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December 22, 2006
[full story is 1,243 words]
I am an 18-year-old female with long, wavy brown hair and a 36-24-35 figure. It takes a lot to turn me on, so I’m just friends with the guys in my neighborhood, but I like to dress in sexy outfits for the pleasure of their stares. A month ago, a new family moved in down the street, and I decided to welcome my new neighbors and get acquainted with them. They had a very attractive daughter my age named Kay, and it wasn’t long before we were good friends.
One day after Kay’s family had settled in, I went over to pick her up to go shopping. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw the most handsome guy imaginable shooting baskets. He was my height with long, black, spiked hair and an incredible body — all the more evident because he wore only a pair of jams. I was mesmerized by his beauty. Kay came out, and I eagerly asked her who the hunk was. “My brother,” she replied. “Isn’t he cute!” I soon found out that Kay’s parents had adopted Vin as a child. “Do you like him?” Kay asked.
“He’s hot!!” I replied with a big smile. We both walked up the driveway, and Kay introduced us. I looked Vin over from head to toe, and the sight of the sweat pouring down his body made my panties randy with excitement. I could tell that Vin was also impressed by my assets –accentuated by a white cotton halter top and tight black jogging shorts. Kay and I decided to shoot some hoops with Vin, and the three of us frolicked for a while. At one point, as I went in for a lay-up, Vin shocked me by accidentally grabbing my breast as I dribbled past him.
“I’m sorry,” he said sheepishly. “Foul!” Kay laughed. “I think we’ve all had enough,” she added.
As Kay led me to the house, I stared longingly at Vin. I hoped that he could see how aroused I was by his touch — my [tag]nipples[/tag] were so hard that they could be seen through the fabric of my top. Once inside, we drank some iced tea, but it did not cool the lust I felt for Vin. Soon he came in, and we sat around talking for a long time, forgetting that I had come to go shopping with Kay. I flirted with Vin by deliberately sticking my chest out and curving my body toward him. When I caught him staring, I got embarrassed. I’m kind of awkward in these situations, and I hoped I wasn’t fouling up.
(click to read entire story…)
October 25, 2006
[full story is 2,399 words]
All I wanted was a nice, safe, monogamous relationship.
Of course in high school I was a simple guy, a bit different from the rest of the people where I grew up. I had a direction and a purpose; where most kids were interested in going to parties and getting drunk (and maybe a peek if they were lucky), I wanted to study and make something of myself.
You know the kind. Poor white trash trying to make something of himself; the kid in the corner with the glasses held together by tape, calculator in hand. If this were an earlier age, he’d be trying to read the little black numbers off the slipstick; maybe in the future it’s a laptop with holograms projecting out of it’s surface.
Except that I never wore glasses. My parents told me that in order to get along in this life you need to dress well and look good, and who gives a damn about your brains. So I’m just shy of 6 feet tall and fairly well built; I even play waterpolo when sufficiently drunk enough not to care. But my desire was to be a professional, perhaps a systems analyst, with a nice wife and a couple of kids. The dog in the front yard and the Volvo in the garage is optional, of course.
When I was admitted into Pacific Tech, I was elated. All the hard study and good grades allowed me into one of the toughest schools in the state. Yes, the place had a 6 to 1 ratio male to female, but I was only there to study. As soon as I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, and as soon as I graduated to a successful job I would go about finding that nice woman who I could marry and live happily ever after with. My life was progressing quite nicely, thank you, and on the path I foreordained for myself.
One of the first things that happens at PacTech (as we all knew the place) was “Freshman Camp”, a place where all the students went to learn about the honor code and meet the various fraternities. It’s generally a three-day affair which takes place in a small cove just south of Avon on Santa Catalina Island.
We all gathered in the middle of the student houses for the bus ride out. The freshman class, about 200 students, brought their gear out and waited. Looking around I found more than a sufficient supply of calculators hanging from nerdy guy’s belts to satisfy the computational requirement of any one of NASA’s space probes. I was glad for my parent’s advice to keep care of myself and my appearance; I certainly stood out from the crowd!
The busses arrived, and the great mass proceeded to stuff themselves in. Not in any particular hurry I moved to the back of the second bus, and made myself comfortable. As the bus packed, a rather pretty girl picked me out, and worked her way to the back to join me.
