past the window. Already, she had put in three hours of overtime, since the evening shift was so slow getting in. Traffic crawled, when it moved at all. A bus, full of standees, took five minutes to go one block. “Robin, how are you going to get home?”
“Oh, Dr. Kreuzer. I can’t possibly get home. It takes an hour when the weather is clear. I guess I’ll just sleep in a chair somewhere.”
“Then you’d be in no shape to work tomorrow. Why don’t you come home with me? I only live two and a half blocks from here. Don’t shake your head, no. Get your coat and come with me.”
On a side street, Dr. Kreuzer’s place was a renovated century-old brick building. The ground floor display windows were covered on the inside with heavy drapes and on the outside with iron bars. The door had a brass plate: Katherine Kreuzer, M.D., gynecology and obstetrics. As they entered, a big dog, a Weimaraner with short gray hair and eyes like opals, bounded up and started nuzzling Dr. Kreuzer. “This is Clem, my companion and guard dog.” Downstairs, there were waiting rooms and offices and examination rooms. Upstairs was a spacious loft- style apartment. “It’s beautiful, Dr. Kreuzer. It’s really nice.” “Now, Robin, you look cold and wet. Here’s a robe you can wear. There’s the bathroom, with fresh towels and anything else you will need. Help yourself to a new toothbrush. I need to take Clem outside to do his business, so you just take a nice long hot bath. You can wash out your things and hang them on the rack over the hot air vent. That way, you will have clean underwear for tomorrow. Go on, and take your time.”
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December 20, 2007
Today had been the same as any other day; arguing with her boss, trying to get people to do what they need to do, and flirting with the guy down the hall. Kylene got home just after 5 and started with her usual routine. She looked forward all day to the moment should could get out of her work clothes and just relax. She usually just put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt to relax in but today had gotten her a little worked up after talking to Landon all day. He knows exactly what to say to her; she doesn’t know how, but its always exactly what she is thinking. So, feeling a little hot she decided to just jump right into a nice hot shower. She took off her work clothes and just left, them in a heap on the floor, grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom. She smiled as she thought about the things Landon said to her. He just had this way of making her feel so incredibly sexy. She spends half of her day daydreaming about the things they could do to each other. She turns on the water and lets it run on her hand to see if its hot enough. She keeps messing with the temperature when there’s a knock on her front door.
“Who would be knocking on my door right now,” she thought.
“Just a minute,” she called as she ran down the hall to her bedroom to grab a robe. She quickly donned the robe and made her way to the front door. She opened the door to see Landon staring back at her. She was speechless for a moment as she quickly remembered what she was wearing.
“I’m sorry, Kylene. Did I come at a bad time?” he asked.
“No I just wasn’t expecting anyone. What are you doing here?” she asked.
“You keep telling me that you wanted me to see your new place and I didn’t have anything else going on this evening so I thought I would swing by and check it out,” he replied.
“I was just about to hop in the shower so give me just a second to turn off the water and change and I’ll be right back, okay?”
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December 17, 2007
The relentless heat and humidity, that was what she felt in the last 3 days in this living hell hole. Deep in no man’s land, somewhere within the foreboding bowels of the vast and untamed Amazon rain forest lay the mangled wreckage of the DC10.
The plane was enroute from Manhattan’s Newark airport to Peru, South America with its 20 passengers comprising models, photographers, agents from Sports Illustrated when it was caught in a freak thunderstorm.
Smoke still trailed from the smoldering remains of the two Rolls Royce engines. One had failed when a million bolts of electricity seized its turbines, and it was a testament to the engineering feat of its makers that the remaining engine had kept the plane aloft in the freak storm for another 3 hours before it too finally succumbed, not to mother nature, but to lack of aviation fuel.
Now, Denise Sanders was all alone in a hostile alien environment. She was hopping that the pilot had a chance to send out the SOS transmitting their approximate location, and had stayed in the scattered wreckage for the last three days surviving on scraps of air-line meals
Denise was a survivor. She had to be in order to get to where she currently was, as top model and cover girl for Sports Illustrated Swimwear. She will survive. She had to, there was no other option. These were the words that occupied her mind constantly. At a relatively young and tender age of 24 years, she had already risen through the ranks of most of her peers to take poll position on the covers of the tabloids. Of cause the fact that she was a stunning brunette beauty with long luscious hair, a lithe willowy figure with wasp’s waist, snowy white complexion and nice firm natural 32B breasts, stood her in good stead.
