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September 23, 2006
[full story is 682 words]
To me reading about real happenings is a much better turn on than reading someone’s imagination. The following story is absolutely true and did happen as written. It may be small and even seem a bit ‘so whatish’ to some people, but oh well its my memory.
Here I was, a virile 17 year old at the time of this adventure in my life, was a thin male, 6ft tall, and still a virgin. Had a fingerfuck experience with a girl earlier that year but that was it.
It was a very hot and humid day in sunny south Florida. I had driven to my favorite beach located next to a state park in southern florida. This beach area does not have lifeguards or ordinances against dogs or drinking or anything for that matter.
I had been drinking all the way there and was feeling pretty good. I had just finishing the remains of an old ‘doob’ I had found in the ashtray from the day prior, when I turned off the main highway onto the dirt access road to the beach. I parked the car in the designated area and gathered my small cooler and towel and walked down towards the beach. I scanned the area for people that were in the buff. (click to read entire story…)
September 20, 2006
[full story is 1,184 words]
The day starts as any other, except for the fact that I can’t concentrate. It’s been a long haul for this software I’m developing and the stress of overtime has taken it’s toll on me. The time passes very slowly as I mold this design into shape. I can’t wait until 2:30 rolls around.
As I pass the day, I continually open this one drawer in my desk, and stare at your picture on the desk hutch. The picture is one of your devilish smiles and reveals a part of you which is undeniably fantastic. In the drawer is a plane ticket to Boston. The flight leaves at 4:30, with a connection in Detroit at 5:15. I can’t wait.
Time finally passes and my boss tells me to have a good time as put on my jean jacket and head for the door. I beam and say “I will, definitely.” I run out to the parking lot and hop into the car.
The engine barks as I turn the key, and I let the clutch out quickly as the tires give that all too familiar chirp. I’m in motion, heading toward O’Hare. The usual speed on these excursions is about 90. I’m too wired and cannot slow down, I’ve got 800 miles to go today. (click to read entire story…)
September 19, 2006
[full story is 1,719 words]
That particular night I planned to just sit back and relax. I had a bottle of wine and it was warm enough I could have left all my clothes off if I wished. I ended up in an old t-shirt. I might as well have been naked though, because when I sat down in my easy chair and lay one leg over the arm, my shirt pulled up almost to my waist, exposing everything it should have covered. Little did I expect that by the end of the night the shirt would not be all I would take off.
My older brother Luke has always been close to me and we share with each other those things of our own we think the other needs or would enjoy. Sometimes it’s eerie the way we know what is on the other’s mind. He must have known I was going to be alone that night because he had dropped off a VHS tape with a note to call him in the morning to let him know my reaction.
I had enjoyed x-rated movies before, some with Luke. The first time he brought one over, I couldn’t believe my eyes. By the time we finished watching the movie my mouth was so dry I could hardly swallow, but my [tag]pussy[/tag] was so wet I’m sure my dress was damp where it had fallen between my legs. I’m also sure Luke knew what I had on my mind. He brought over others for me after that and I always looked forward to each new movie. I loved to watch the guys fucking and licking the girls in the films and I especially liked to pretend it was on my stomach or on my tits their semen spilled. I dreamed of rubbing it into my skin, my pubic hair, my pussy lips and then sucking my fingers until their wetness was licked away. But I hadn’t watched one in months. So I especially looked forward to an evening of fantasy as I took Luke’s movie out of it’s container and slipped it into the recorder.
The film I put in the player that night, however, was not what I anticipated. This one did not have guys. It was only about girls. (click to read entire story…)
September 16, 2006
[full story is 2,030 words]
Once upon a time, in an apartment complex in a distant town, I received my very first successful airstart. Since I was of the advanced age of thirty, this came as quite an overdue pleasure. I had been dating the girl of my dreams (wet and dry) for several months, and we had fucked and sucked on many occasions, but I had never been able to fully relax and let myself go (er, cumm). But this night was different.
I arrived home from school about 9, and when I opened my apartment door I knew right away that this was to be a GOOD night. Just inside the door were Julie’s shoes. A little farther in were here stockings. Still farther, her skirt, then blouse as I made the turn toward the bedroom. Panties and bra made up the last “steps” to the bed, where I saw something I never will forget. Julie was lying with her back on the pillows, propped up against the headboard, with her ankles crossed behind her neck! She was sucking a pale yellowish liquid from a long plastic tube (which must have come from the lab where she worked). The tube wound around her right leg two or three times, and disappeared into the curly blonde hair around her pussy. What a sight! What a shock!! What a turn-on!!!
At this point, my heart was in my throat. She smiled and asked if I’d care for some champagne. Confused, I looked around for a moment until she said “no, silly, here!” and she handed me the tube. I hesitated, but then figured, what the hell, and sucked on the tube. To my surprise, it was champagne, although a little warm for my taste. “How?” I asked. She reached down to where the end of the tube entered her pussy hair, and spread the lips of her pussy apart, revealing a big red party balloon, which she had filled with a little champagne, inserted the plastic tube, and closed it off with a rubber band. Gloriosky!!! (click to read entire story…)
September 15, 2006
[full story is 447 words]
Wiping his hands on the dish towel, he turned to watch her as she stretched to put a glass on a high shelf. The sleekness of her body had always excited him. But as they’d spent more time together, something more had developed, a tug at his heart when he looked at her, that he had not expected.
He reached for another plate to dry, and thought of how they made love. The first time, he’d wanted her so badly he could hardly resist handling her roughly. The memory of her unexpectedly joyful response made him smile.
They wanted the same thing. A friendly pat could become a full-fledged spanking in no time. When it didn’t occur to him to treat her that way, she’d find some playful way to give him cause. They had fun together.
A gentle nudge jolted him from his reverie, as she took the plate from his hand. Were she not now been holding something fragile, he’d have… (click to read entire story…)
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