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October 31, 2006
[full story is 2,160 words]
“Ohesotte nani?” I asked on the way to the bathroom, examining my navel. Beth, reading on the floor, ignored the question.
From the door of the bathroom, I looked down at her for probably twenty seconds before I said, quietly with a hint of humor, something completely out of character for me: “Spread your legs.” This she reacted to, but only barely. She lifted and spread her knees so I could peer down her skirt. She continued to read.
Beth and I had taken to [tag]teasing[/tag] each other and, behind her book, I could see a slight mischievous grin. Turnabout being fair play, I turned my back and closed myself into the bathroom. We were going to be late for an important Japanese quiz, but I didn’t much care. I counted to two hundred after I had flushed, then made my exit.
She was still reading.
Still lying with her legs apart, she waited about five heartbeats before looking at me. My belt was still unfastened, and she, with the book held nonchalantly in one hand, said “Do you want some help with that?”
“Spread your legs wider,” I suggested; it was not an order.
Still holding on to the book, she pulled her skirt up enough to allow her to comply. Her mischievous grin was not so slight anymore. “I’d very much like help with this,” I said. She arched an eyebrow. “Please,” I finished.
She rose to her knees and ran her hands up my thighs to my belt. She ignored the belt and opened the buttons on my jeans. I tried to take a scolding tone, but my smile leaked through: “You’re going to make us late for our quiz.” Her only response was a “hmm” and her fingers slowly rubbing me through my underwear.
While continuing to softly stroke me, she maneuvered me into a chair. One hand slid over the top of my underwear and grasped me firmly, her hand cool against me. She began to work me very, very slowly while looking straight into my eyes with the look that she knew drove me crazy.
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October 25, 2006
[full story is 2,399 words]
All I wanted was a nice, safe, monogamous relationship.
Of course in high school I was a simple guy, a bit different from the rest of the people where I grew up. I had a direction and a purpose; where most kids were interested in going to parties and getting drunk (and maybe a peek if they were lucky), I wanted to study and make something of myself.
You know the kind. Poor white trash trying to make something of himself; the kid in the corner with the glasses held together by tape, calculator in hand. If this were an earlier age, he’d be trying to read the little black numbers off the slipstick; maybe in the future it’s a laptop with holograms projecting out of it’s surface.
Except that I never wore glasses. My parents told me that in order to get along in this life you need to dress well and look good, and who gives a damn about your brains. So I’m just shy of 6 feet tall and fairly well built; I even play waterpolo when sufficiently drunk enough not to care. But my desire was to be a professional, perhaps a systems analyst, with a nice wife and a couple of kids. The dog in the front yard and the Volvo in the garage is optional, of course.
When I was admitted into Pacific Tech, I was elated. All the hard study and good grades allowed me into one of the toughest schools in the state. Yes, the place had a 6 to 1 ratio male to female, but I was only there to study. As soon as I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, and as soon as I graduated to a successful job I would go about finding that nice woman who I could marry and live happily ever after with. My life was progressing quite nicely, thank you, and on the path I foreordained for myself.
One of the first things that happens at PacTech (as we all knew the place) was “Freshman Camp”, a place where all the students went to learn about the honor code and meet the various fraternities. It’s generally a three-day affair which takes place in a small cove just south of Avon on Santa Catalina Island.
We all gathered in the middle of the student houses for the bus ride out. The freshman class, about 200 students, brought their gear out and waited. Looking around I found more than a sufficient supply of calculators hanging from nerdy guy’s belts to satisfy the computational requirement of any one of NASA’s space probes. I was glad for my parent’s advice to keep care of myself and my appearance; I certainly stood out from the crowd!
The busses arrived, and the great mass proceeded to stuff themselves in. Not in any particular hurry I moved to the back of the second bus, and made myself comfortable. As the bus packed, a rather pretty girl picked me out, and worked her way to the back to join me.
She wore a rather tight leather miniskirt, a tank top, and a black leather jacket; the exception to the rule of t-shirts and messed up hair. From this vantage I saw a rather shapely ass and thighs dressed in black fish-net stockings, and something inside of me awoke for the first time.
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October 24, 2006
[full story is 1,829 words]
I guess I realized my fetish started when I was in high school. One weekend, a whole group of my friends went up to the lake to party and get some sun and water-skiing in. There was this really CUTE girl who I was seeing. Her family was rich and let her do basically whatever she wanted. So she asked to take her brother’s speedboat out and of course they consented. I think that she had just learned how to drive but had been navigating her father’s speedboat as well as some of our friends’ ski-boats for a while. I don’t think she had ever taken her brother’s boat out before. But what the hell, he was away at college and wouldn’t care anyways. Right? Well, I remember a whole bunch of problems getting the boat up to the lake, but once it was there, the fun started.