It did not help her present predicament that they were enroute to a formal evening wear shoot and she was still wearing a body hugging white silk gown. Day time temperatures in the rain forest reached 38 degrees Celsius and after three continuous days of wear in the moist humid environment, the fine silk fabric now stuck to her constantly moist body like a second skin. Most of the exotic gowns had no relevance in this hostile environment. What she would not give for a good pair of jeans and long sleeved overalls to afford her some shelter from the biting insects. And a nice hot bath to wash of several days of perspiration that had accumulated in this hot and humid jungle.
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December 14, 2007
“Can i stop yours tonight?” asked Lauren
“Yeah sure, my parents are away” replied Jess
“Great i’ll see you about 6?” said Lauren
“Yeah but i hope you don’t mind Katies stopping the night too.” said Jess
“Thats fine, see you later” said Lauren
6 o clock came. The doorbell rang. Lauren was greeted by Jess and Katie, who were giggling and stumbling around.
“Your drunk” said Lauren, hardly shocked.
“Yeah, grab a drink” said Jess, filled with enthusiasm.
Jess’ mum had left the alcohol cupboard unlocked. A bit of a silly idea considering Jess was only 18. But for 18 she was gorgeous. She had a vast selection of men, and women, drooling over her. She had long brown hair, great features and the most fantastic body. Long legs, a tight butt and a pair of perky 34d’s. Lets face it, for a young girl she was hot.
Katie didn’t come far behind in the good looks department. She was a little bigger then Jess and only had 34b’s but they suited her body. Her short blonde hair and delicate features made her a knockout.
Lauren, however, was not nearly half as gorgeous as these two. However she had a great personality, so everybody liked her.
The three of them settled down infront of a movie. They had more alcohol and Jess and Katie were pretty wasted. Lauren on the other hand had barely touched any. She sat there laughing at the two girls who could barely stand and were slurring their words.
Katie quickly ran to the bathroom. Lauren followed her to “make sure she was okay”. Katie came out of the bathroom and Lauren pushed her into the wall. She forced her tounge into Katies terrified mouth.and began grabbing at her breats. Katie tried, but failed, to push her off. Lauren ripped open Katies top and began to rub her nipples through her bra. Soon that was unclasped and thrown aside. Katies pleads of “stop” and “don’t please Lauren” were muffled by Laurens hand. However Laurens other hand was pinching and squeezing Katies nipples, which were rock hard, despite Katie not wanting Lauren to do this. After around 2 minutes, which seemed to last forever, Lauren threw katies bra and top back at her and they both went back to the living room.
“What took you guys so long?” asked Jess
“Oooh Katie kept falling over” answered Lauren
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December 11, 2007
It all started a couple of months ago, new neighbors moved in across the street. He was a traveling salesman that was gone most of the time. She was a corporate attorney who was taking some time off to tend to there 4 mo old baby who had become quite ill. My wife and I became friends with Steve and Vicki, and did things together socially. My wife and Vicki were friends and I kept An eye on things while Steve was away. It was a Saturday and I was out doing yard work, and had a tee time set for later in the afternoon and my wife had taken the kids to her mothers for the weekend. I was just finishing up, when I noticed Steve and Vicki’s lawn was in need of attention, Steve had been gone for a couple of weeks out of the country and Vicki had been at the hospital again with the baby.
Being the nice guy that I’m I went over and mowed their lawn. I had just finished trimming the edges and was gathering all my stuff up when Vicki appeared on the porch, with a nice big glass of ice water.
I had assumed no one was home and had planned on doing a good deed unnoticed. So much for that. I asked her how the baby was doing, and she started to cry, explaining that this time he was very ill and had been unable to nurse for a couple of days.
I had noticed her breasts where extremely larger than normal, and probably explained why she was wearing one of Steve’s dress shirts. We sat down on the bench in the coolness of the porch and talked about the problems with the baby. I had a hard time keeping my eyes off her breasts, especially when they showed signs of leaking.
I asked her if I could do anything to help, She started to ask, but hesitated, I was finally able to coax out of her what she needed, She desperately needed to relieve her breasts and had brought home a breast pump from the hospital that she couldn’t get to work…. So we went inside to have a look.
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