our collection of free hardcore xxx sex stories and other dirty, nasty tales
October 7, 2006
[part one is 2,707 words]
The new girl at Central High was the talk of the school from the day she arrived. At only fifteen years old, she was a veritable giantess, towering over six and a half feet in height, and looked like she weighed well over two hundred pounds, although only her broad, powerful shoulders and massive breasts were evident under the loose, high necked sweaters and baggy slacks she invariably wore. Her hands and feet, big even for a girl her size, were half again as large as the most of the boys’, and her dark hair, cut in a short page boy, framed solid, squarish, but strikingly lovely features which, though larger than life, could easily have adorned the cover of any fashion magazine and dispelled any notion that, despite her immense size, she might have been fat.
As luck would have it, she was given a locker right next to Tom’s, and as they exchanged their books after the first of their morning classes, his 5’2″, 110 lb. frame made him feel like a small child as they stood next to each other, his eyes barely reaching to the bulge of her breasts under her loose sweater. Although, like many small boys, he had always been fascinated by taller, bigger girls, he could not help but feel that this girl was far too overwhelming even for his taste. But she seemed not to notice his discomfort as she looked down at him and greeted him with a dazzling smile, “Hi! I’m Angie McPhallon. Looks like we’re going to be neighbors.” (click to read entire story…)
September 23, 2006
[full story is 348 words]
This happened when I was about fourteen, I think. I had been reading a “hot” book that Louise gave me. I don’t remember the name, but I do remember I got very horny reading it. I stopped reading to play with myself, but somehow, it wasn’t enough. I wanted something inside. I wanted to feel like I was being “made love” to, and to experience what the heroine of the book was experiencing.
I looked around my room for something penis-sized and -shaped, but didn’t find anything. Pens, pencils, even a hairbrush handle came under my scrutiny and were rejected. The more I searched, the more desperate I became, the more I wanted something. (click to read entire story…)
[full story is 682 words]
To me reading about real happenings is a much better turn on than reading someone’s imagination. The following story is absolutely true and did happen as written. It may be small and even seem a bit ‘so whatish’ to some people, but oh well its my memory.
Here I was, a virile 17 year old at the time of this adventure in my life, was a thin male, 6ft tall, and still a virgin. Had a fingerfuck experience with a girl earlier that year but that was it.
It was a very hot and humid day in sunny south Florida. I had driven to my favorite beach located next to a state park in southern florida. This beach area does not have lifeguards or ordinances against dogs or drinking or anything for that matter.
I had been drinking all the way there and was feeling pretty good. I had just finishing the remains of an old ‘doob’ I had found in the ashtray from the day prior, when I turned off the main highway onto the dirt access road to the beach. I parked the car in the designated area and gathered my small cooler and towel and walked down towards the beach. I scanned the area for people that were in the buff. (click to read entire story…)
September 6, 2006
[full story is 1,852 words]
When I was at [tag]school[/tag], I used to sing in the choir. The reason was quite simple to the average horny boy – 25 girls to 10 boys and the sexiest teacher in the school in charge of it. My lust at the time was for a girl called Alison who just happened to be in the choir as well. We used to get on famously but I always seemed to lack the courage to ask her out. She was [tag]sixteen[/tag] (same age as me), brown hair and eyes, 5’4″, had all her curves in the right places and whenever she smiled she sent me wild.
Anyway one night we had a concert not too far from were she lived and after it was over, being the chivalrous type, I walked her home. Can’t remember what we talked about now but it was probably something stupid like homework or who randy bandy Leslie, the class slut, was having that night. When we arrived at her house, she asked me in for a coffee and of course I said yes. Her parents had quite a nice house – what little of it I saw on that occasion. She showed me through to the lounge, put the TV on and disappeared into the kitchen or so I thought. When she came back she had changed out of her school uniform (always worn at choir concerts) and was wearing a tight pair of jeans, a thin blouse through which i could see the lacy outline of her well-filled bra and in her hands were two steaming cups of coffee. (click to read entire story…)
September 2, 2006
[part II is 3,226 words]
Note: This is a fantasy about teens having sex with other teens, so if this offends you, please read no further and choose another story instead.
Rob and Brittany talked in hushed tones as they sat on the bed in Rob’s room. Their mom was asleep in her room and the door was locked, but they still took no chances. Rob fingered his sister beneath her pajama tee shirt as they talked. She rubbed his swollen cock beneath his jockey shorts.
Lately, 15 year old rob and his 13 year old sister had taken to getting each other to a pre-climax state by openly fantasizing about each of them and another person. When they had done everything the could do to arouse the other, they would fuck.
“Okay, now that you’ve seen me do it with Jeromy, I want to watch you do it with Nicole. Don’t worry, she’ll do what I tell her to because she wants into my panties. Nikki is into young girls. She tells everyone that she shaves her pussy because of swim team, but the real reason is that she wants to look like the girls that she wants to do it with. Like, I am almost too old for her because she really likes fifth and sixth graders. But for some reason, she wants me. That was the whole reason for doing it with Jeremy, so that she could see me naked and maybe get me turned on enough to do it with her.”
“What would you do with another girl?” Rob asked. (click to read entire story…)
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