Valerie had long blond hair (being the California beach girl) and a really knockout tan slim body, with blue eyes and pouty lips. She was always wearing as little clothing as possible (to get more sun she said). The day after we got there, Val was wearing a red bikini and she had these cute dainty feet with red nail polish. I remember looking at her long tan legs and gazing downwards to her feet. She was a water-skier and had smooth, muscular, but not too muscular legs that saw their share of sunlight. Her cute brown feet were in white flip-flops, the kind that has the really thin stringy thongs which showed off her cute feet. I got an instant hard-on.
She pulled me to my feet where the group was sitting in the sand. We hadn’t begun to ski yet so she told the group she was going to warm up the boat and get used to driving it by taking it around the lake once. She of course called me to go with her or this would be the end of the story.
Her brother’s boat was a fast jet boat that he sometimes used for racing. It had a benchseat in it big enough for only two. As she climbed into the driver’s seat, she put her leg forward and as I was admiring her beautiful, nicely-tanned strong legs, I saw a big pedal shaped like a big bare footprint on the floorboard right in front of her. It had a raised ridge along the side of it and the entire gleaming footboard surface had raised bumps kind of like corrugated steel. The shiny metal pedal was at least 14″ high and stood straight up. I had never seen a pedal on a boat before and asked her what it was for.
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October 20, 2006
[full story is 6,158 words]
I had never been an actual slave in “real life,” although I had had strong fantasies about being a slave for just about as long as I could remember. I have a very submissive nature, especially around someone who is able to bring out that side of me. This story is about a Mistress I served.
Mistress R. was my online Mistress. We had never actually met; we only corresponded through the email on a local BBS. All I knew about her was what I could read in her “bio.” She was 33 years old, 5’9″ tall and weighed 140 pounds. She was married and had red hair. Most of the other answers in her bio were normal enough, but under a question about personality types, she had selected “dominant.” Of course, with my submissive side, I had to write to her and explore just what she meant by that answer, and I was happy to learn that she liked to fantasize about being a Mistress. Based on this, we soon formed an online relationship with her as the Mistress and me as the slave. She made it very clear that since she was happily married this could never be anything more than “electronic play,” and I readily agreed. Right from the beginning she was very demanding. She remained totally in control and things seldom went the way I wished, but as I followed her orders (by myself, in front of the computer), I began to feel myself mentally coming under her control.
She began my training by telling me that as her slave, my body become her property. Just like I wouldn’t think of touching a Mistress without permission, she required me to ask for her permission and to follow certain rules she set forth before I was allowed to touch “her penis.” She ordered me to relieve her penis three times a day, but I was never allowed to even touch it if I was on any kind of furniture; I had to be kneeling or laying on the floor. This was very hard for me, since reading her letters or chatting with her or thinking about her made me very horny; it was hard to keep my hands off of her penis. I was required to send her a daily report once a day about how I had relieved her penis, how I had carried out any of her other orders, and describing my feelings to her.
Let me explain that although we never played in person, I tried to the best of my ability to obey her every command exactly as she wished, without complaint. I was not entirely successful, I think in part due to the fact that I probably needed her watching over me to insure total obedience. It was enough, though, to make me feel totally like her property. I was honest with her, so whenever I disobeyed or did not follow her orders, I told her so. Being an online computer relationship, I could have lied and she would never have known, but I think then I would have missed out on many of the feelings that came along with it. I really began to think and feel as if I were under her control.
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October 19, 2006
[full story is 987 words]
Sweetheart, as I re-read your hot letter, I am right at his time eating grapes and I am thinking … of each as one closely resembling your [tag]nipples[/tag]. I touch one (the left one) with my tongue. It is glistening now as I flick my tongue back and forth over it. It begins to harden as my moist tongue probes it. I run my tongue back and forth over it as your nipple starts to elongate and resembles a thick fat eraser as it starts to become engorged. I am now savoring the flavor of the sweet slit of the moist opening in the grape. I know you would help me cup your warm breasts and squeeze it for me, so your nipple protrudes forward. That’s right my Sweet, squeeze it so the nipple stands out and pushes forward towards my mouth. Gee, I just blew a wisp of air onto it, and your teat got a bit more harder. You are so hot tonight my Darling.
I wish you were right here next to me and I didn’t have to imagine that these grapes resembled your nipples. I noticed too that both your aureolas are a darker brown than usual. This is due to you are now getting so hot for me during this foreplay. I savor your nipples again by pushing your left nipple by using my lower teeth to grip just under the bottom of your nipple. Now I can flick my tongue back and forth across your nipple and against the roof of my mouth. Oh yes, Darling I do! I can see that too is starting to drive you WILD!
I know you are starting to get very hot because you are trying to get my member out of my pants. But, WAIT…you want to my hot mouth to push your whole breast into my mouth…yes I know it feels good! You are moaning now…I am trying to push your whole fleshy mound into my mouth. I am slowly sucking it deeper and deeper until my whole mouth is now covering the whole firm fleshy mound. Yes I know if feels so good!
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