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December 31, 2006
[full story is 1,537 words]
I flew into LAX and when I came through the gate I saw Brittany standing there. She was even more beautiful than her pictures had allowed me to believe. I approached her and the closer I got to her the more intimidating she became. I watched her face light up in a smile that I interpreted as one which said, ‘this is going to be easier than I thought to break this one into little pieces.’ We hugged and I thought she was going to break my ribs or knock me out right there in the airport; but, she eased up and whispered in my ear, “that was just a little sample of my arm strength. I’m going to destroy you with them and then break you in half with my long, strong legs. You belong to my muscles.” I could only smile and respond as any male would when that close to a beautiful, powerful woman.
We walked down to get my baggage and Brittany made sure that she walked in front of me so I could watch the flex of those gorgeous legs of hers. We talked while waiting for my bags and she would verbally tease me every chance she got. My bags finally came out and I pulled them off of the conveyor belt. They were heavy and I suggested we find a porter to take them out for us. Brittany said, “don’t be silly, I’m stronger than any of them ever thought of being. I’ll carry the bag you think is so heavy; do you think you can manage the camera?” And she picked up my bag as if it were empty and off we went. When we had the bags loaded into the car she took my hand and placed it on her arm then she flexed. The muscle exploded and my hand could not fit around it. Brittany said, “this is what a real arm feels like and you are going to be feeling it a lot around your scrawny little neck and weak body as I crush you into unconsciousness.”
We arrived at my hotel, checked in and the bell man took us to the room. I had gotten a suite as Brittany had instructed me to. After the bell man had been tipped and he left Brittany walked over to me; wearing her 4″ heels she stood about 6’2″. I looked up into her smiling face as she raised her right arm and flexed her muscle in my face. She then grabbed a handful of hair and wrapped her arm around my neck in a headlock. “Put your hand on my arm and feel how hard my female muscle gets as I knock you out.” I touched her arm and the next thing I knew was Brittany straddling my body as I lay on the floor. When she saw me open my eyes she laughed and said, “You only lasted 3 seconds but I won’t put you out so fast from now on. I want you to squirm and cry and beg some. Now sit up and put your neck between my thighs. You may feel them as I crush you out again.”
(click to read entire story…)
December 28, 2006
“…And four is just COMPLETELY OUT OF HAND”
[full story is 3,444 words]
Our parties are usually nothing to be laughed at and this one turned out to be no exception.
We didn’t have as many people as we expected but we did get the ‘core’ group of people together so we had a quality party rather than a quantity party. On the whole, it was a WONDERFUL occasion. Steve, as usual, brought a gorgeous woman along to introduce to the crowd.
Shelly was incredibly cute. A little short, 5’4″ or so, and a little heavy, but, for some reason I was immediately attracted to her. I walked over to Steve and whispered in his ear
“Who’s the babe?”
“Oh, don’t know you Shelly?” he said with mock surprise. “Shelly, this is Kurt, Kurt this is Shelly”
“Hi, I’m Kurt, nice to meet you.”
“We usually call him ‘Speedy'”
“Hey, buddy, I don’t need any more of your shit tonight.”
“Well it’s true” he said with a grin.
“Yeah, well…” It wasn’t worth trying to salvage a good first impression with him around. I decided I would try a little later.
“I’m Shelly…We met before a couple months ago in Chicago,” she said, offering me her hand.
A woman as physically pleasing as this I would have remembered…and I know I wasn’t THAT drunk.
“I was with Steve and you were with…what was here name?” she said to Steve.
“Who, his squeeze toy?…that was Karen.”
“Steve, give me a break…its been a long day and I cannot defend myself against this barrage.”
“Ok, I’ll give you a little breathing room.”
“Nice to meet you, Shelly, I think I’m going to wander about the party and see if everyone is having a good time”
“Ok, nice meeting you again.”
They turned back to their conversation and I slipped away through the crowd with my tail neatly tucked between my legs.
