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December 9, 2007
“Damnit how is it he makes me feel this way” the Fabulous Fifties host Carol Jones said as she climbed her stairs to get a quick shower. After talking to her daughter’s old friend Jeff Carr who just returned home from Arizona because of personal and legal troubles, she couldn’t believe how much he had matured.
She had been lying by the pool tanning herself after a good swim. Swimming laps in her country club size pool in her back yard, Carol Jones would lie around if time warranted it to tan and relax for an hour. Wearing one of her signature collection swim suits, her body let it be known she wasn’t only fit, she was in incredible shape for 51.
She didn’t have to wear the perfect fashions which hid typical suspect areas of a mature woman’s body. Regardless if it was cellulite around the tummy or thighs, she did not possess it. Varicose veins were never apart of her anatomy either. She was physically gifted in many respects that one wouldn’t even think of.
Age had not taken it’s toll, appearance wise, for the former cheerleader and now semi-famous and nationally known dietician. She recently took time away from filming her health and fitness program seen nationally. She hoped to pursue other ventures; hopefully they might pan out.
As is the case for many, dreams and goals don’t always come to fruition. Some do and some do not. But for carol Jones, she knew this day was her day. She felt it.
“Oh my god he makes me…Oh no, I can’t be turned on by him; it’s impossible. I’m too old to be this horny because of Jeffrey. Oh my god” she uttered while climbing the stairs. Wearing her one piece swimsuit which to Jeff Carr looked too good to be true, she began sliding the straps off her shoulders before she was up the stairs.
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December 7, 2007
Virginia York wheeled her Caddy into the parking garage and after maneuvering through the maze of ramps she nosed the big auto into a space near the elevator. She shivered a little as a cold north wind whipped around her while waiting for a car. Finally down on the street, she made her way the two blocks to a nondescript building on the west side of Chicago’s Loop.
It had been almost a month since her last visit, and the anticipation in her pussy caused her to drench her panties involuntarily! She took a deep breath before entering a plain looking office on the seventh floor, and after a moment’s hesitation went inside. Immediately a thirtyish woman got up from behind her desk and greeted her warmly, “And how are you, Mrs. York?” “It’s been awhile since your last “appointment.”
A least a month,” the fifty five year old woman replied. “Did you have something special in mind?” the woman asked. “Well,” Virginia replied softly, “is that young man that I had last time still here, I believe his name was Chris!” “Ummmmm, let me see if he’s in today,” she replied quickly. “Now let me see…” “Yes, he’s just finishing up his break,” the she went on. “Would you like me to set up a room?” “Please,” Virginia answered softly, “and the sooner the better.”
The matronly woman sat a little nervously in and easy chair in the well appointed bedroom while waiting for Chris. It was really fixed up like a fine hotel room with a huge king size bed, fifty inch color TV with accompanying VCR, a fully stocked bar, and of course a bathroom with all the toys!
She was lost in her own thoughts when she was jolted back to reality when Chris strode through the door with a big smile on his face. “Hello, Mrs. York, Carol said you asked for me personally!” “Y-yes,” she replied a little red faced. “I’m glad,” he replied smoothly while standing directly in front of her. “If I recall,” he said gently, “you like to open up the package yourself!”
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December 5, 2007
As I stated earlier, I wanted to give my slave a gift for his faithful service. Unbeknownst to him, I had been surfing the net, looking for female dominants to add to our little family.
I contacted several that I thought might be promising and made arrangements to meet all of them at one time in one place. Several miles away, in another town is a small dom/sub club. I ordered my slave to put on his party outfit.
I then put on mine, which, starting from the underwear to the top, consisted of: a black lace pushup bustier, with a garter belt and black fishnet hose, a black lace thong, which fit nicely up my ass cheeks.
Over that, I put on a sheer black pullover shirt and a black sued miniskirt with long fringes. I wore black, silver studded boots and had my hair pulled up, with tendrils hanging around my artfully made-up face; which glowed in anticipation of tonight’s events.
We put coats over our outfits for the drive as to not arouse attention to ourselves, but when we arrived at the club, we threw our coats in the back seat. I ordered my slave to stand before me so that I could inspect him.
He looked absolutely adorable in his black leather thong. Around his muscular chest was a leather harness, which had chains attached to his nipple rings.
