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February 22, 2008
My childhood was not your normal, typical childhood. As most kids were chumming around with others, I ended up spending most of my time at home, or with my dad or uncles. Interestingly enough, I went a number of times with my dad to his favorite hangout; a friend of his operated a gas station that was frequented by truckers. So, by the age of 13, I had been exposed to every known word in the book, along with stealing some glances at the magazines that they had there. Seemed like some of them used used “fuck” for every other word coming out of their mouths. Needless to say, this left me with an idle curiosity of women as a whole.
As I grew older, my dad started taking me on jobs with him; he ran an air conditioning business on the side. One of his clients was the apartment complex next to the high school I was going to. I’d go with him on these jobs, helping him out with the ladders, installing Freon, swapping out compressors, etc. Occasionally, we’d have to go into the apartments to make sure that the air conditioner would kick on and cool down the apartments.
Well, one day there was a problem with the air conditioner in apartment #2301. Needless to say, since it was a saturday, I went with dad to help him. We’d went to the apartment manager’s office to get the work order, and then proceeded to the apartment. When we got there, we found that there was a leak on the roof, and that it would require only a small soldering job, along with filling up the unit with more Freon. After doing this, we went down to the apartment itself, and knocked on the door. A woman, I’d say in her late twenties, answered the door. We told her that we had worked on the air conditioner, and wanted to check to make sure that it was cooling her apartment. She invited us in, and let us go to the thermostat. My dad started to play with the controls, as I just scanned my eyes around the room. She seemed to be into computers, and music (which was my pastime; I was programming in three different languages, and enjoyed computer music/synthesizers). We started to get into a conversation, and then wouldn’t you know — dad said all looked okay and that we should go. As we were leaving, the girl gave me a slip of paper. Not thinking anything about it, I put it into my pocket.
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October 9, 2007
At thirteen, Angie was not very different from all the other eighth graders. The other girls were approaching sexual maturity, some faster than others. Certainly they were all sex conscious, with budding breasts, spreading hips, a new growth of pretty pubic curls. A few of the girls were already full-busted, though these few were at a distinct disadvantage–their thrusting titties gave the look of being fully sexually aware, and mostly, they were by no means ready for any kind of mature behavior. The boys of the same age were a couple of years behind the girls in development.
That summer, after school was through, Angie was sent to Wisconsin to visit her aunt. This was more or less an annual affair, having happened at least twice before. Those summers, Angie’s mother had been overseas on business, and auntie’s house was a convenient place to park her where she would not get into any trouble. Well, not much anyway.
Aunt Millie was a new divorcee. She had a new boyfriend that she was trying to catch, so she frankly had not much time to think about a niece–who she did not really want around, anyway. She was out most evenings, leaving Angie to “play” with the other kids on the street. The kids were a couple of years older, but Angie’s nicely developing figure gave her the look of a 15 year old, and certainly she did know what it was all about even if she had not really done anything yet.
The girl next door, Sally McIvers, was a year older than Angie. She too knew what it was all about, and had some experience at wild petting parties. Usually she was the youngest one at the party. One of the boys on the street suggested that Angie be invited to the next party, and Sally thought this was a good idea. Angie was invited, was excited at the prospect of being with the older kids. Sally told her that there would be plenty of smooching and some petting, but nothing too strong.
Angie had been kissed a few times and once, her cousin had sneaked up behind her and took each of her breasts in his hands, nicely squeezing them as she squealed. Later, a day or two later, while kissing her, he had forced his hand down the back of her slacks, inside her panties, and there squeezed each of those delicious rounds. He did not try to get a finger into her pussy–though later that evening, while alone in bed, she thought about the episode with great excitement, ran her hands across her naked mound. But now afraid, she stopped.
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September 27, 2007
Jackie’s mother greeted her with a smile and a letter when she returned home from high school in late January. It was Jackie’s sophomore year, and she had applied for a scholarship to study abroad. All through school, Jackie had studied Portuguese until it became her life. She hurriedly ripped the envelope and pulled out the letter. Sure enough! She’d been accepted in the exchange program study in France. She would be staying with a Brazilian family, named Macros outside of Salvador.
As she would be leaving June 23, Jackie prepared carefully for her trip, trying to remember the little things necessary in a foreign country. She also studied about Salvador, learning it was formerly the capitol Brazil and its people were extremely friendly.
At the airport when her mother hugged her goodbye, Jackie cried but looked forward eagerly to meet the new land. Her heart beat with anticipation of what would greet her.
