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November 30, 2007
After a month of planning, the day had finally arrived. My wife, Cathy, and I arrived at the hotel room before the other couple. The room is basically what other decent hotel rooms have; two queen size beds, a desk with rolling char, and a stationary chair. I know that we both were anxious and a little nervous.
We dropped off our bags in front of the desk while assessing the room. Not much later did we get our stuff unpacked and put into the dresser, there was a knock at the door. Excitedly my wife ran to the door and peered out the peep hole to see who it is. “They’re here, they’re here!” my wife exclaimed. Hurriedly Cathy opened the door, and with a flourish of her hand, she extended it in towards the room, motioning our friends, Jerry and Jenni in.
Cathy exchanged hugs with both of them while I just shook hands with Jerry and hugged Jenni. I could tell that they are as excited about tonight as we are. I waited with my wife, while our friends unpacked and of course, the girls took off into the bathroom to get some makeup on. Jerry and I whittled away the time with some idle chatter, talking about how work was going, and other stuff that is going to be pale in comparison to what would possibly transpire tonight.
After the girls got all done up, we headed out, the four of us, to the local family restaurant and had ourselves a nice cheap dinner, then headed out to the pool hall where we could get some drinks, and play some pool. We teamed up differently than normal. Jerry partnered up with my wife, while I was partnered with his. After a few games of pool, and quite a few drinks, we all decided to head back to the hotel.
When we finally got back to our room, I figured it would be a great idea to play some kind of game and asked if anyone else was interested. One point was made that we didn’t have anything with us to play, so I suggested that we could play an old childhood game called “Truth, dare, double dare, promise or repeat.” Since the game was pretty much explanatory, I didn’t have to get much into great detail. Of course, the girls were trying to stay conservative and only stuck with “truth” while us guys were trying to be a little daring. Some of the dares were kind of lame, until it was my turn to ask a truth question of my wife.
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October 27, 2007
The agreement was that Hope would meet John on the ground level of the apartment building at the elevator bank. They would rise together in the elevator to Hope and Tom’s apartment on the eighth floor. The agreement was that for Hope and Tom’s 10th anniversary, Hope would grant Tom’s ultimate wish–to watch another man fuck Hope while Tom watched.
Hope nervously paced the ground floor, waiting for John, wondering if she would regret her agreement with Tom. She loved Tom and very much wanted to please him, but she had never shared her body with another since their wedding and worried about the consequences for their marriage.
Yet, after much discussion and mutual reassurances, both Hope and Tom had begun to feel an unequaled sense of anticipation…of excitement. Now they had only to hope the careful selection of John as a partner would not be regretted.
Hope turned as she heard slow, solid footsteps approach behind her. She looked up into John’s smiling face, his eyes dancing with light.
“You sure you want this?” he said as he brushed Hope’s hair from her face.
“An agreement is an agreement,” Hope smiled as she pressed the elevator signal “UP.”
Hope’s heartbeat began to quicken as she pressed the elevator button for the eighth floor. She quickly wiped away a narrow line of sweat upon her upper lip and hoped John would not notice as the elevator began to rise.
John smiled and Hope felt drawn to the lively crinkles around his eyes as he did so. John was well-built, at least eight inches taller than Hope and she wondered if he liked short women. She asked him his feelings and John responded, “You’re not short. You’re petite.” They both laughed.
John smiled again and reached across the elevator to pull her closer to him. His hands caressed her breasts and suddenly his hands grasped her narrow waist, lifting her and bracing her against the elevator wall as he pressed his body against her. As John’s warm mouth covered her lips, his tongue darting back and forth, Hope felt his hardened dick shove into her crotch. She gasped for breath as the elevator door opened and John lowered her to the floor.
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October 11, 2007
She was an attractive divorcee, and a lot of fun to talk to. I had no idea she would say “That sounds like a great idea!” when I suggested she join my wife and me for an evening. And the lack of resistance when I asked Jan about it didn’t really make me feel too badly.
Here we were together in the hotel suite after an evening of dining and dancing. Sally liked Tuborg Gold Tequila and Jan liked Manhattans. I was all set for both. We sat and had a few drinks, when Sally asked Jan to join her in a joint. She never had before, but was willing to try. I had just quit smoking a few years before, so didn’t dare join them.
Well, it wasn’t long, with pot and whiskey, and three people who had known each other for a few years, before the atmosphere became very, very comfortable. I finally suggested turning off the lights and lying down and they both agreed.
