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August 27, 2006

The Adventures of Lisa : Chapters One, Two, Three

“What I’m trying to explain to you, is that I don’t know if I’d get horny or not. The only other time that I’ve seen another man’s cock since we got married, was when you brought that movie projector home with the eight millimeter films that we watched. I damn sure got horny that night! We couldn’t wait to get into bed, neither of us sleeping until daylight. We were so fucked out we just laid around most of the day, Sunday!

“Did looking at cocks before we got married, turn you on?”

The blonde wife looked at her husband, reflectively.

“Well, I guess so.”

“What do you mean, you guess so?”

“I mean yes! Of course it turned me on. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

“I didn’t want to hear anything in particular, only the truth. My point is that nudity can be sexy as hell.”

“Of course it can be sexy as hell, I just don’t know if only looking at just a man’s cock would turn me on or not.”

Bill’s eyebrows shot up.

“And that’s what I’m trying to explain to you, that how could you know how your body and mind will act unless you experience a given set of circumstances. Sometimes, something might sound exciting, however in the real world, fact and fantasy might be totally different.”

Lisa grinned back at Bill.

“And just what have you got planned? The last time you started this kind of conversation, you brought home a few fuck movies. Now if the guy was jacking off his cock, and if it was erect, then it just might get me all turned on!”

“And, what if he wanted you to do the jacking?” her husband asked with raised eyebrows.

(click to read entire story…)

How to Become a Gigolo

There’s no other line of “work” as pleasurable and as overflowing with opportunities to enjoy luxury, travel and riches as that of the gigolo. And believe it or not, today it is easier than ever for a man to enjoy life as a gigolo!

To become a successful gigolo and enjoy the benefits of this kind of life, you must develop and project the proper way of thinking. There’s a great difference between a “male prostitute” and a gigolo.

The male prostitute makes himself available to all women of all ages, generally concentrating on bored, frustrated and “exploring” housewives looking for extra loving as well as variety to satisfy their sex needs. This type of woman is very easy to spot, and even easier to take to bed. It makes of a lot of, and a variety of beautiful sex, but it’s all for free. You have to know precisely how to cultivate these women to start, and then get them to continue paying you for each time you “service” them — not just the loan of a few dollars — which you never intend to pay back — but $50 or $100 plus expenses for each tryst you arrange with them.

The gigolo concentrates his efforts on making himself available to widows and wives of busy businessmen who really don’t care what their wives do, so long as they don’t become embroiled in a public scandal. These women range in age from about 45, on into their 80s.

(click to read entire story…)

August 26, 2006

Adult Films Interview

Oh shit! This guy makes porno movies! You heard of them, but had never seen one. Why didn’t you read it more carefully? You decide it is time for you to leave. So you head for the door. He blocks you and asks where you think you are going. “Home,” you tell him.

“Unh-uh. Not so fast babe. Remember those contracts you signed? You want me to sue your ass off? Looks to me like you don’t even have enough money for a lawyer.”

Damn! He tricked you. It’s not fair! But you don’t know what to do. He’s right, you can’t afford lunch, much less a lawyer. So you decide there’s nothing you really can do. You don’t want to go to jail.

“Ok. What do I have to do to get them back?”

(click to read entire story…)

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