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November 28, 2006
[full story is 1,099 words]
Well, it was Thursday afternoon. Almost the end of another long day at work. As Amy passed my desk she said, “Cheer up – dinner time soon.” She and I had begun to share dinner together on Thursdays as we are almost neighbors and, being recently divorced, enjoy visiting. I replied with a tired smile, “I know – if I can survive that long!” Little did I realize what was soon to be in store for me.
Five o’clock came after what seemed an eternity and we were heading home together in the car. As we came inside the house, she said, “Why don’t you go ahead and change, I’ll start the pasta?” I agreed and went off toward the bedroom. I began removing my blazer suit: hung my blazer in the closet; unbuttoned my blouse and tossed it into the laundry basket; kicked off my pumps and wiggled my tired feet; unzipped my skirt and put it over the chair; unrolled my hose and tossed them on top of the blouse, removed my bra and panties and tossed them also.
I went to into the bathroom to wash up but before I could start the water Amy came in. “What are doing?” I asked. She had never seen me undressed before now. She grabbed my wrists and before I could react she had handcuffed my wrists together behind my back. “What the fuck are you doing!!” I yelled. She answered, “I’m going to give you what you deserve slut. I’m tired of the way you tease the men at work! You and your slutty clothes!! Where do you get off coming on to the guys like you do?? Wearing no bra, and skirts to show off your pussy – you must be a slut or whore!!” I was shocked speechless by what she was saying.
She pulled me over to the bed and tied my ankles to the corner bedposts. She then tied a piece of cord to each wrist and then to each bedpost at the headboard. As she unlocked the handcuffs, she pulled tight on the cords and my wrists were then securely tied also. I was very scared and began struggling against the bonds she had tied, but it was no use – they were very tight. She then placed a ball gag in my mouth and fastened it with a leather strap. I was very terrified now. There I was: tied spread-eagled to the bed and gagged. I couldn’t move or yell!
(click to read entire story…)
November 12, 2006
[full story is 1,222 words]
When I walked into the bar, I didn’t notice her at first. I sat in a booth in a dark corner and ordered a drink from the waitress.
The waitress returned with my drink, and when I went to pay her for it, she said it had already been taken care of by the blonde at the end of the bar. I looked, and there was Sandy, sitting on a stool at the end of the bar. God, she was gorgeous! Wearing a white blouse, short black skirt, and black fishnet stockings, she sat with her legs crossed, and I could see far up her skirt. She was, without a doubt, the best looking woman in the place.
Sandy smiled at me, and, as she walked over to my table, I couldn’t help but notice her nipples, erect against the soft white silk of her low cut blouse, and the slow swaying of her breasts. She stood in front of me and asked if she could sit with me. “Sure”, I said, and she slid into the booth with me.
She told me that she was a receptionist in the hotel, and that she had just gotten off work a few minutes before. She said I looked like the kind of man she’d like to spend some time with, as she traced patterns on the inside of my thigh with her long nails. As she stroked my leg, her firm, warm breast pressed against my arm with urgency.
Sandy looked me in the eyes, and said she had a room upstairs and she’d like to take me there. She stood, took me by the hand, and led me out of the bar to the elevator. Arm in arm, the warmth of her body and the scent of her perfume were really getting to me! My cock was straining against the front of my pants, my balls tight and full.
(click to read entire story…)
September 14, 2006
[full story is 4,578 words]
Jerry Gilman yawned and wiped his face with a towel. He stared blearily at his watch. Slowly, his eyes focused on the face. 2:30 A.M. He carefully put down the soldering iron and stared at the device on his bench.
The Amplifier didn’t look like much. A tangle of wiring and integrated circuits. In the center was one of the new room-temperature superconducting chips. He’d had to scrounge it from the University’s Supplies Department…well, he thought…steal it, really.
The idea had come to him one day as he worked on his PhD thesis. He was working on a double doctorate, Cognitive Science and Electronics. His thesis had to do with ‘coupling’ to brain signals. Originally, he’d expected the work to lead to better EEG machines.
But a breakthrough had happened. Jerry had realized that there were two sides to communicating with the brain. And the new superconductors…He had been working like a fiend for two months. He hadn’t mentioned it to his thesis advisors–the implications were too huge. So he’d had to pretend to be working on his original thesis. This amounted to two full-time jobs, and the effort was beginning to tell on him.
He shut everything down and went to his apartment to crash. He slept for 48 hours straight, then returned to the lab.
In the light of day, the Amplifier looked even less imposing. His calculations and tests said it should work. But would it?
He placed the Amp into a small plastic box and put the unit in his pocket. In the other pocket went the heavy battery pack which would power it. Grunting, he made a note to work on minimizing the power requirements. A fine wire ran under his shirt, up his neck, and to a small adhesive patch on his temple. He covered the patch with a cap.
Inspecting himself in the mirror, he decided the set-up was unobtrusive enough. Only the thin wire was visible. He strolled outside onto the campus. It was a sunny, bright day, and the green quadrangle was filled with students. Jerry switched on the Amplifier. He staggered, almost fell to his knees. A wave of thoughts and emotions surged through his mind. Frantically, he fumbled for the gain control. At last, he had adjusted the Amp so that he could deal with the input. (click to read entire story…)
September 3, 2006
[full story is 1,393 words]
As she walked into the store I could tell she was in great shape. She wore a halter top and shorts of a bright orange color, which really set off her fantastic tan. As she approached me I watched as her thighs would constrict and relax, constrict and relax with each step. I guess I gawked because she smiled at me and the look in her eyes was a taunting one.
“Where do you keep the blank cassettes?”
“Right this way.”
As I started to show her where they were she said, “oh, stay there I’ll find them myself.”
As she walked away I had the feeling she wanted me to watch her from the rear. What a sight! The ripple of muscle in her buttocks was fantastic; but, the bunching of her calves, which were accented by her high heels, was truly awesome. She got her tapes, came up to the counter and looked around to see if anyone else was in the store. We were alone.
“Are you a betting man?” she asked coyly.
“Well, sometimes, why?” I replied.
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll bet I can beat you in [tag]arm wrestling[/tag] and even make you beg me to take these tapes for free. Wanna bet?” (click to read entire story…)
August 26, 2006
Oh shit! This guy makes porno movies! You heard of them, but had never seen one. Why didn’t you read it more carefully? You decide it is time for you to leave. So you head for the door. He blocks you and asks where you think you are going. “Home,” you tell him.
“Unh-uh. Not so fast babe. Remember those contracts you signed? You want me to sue your ass off? Looks to me like you don’t even have enough money for a lawyer.”
Damn! He tricked you. It’s not fair! But you don’t know what to do. He’s right, you can’t afford lunch, much less a lawyer. So you decide there’s nothing you really can do. You don’t want to go to jail.
“Ok. What do I have to do to get them back?”
(click to read entire story…)
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