It was pitch dark, and my clothes were off in a flash. Lying there in the middle of the king size bed, I was growing with anticipation, hearing them both undressing on either side of the bed. Sally lay down first and I put my arm around her, kissing her gently. Her skin was so soft, and I had never touched her before. As I felt the bed move when Jan sat down, I rolled over on my back, taking her in my other arm. Her breasts were larger, and her perfume sweet, and she snuggled in closely.
I was in ecstasy, feeling both of them in my arms, and their thighs against mine. Both of their hands were exploring my chest and abdomen. Suddenly I realized that I could feel their lips and bodies, but I could no longer feel their hands. They had reached across and were exploring each other intimately. I could begin to feel their hips writhe as their fingers found each others clits and reached inside.
Then they began kissing my nipples, and running their tongues across my belly and into my belly button. Their tongues met on the tip of my penis as they were kissing the shaft on each side at the same time. Two tongues on my cock at the same time, and then an alternate seesaw battle taking turns sucking and engulfing it. And always not being able to more than guess where their hands were.
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August 29, 2007
As I walked in the door, coming home from the office, I saw my wife Carolyn standing by the cabinet preparing dinner. Carolyn has a body built like a brick shithouse with all the fixtures in the right place. Today she looked especially good wearing a skimpy halter top with a pair of low cut shorts that fit snugly around her ass with the outline of her bikini panties showing through.
Crossing the room and walking up behind her I reached around and cupped one of her tits with my hand while caressing her ass with the other and gave her a little nibble on the earlobe. “What’s for dinner?” I asked while dropping my hand from her tit to rub her cunt suggestively.
“Company,” she replied.
I heard a voice from the den calling “Come on in, we have the fire going.” As I entered the room, Ron, a friend of the family, rose from a recliner with a drink in his hand and a bulge in the front of his pants. “You horny old bastard” I said, “What the hell are you doing over here?”
“His wife is out of town and he was lonely so I asked him over for dinner and drinks.” Carolyn said as she came into the room bringing me a drink.
Kicking off my shoes I sat on the couch, sipped my drink and watched Carolyn walk back into the kitchen, her ass moving like two pigs caught in a gunny sack. As I thought of what could have been, my dick started to swell and I realized what Ron probably was thinking when I came home.
At dinner Ron could not keep his eyes off Carolyn, every time she leaned over the table her tits bulged against the halter top with the nipples pressing against the cloth. I noticed that as she moved around the table she found several excuses to bump both Ron and myself with her ass, one time rubbing her cunt on Ron’s shoulder.
After dinner we all got fresh drinks and moved back into the den. Sitting on the floor in front of the fire Carolyn stretched her legs out and ran her hand slowly up and down the inside of her thigh.
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November 18, 2006
[full story is 1,922 words]
In which a routine marriage is revived by the vagrancies of the weather and the attentions of a good neighbor.
That fateful Sunday started off with the same old routine. We’d been married for just three years, Michelle and I, but that was enough for us to settle into that comfortable routine. Work was routine, play was routine, life was routine. Worst of all our sex life was routine. So, following the old Sunday morning routine, I pecked my wife’s cheek and drove off to the golf course.
This Sunday, however, did not live up to its namesake. That worthy was hiding behind a mass of low lying clouds. Nothing to stop an afternoon of golfing fun, however. But after an hour of whacking a ball around the fairways those clouds had turned ominous and soon the heavens opened up. The more sensible among us broke for the shelter of the clubhouse while a few diehards squinted into the storm, steadfastly refusing to acknowledge its presence.
The rain wouldn’t go away. It didn’t look like it was ever going away. It just, continued to fall hard, determined no doubt to drown the world and all its creatures. So I cursed Nature and the rotten luck she had dumped on me and decided to go home. Not too long after that momentous decision I found myself pulling into our driveway. A lot earlier than I had planned to. All I had to look forward to was the rest of the day, spent with my loving but routine wife.
Cursing the weather one more time I let myself in the front door. And heard voices. Oh great, I thought, visitors. The day was just getting better and better. What next? An atom bomb? Worse! It was, Jeff, one half of the sweet as apple pie couple that lived next door. Five minutes with those two would guarantee a place in heaven and a mouthful of cavities. Even routine ol’ Michelle would be in dire need of rescuing by now, I thought.
But better her than me. Grinning to myself I half-turned on my way back out. That’s when she giggled. I froze in my tracks. It was the same giggle I’d heard all those years ago. The nervous half-laugh that she laughed the first time I seduced her. Cautiously and silently (thanks to the sound of the falling rain) I shut the door, removed my shoes and padded over to the dining room door.
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