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October 1, 2006

The Big Boss Lady (part one of three)

[part one is 3,531 words]

“You’re hired” were the words I’d been hoping for. I spent weeks after weeks, trying to find a job as a sale manager. I’ve got a degree in sales, but because of no experience, almost all of the companies wouldn’t hire me. Except for one firm owned by Ms. Suzan Sager. From what I understand, she sells any kind of sex equipment she can get her hands on. From condoms to the torture racks, even the computer generated mind sex that just recently came out.

I couldn’t tell much about Ms. Sager, because she was sitting behind a large desk. She’s a beautiful honey brown hair woman, who’s in her early forties. Her black leather business jacket that she was wearing, jutted almost straight out and then tightly straight down to her narrow waist. It hinted that she’s a very large busted lady. Through out during the interview, she was very serious about her business. She likes to smile a lot as she talks.

Her huge office was luxuriously decorated with expensive items. At one wall, she had a large painted portrait of herself in a ivory frame. Below the picture, was a long glass showcase. Inside the glass was various antique unaccustomed torture devices she had imported from different countries. Next to it was a full wet bar.

On the opposite wall, was a TV set embedded into the wall with a complete stereo equipment. About two feet away was a full bathroom with a walk-in closet. The closet has a full set of clothes for different occasion.

At the same wall, there was another room off set to the side. In the room, there was a large spa sunken into the floor, surrounded by live tropical plants. I could also see a hologram projector, which only the filthy rich people could afford.

Further back into the room, behind the glass doors was a sun room. It was filled with all kinds of exercise provisions. It had everything from dumbbell to a treadmill. Most of the weight were free-weights, almost no machines. At one side of the suite, there was also a double metallic sliding doors, which I had no idea what’s it for.

There was a window, which overlooks her warehouse and the city, behind her desk. She also has close circuit TV under the window which probably covered every room in this building.

There is a double wooden doors that opens electronically behind me, which leads out of her office. Ms. Sager’s office is upon the seventh floor.

The honey brown hair lady asked a series of question about my personal life. I answered her that I was single and had no dependents. I have no girlfriend and lead a pretty quite life.

She told me if I wanted the job, I would have to move onto her property for security reason. She assured me, that there would be no rent to paid, but she has some very strict rules that I would have to go by. She handed me a sheet of paper for me to read her rules. And handed me another stack of paper which contained the regulations of her business. (click to read entire story…)

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