The next morning, Jackie stepped out of the lumbering jet the welcome of a mild morning. The weather was a bit cloudy, but the air was extremely humid, causing her clothes to hug her body closely. Once through customs, she eagerly scanned the lobby for the Macros family. They had written and promised to meet her. A small dark-skinned lady approached her and said, “Jackie?” Jackie smiled and nodded her head in affirmation.
They met up with the rest of the family, and entered into a large Chevrolet. Soon they were home, and Jackie had met and talked with her new relatives. Her Portuguese was a bit choppy, but she found she could communicate well. She shared her room with her “sister,” Roselia. Roselia was also dark skinned, with shoulder-length hair. Her teeth were pearly white, always obvious because of her smile. They became close friends, talking about each other’s country.
As each week went by, Jackie became more acquainted and familiar with her surroundings. The people were extremely friendly. Jackie found the boys especially fun, and she and Roselia drew many whistles when shopping downtown.
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July 14, 2007
[full story is 1,243 words]
I’m an 18-year-old female with long, wavy brown hair and a 36-24-35 figure. It takes a lot to turn me on, so I’m just friends with the guys in my neighborhood, but I like to dress in sexy outfits for the pleasure of their stares. A month ago, a new family moved in down the street, and I decided to welcome my new neighbors and get acquainted with them. They had a very attractive daughter my age named Kay, and it wasn’t long before we were good friends.
One day after Kay’s family had settled in, I went over to pick her up to go shopping. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw the most handsome guy imaginable shooting baskets. He was my height with long, black, spiked hair and an incredible body — all the more evident because he wore only a pair of jams. I was mesmerized by his beauty. Kay came out, and I eagerly asked her who the hunk was. “My brother,” she replied. “Isn’t he cute!” I soon found out that Kay’s parents had adopted Vin as a child. “Do you like him?” Kay asked.
“He’s hot!!” I replied with a big smile. We both walked up the driveway, and Kay introduced us. I looked Vin over from head to toe, and the sight of the sweat pouring down his body made my panties randy with excitement. I could tell that Vin was also impressed by my assets –accentuated by a white cotton halter top and tight black jogging shorts. Kay and I decided to shoot some hoops with Vin, and the three of us frolicked for a while. At one point, as I went in for a lay-up, Vin shocked me by accidentally grabbing my breast as I dribbled past him.
“I’m sorry,” he said sheepishly. “Foul!” Kay laughed. “I think we’ve all had enough,” she added.
As Kay led me to the house, I stared longingly at Vin. I hoped that he could see how aroused I was by his touch — my nipples were so hard that they could be seen through the fabric of my top. Once inside, we drank some iced tea, but it did not cool the lust I felt for Vin. Soon he came in, and we sat around talking for a long time, forgetting that I had come to go shopping with Kay. I flirted with Vin by deliberately sticking my chest out and curving my body toward him. When I caught him staring, I got embarrassed. I’m kind of awkward in these situations, and I hoped I wasn’t fouling up.
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June 30, 2007
[full story is 3,414 words]
The evening was not going well and Cheryl knew it. Only fifteen, she had almost passed out when a college junior had asked her here. Telling her mother and father that she was going to a girlfriend’s house for the night, she met her date, Billy, at a convenience store near her home. Just getting in the car made her feel much older than her years.
Now, several hours later, sitting on a couch in a crowded fraternity house, she was feeling like fifteen again. A bunch of guys had made a big fuss over her when she first arrived but quickly turned their attentions to girls who were much older than she. While she had danced a couple dances, even her own date seemed to have abandoned her. She hadn’t seen him in over 45 minutes. And, after the several drinks she had been given and the joints she had been offered, she was feeling a bit high and drowsy. At this point, all she wanted to do was head for home.
As the party droned on, Cheryl found it harder and harder to concentrate on what was going on. All of the conversations seemed to merge into one and the music seemed to enter into a slow motion mode. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the couch, quickly falling asleep.
She woke with a start to find that the blaring music had been quieted down and that the crowd had thinned considerably. Soft music was gently playing in the background and the bright lights had been dimmed to mild shadows. As her eyes adjusted, she realized that a couple had joined her on the couch. Glancing to her left, she saw the two locked in a deep kiss. Cheryl saw that the girl’s hand was on the guys crotch and was slowly rubbing it.
Looking away, Cheryl felt flushed and hoped that the couple hadn’t noticed her staring. Across the room, she saw a girl laying on the floor between two guys. The girls sweater had been pushed up and one of the guys was playing with and sucking on her bare breasts. The other guy lay kissing the girl with his hand resting between her legs.
In fact, everywhere she looked, there were people making out. From the hallway she heard the sound of a girl moaning softly and, though dark, she could make out an outline of a couple making love.
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