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August 28, 2006
This is my first posting … I have more to share in the future if you like this, but must post anonymously, since I am a senior manager at a Fortune 100 company and knowledge about my extra-curricular activities would cause the end of my career.
It was hot and steamy as we arrived at the airport in Brisbane for the long journey home to Boston. This was the end of a month-long campervan vacation in Australia, and I, for one, was overjoyed to be heading back to some normalcy. For an entire month my wife Anne (I call her “the queen”) had avoided sex in the campervan, or anywhere else for that matter, since “the children are nearby.” – The irony of her way of thinking will be evident shortly.
Actually, she is not very interested in sex anytime, since she was taught by her mother that sex was “dirty.” The only time she ever saw her parents making love, they were fully clothed (hike up the skirt, dear – I’ll just quickly unzip.) Sometimes I wonder how we ever ended up with three children; one is grown and on her own, the two boys (Ralph, 17 and Trevor, 14) were with us on holiday. Because I travel regularly, I have opportunity for other sexual outlets during the year, but four plus weeks within close quarters with a demanding uptight woman does not give you much opportunity to develop alternatives.
I had some first class upgrade coupons, but at check-in time was told there was only one seat available. Anne immediately volunteered because of her “potential for a bad back,” and was seated in 3A. The boys and I were given 21K/L and 22L. This was aisle and window seating in the 2-5-2 configuration, and the last two rows in the second section. I took the single seat, and let Ralph and Trevor sit together for the first ten-hour segment of the flight.
An attractive woman dressed in a loose sweater and very tight blue jeans took the seat next to me. I could see that Ralph was uncomfortable and maybe even a little jealous, since he kept turning around to talk to me, but she was too old (29) to be interested in him. She introduced herself as Christine, “You can call me Chrissy.” She was about five foot eight, light brown (almost blond) long hair, a nice ass – firm and high, breasts with an impact even through her shapeless sweater, and obviously in good physical condition.
(click to read entire story…)
I met a guy through a personal column, and he came over to my place one night to get acquainted. We were sitting there that night, having a drink, with the lights low, and we walked to my bedroom window. There was a guy across the lane, jacking off. Boy, was Peter surprised.
Up to that time, besides my preoccupation with solo-sex, my sexual experiences had all been with guys who went on to date girls and marry. Peter identified himself right from the beginning as being gay, and made it clear that he had never been interested in girls and never would be. He had advertised for a “male friend”, and I had answered.
Peter was exactly my height, 6’2″, of European extraction, and spoke with a slight accent. He had a lot of class, and I found him very attractive, although just a bit feminine in his speech and mannerisms. He was nineteen, with dark hair and striking features, and I must say I was pleased with his broad shoulders, extremely small waist and moderately large basket. He was wearing grey flannel slacks and a T-shirt, and I was wearing a T-shirt and white jeans.
(click to read entire story…)
August 27, 2006
I first met Bonnie two years ago in a health club to which we both belonged, and I was immediately struck by her strength, beauty and femininity. An inch taller than my own 5’9″ and with a powerful, muscular, yet shapely body that outweighed my own by a good ten pounds, I was fascinated at the way she could outlift most of the men at the club and struck up a conversation with her. When she invited me to come home with her I accepted eagerly.
However, I soon discovered what she had in mind for me. Quickly changing into sensuous black tights that revealed every muscle and curve of her fantastic body, she challenged me to a friendly wrestling match. Almost drooling at the prospect of physical contact with this gorgeous Amazon, I readily agreed, and before I realized it she had me downstairs on a wrestling mat in her gameroom. We closed, locking hands, and I held my own for a moment or two while she tested my strength, but after that I never had a chance. She was stronger and faster than I and knew every trick in the book. She put me through a dozen holds in as many minutes, maintaining each hold just long enough to ensure that I couldn’t escape and then moving into the next one. She finished me off by getting behind me, wrapping her powerful arms around my chest, pinning my arms to my sides and lifting me completely off the mat in a crushing bear hug that I thought would cave in my ribs until I was completely limp with exhaustion. Then she put me across her shoulders and gave me an airplane spin that left my mind reeling. She finally ended the contest–if you could call it that–by gripping my neck and buttocks and heaving me up over her head, her arms fully extended, to hold me there, seemingly ten feet in the air, my nose inches from the ceiling, while I struggled feebly to escape her grip, and then tossing me on my back, straddling my chest and pinning my shoulders to the mat with her knees.
(click to read entire story…)
Chapter 4
Both men were working as a team now. One with finger busy slipping in and out of her cunt, while the other petted the clit standing from the soft lips of her pussy. Lisa was coming continuously with both pairs of male fingers fucking her cunt.
Suddenly, she dropped her eyes from the screen. The seat in front of her was occupied, but not in the usual manner.
In fact, the owner of the seat was not facing the screen at all.
He had turned and was staring directly between her wide open thighs, as her feet rested high on the seat, exposing all of her legs, her soft wet cunt, and, her curvaceous ass as well.
He was staring deeply into her opened thighs, watching as the two busy hands and twirling fingers were fucking her squelching wet cunt.
Her instinctive female reaction took over. Her open thighs snapped tightly together, protecting her pussy from the man’s view, pulled at her skirt and drew it down over her pussy and legs.
Bill insistently pulled her dress back up over her belly, exposing her wet cunt, putting pressure on the inside of her thigh to make her open her legs wider again. She realized that Bill had probably noticed the newcomer before she had, knowing he was watching her cunt. At first, she was tempted to fight Bill’s pressure on her thigh to open her legs, but than on second thought, she relaxed and spread her legs, moving higher on the seat to bring her hot steamy cunt closer to his staring face.
(click to read entire story…)
“What I’m trying to explain to you, is that I don’t know if I’d get horny or not. The only other time that I’ve seen another man’s cock since we got married, was when you brought that movie projector home with the eight millimeter films that we watched. I damn sure got horny that night! We couldn’t wait to get into bed, neither of us sleeping until daylight. We were so fucked out we just laid around most of the day, Sunday!
“Did looking at cocks before we got married, turn you on?”
The blonde wife looked at her husband, reflectively.
“Well, I guess so.”
“What do you mean, you guess so?”
“I mean yes! Of course it turned me on. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“I didn’t want to hear anything in particular, only the truth. My point is that nudity can be sexy as hell.”
“Of course it can be sexy as hell, I just don’t know if only looking at just a man’s cock would turn me on or not.”
Bill’s eyebrows shot up.
“And that’s what I’m trying to explain to you, that how could you know how your body and mind will act unless you experience a given set of circumstances. Sometimes, something might sound exciting, however in the real world, fact and fantasy might be totally different.”
Lisa grinned back at Bill.
“And just what have you got planned? The last time you started this kind of conversation, you brought home a few fuck movies. Now if the guy was jacking off his cock, and if it was erect, then it just might get me all turned on!”
“And, what if he wanted you to do the jacking?” her husband asked with raised eyebrows.
(click to read entire story…)
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