He wore leather sandals and around his neck was a leather collar with silver studs, to match my boots. His long black hair was flowing free, the way it must have been in the old West, when Native Americans roamed free and proud.
But, my warrior stood humbly before me, with his head bowed. His eyes looked up beseechingly at me. I nodded approvingly. “Do I meet with your approval, Mistress?”, he asked meekly. I answered by giving his nipple rings a tug and a smirk on my face. “You won’t shame me tonight. You look fine. Behave yourself, or I will have to punish you when we get home. You don’t want me to take you to “the room,” do you?”, I asked.
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December 3, 2007
Hi. My name is Kim. I am 5′8″ 133 lbs. Black hair, green eyes. Olive skin with 40D breasts. I have fooled around with a lot of guys but only slept with two. While I enjoy having sex with my boyfriend’s 6.5 inch cock… a girl craves to be stretched.
My boyfriend’s name is Tim. He is 5′10″ and 175 lbs. He has a nice body and an even nicer cock… close to 7 inches. We had a normal straight relationship and a good sex life until one day last week. Last Friday after we made love Tim asked me if I had ever considered being with more than one man at a time. I told him no I had never thought about it. I was kind of a prude when it came to sex. Always have done things the normal way. But I have thought about it and didn’t really want to tell him that as I thought it might be a blow to his ego. I asked him why he asked… He said that he has fantasized about seeing me with one or two other men. Someone with a bigger cock than him stretching my pussy while I sucked him off. I was shocked at his forwardness. The thought of it though made my pussy tingle and extremely wet. We made love again and afterwards I told him that if he could find the right person, I would be willing. And by right person I meant cock size.
The following night the phone rang, Tim answered it and had a conversation. Before he hung up he said “OK… I”ll see you at 8:00″
I asked him who it was and he said that it was Rich. Rich is a guy that we know from the local bar we go to sometimes after a hard day. He bartends there.
“He’s coming over tonight after he gets off work and he is bringing a friend.” The thoughts raced through my head as I knew I didn’t have much time… it was already 6:00. I knew what Tim had planned and wanted to shower and shave my pussy before they arrived. Just in case.
After I showered I hopped out and put on my favorite teddy. A purple one piece with a button crotch. I pulled my skirt on over it and my blouse. White silk blouse, making sure to leave it unbuttoned enough to where my teddy peeked out. You could also see the outline of my teddy through the blouse.
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December 1, 2007
“Hey there little red riding hood, you sure are looking good, you’re everything a big bad wolf could want.” -Sam Sham and the Pharaohs
Reds’ mother packed the basket silently, unable to look at her daughter, who was gathering things for the days journey, chattering happily, not seeming to notice that her mother wasn’t talking. Tears stood in the older womans eyes as she watched her daughter flit about gathering things up. Red was the spitting image of the older woman, Griselda, same strong features, same willowy figure, same tall, erect form but the most striking thing on both of them was their long, fiery red hair.
One the basket was packed with provisions and a nice lunch Griselda stood up and watched her daughter, biting her bottom lip to keep the tears from coming. Poor Red had no inkling of what was coming or that this was going to be the last time she saw her mother. The dear had deal had been made when Red was still and infant in her mothers arms. The war between the rival clans had decimated Griselda’s’ clan. When the deal was struck all that was left were a handful of women, including Griselda ad her new born girl. Deathica, her mother-in-law and the clan leaders mate, had made the best deal she could to spare what remained of her clan, the DarkHearts, so perhaps some day they could again flourish.
Once the deal was struck Griselda and Deathica had retreated deep within the dense Siberian forest, in accordance with the treaty, to raise Red. Their cabins were within several miles of each other and this was the only world Red had even known. She had grown from a chubby toddler to a gangly adolescent and finally to the beauty she now was in the forest without ever being around beings other than her mother and grandmother. An occasional glimpse of a hunter was all she ever saw of other beings. If she was curious or wanted for other company she had never mentioned it.
Her education was from her two matriarchs and was of the old ways passed down from mother to daughter for centuries. The history of her clan was taught to her but the war, its outcome and exactly what they were was never mentioned. If Red had ever wondered about any gaps in the history she had never once mentioned them.
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