She wore a rather tight leather miniskirt, a tank top, and a black leather jacket; the exception to the rule of t-shirts and messed up hair. From this vantage I saw a rather shapely ass and thighs dressed in black fish-net stockings, and something inside of me awoke for the first time.
(click to read entire story…)
September 5, 2006
[full story is 976 words]
It was a rainy and cool autumn night, a nice change from the long, hot summer. It had been a busy day and so I decided to call for a pizza to be delivered. In the meantime I took a long, hot shower to relax.
My husband was working very late. One child was sleeping and the other was gone to a friend’s house overnight. Just as I was rubbing soapsuds all over my body, I heard the doorbell ring. Wouldn’t you know it? I suddenly remembered that I had ordered a pizza. I knew that the delivery person would be standing in the rain, so I quickly put on a very short red silk robe. I was still wet so it was sticking to my body all over. I ran to the door and opened it to find the pizza kid who was also quite wet. I told him to come in out of the rain. When he stepped into the light of the hall, I was very happily surprised. He was about 6 feet tall, dark hair, brown eyes, very good looking, young but “old enough.”
I was immediately excited. My nipples got hard under the wet silk and I think he noticed. My robe was coming open a little bit when I took the pizza and went to get the money so he could see more of my breasts. I was shaking when I was coming back from the kitchen with the money and I dropped some of it. He helped me pick it up and I could tell he was breathing heavily.
When we stood up I noticed how hard he was. His cock looked so big even under his clothes that I knew I couldn’t resist trying to seduce him. (click to read entire story…)
September 2, 2006
[part I is 8,241 words]
Note: This is a fantasy about teens having sex with other teens, so if this offends you, please read no further and just choose something else to read.
Fifteen-year-old Rob Kramer was worried sick about becoming a sixteen-year-old virgin. He wasn’t a bad looking guy. Just an ordinary kid. Brown Hair. Brown eyes. Average build. Not tall enough to be a basketball legend and not wide enough to be a fullback. He rarely got less than a C or more that a B. Rob thought of himself as Mr. Average. He had a few brief encounters with girls but sexually had never gotten past the feeling-up stage.
Lately, Rob was having a hard time understanding the mixed feelings he was having lately about his 13 year old sister. Even though he was only two years older, he had always been protective of her. Sure, they argued and fought as typical kids always did, but he still always made sure that she caught the school bus, had her lunch and the other things that a protective brother would do. And he knew that she looked up to him as a “big brother” even though she did sometimes act bratty.
Brittany was always “Little Miss Perfect”. Straight A’s in school. Room always immaculate. Her clothes always matched. Her chestnut brown hair was always precision cut with perfectly straight bangs in front and straight across her back. She had big brown eyes that could radiate whatever expression she was feeling. They had a habit of making people want to do Brittany’s bidding.
Until now, he had always thought of her as a little kid. She had been in elementary school. She never paid attention to boys. Her body had not yet started the adolescent development… until now. (click to read entire story…)
August 30, 2006
I thought I was a freak. You see, I am a girl and I like wearing diapers. When I say diapers I mean diapers and rubber pants. I was glad to learn that other people, especially women, wore diapers too.
It started when I was sixteen. I had a friend take me to get my drivers license. I was taking the written examination when I noticed the girl across the counter from me was dancing around. She was hopping from one foot to the other. I thought she was so nervous she would never pass the driving test even If she passed the written test. Just as I finished the written test I heard her sigh with relief and I thought she must have finished too. I soon found out what she had finished. She had just finished peeing.
She had been dancing around trying to hold it in but had finally let go. It was not obvious that was what had happened. But, as she came up to turn in her test I heard a woman say “You wet your diaper, didn’t you?” The girl said “Yes momma, I tried to hold it but couldn’t wait any longer.” I made it a point to look but could see no sign that she was wearing a diaper, let alone a wet one. Her mom must have noticed her dancing around and knew when the girl quit what had happened.
I was told it would be about an hour before I could take my driving test so I decided to use the ladies room while I waited. As I came out of the stall in the ladies room I saw the same girl. She was laying on the floor with her skirt around her waist. She was wearing a wet diaper which her mother was removing. I washed my hands real slow as I watched in the mirror over the sink. When the diaper was off her, her mother washed her up, put another diaper under her and pinned it in place. She handed the girl a pair of rubber pants. The girl stood up, pulled the rubber pants up, let her skirt down and they left the room. By the time I got out of the ladies room they were calling my name to take my driving test.
(click to read entire story…)
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