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December 22, 2006
[full story is 1,243 words]
I am an 18-year-old female with long, wavy brown hair and a 36-24-35 figure. It takes a lot to turn me on, so I’m just friends with the guys in my neighborhood, but I like to dress in sexy outfits for the pleasure of their stares. A month ago, a new family moved in down the street, and I decided to welcome my new neighbors and get acquainted with them. They had a very attractive daughter my age named Kay, and it wasn’t long before we were good friends.
One day after Kay’s family had settled in, I went over to pick her up to go shopping. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw the most handsome guy imaginable shooting baskets. He was my height with long, black, spiked hair and an incredible body — all the more evident because he wore only a pair of jams. I was mesmerized by his beauty. Kay came out, and I eagerly asked her who the hunk was. “My brother,” she replied. “Isn’t he cute!” I soon found out that Kay’s parents had adopted Vin as a child. “Do you like him?” Kay asked.
“He’s hot!!” I replied with a big smile. We both walked up the driveway, and Kay introduced us. I looked Vin over from head to toe, and the sight of the sweat pouring down his body made my panties randy with excitement. I could tell that Vin was also impressed by my assets –accentuated by a white cotton halter top and tight black jogging shorts. Kay and I decided to shoot some hoops with Vin, and the three of us frolicked for a while. At one point, as I went in for a lay-up, Vin shocked me by accidentally grabbing my breast as I dribbled past him.
“I’m sorry,” he said sheepishly. “Foul!” Kay laughed. “I think we’ve all had enough,” she added.
As Kay led me to the house, I stared longingly at Vin. I hoped that he could see how aroused I was by his touch — my [tag]nipples[/tag] were so hard that they could be seen through the fabric of my top. Once inside, we drank some iced tea, but it did not cool the lust I felt for Vin. Soon he came in, and we sat around talking for a long time, forgetting that I had come to go shopping with Kay. I flirted with Vin by deliberately sticking my chest out and curving my body toward him. When I caught him staring, I got embarrassed. I’m kind of awkward in these situations, and I hoped I wasn’t fouling up.
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December 16, 2006
[full story is 3,283 words]
The skinny girl, the one with the bony hips and the tits that looked like they got stuck on afterwards with modeling clay, just read you a list of your faults – I mean, like a list written on one of those long sheets of yellow paper with the blue and red lines for Pete’s sake – and you tell her to go to hell, as politely as possible. And as you walk down her stairway and out her front walk and start up your car, you realize that the big girl you met at your old friend Fred’s the other night, the one with the incredible green eyes and the big bouncy boobs and the little green shoes that looked like slippers, has been walking around in your brain, and now and then one of those little green shoes twangs the nerve that runs from your head to your dick. Laurie. Like a damn fool you didn’t get her phone number.
On the way home you drop by Fred’s place. Fred looks like a large bear. His house looks like where you’d expect a large bear to live. Stringy furniture. Not very much light. Books everywhere. Longnecks empty of home brew. Peanut shells on the floor (or are they acorn hulls?). Fred must have one of every computer Apple ever made. He does something with cars and computers for a living. You and Fred pop a couple of home brews. They say PHREDZ BIG BEAR BRAU in sort of fake German letters, done with a computer. You never forget your first Phredz. If you survive it, anyhow. “Yeah, Laurie’s something else. Teaches high school. Phone number.” He does something with a computer and her name and address and phone number eventually pop up on a screen. While the computer disks whir, your mind wanders back to Fred’s party the other night. Fred loves to roll back the peanut shells and turn on the old time rock and roll. You boogied with Laurie and watched her feet move in those little green shoes that looked like slippers. She wore a soft purple sweater and when her huge boobs bounced to the music her big nipples showed right through her bra and poked the backs of your hands. The skinny girl glared. The backs of your hands are still burning.
The computer prints out Laurie’s address and phone number. You gulp down the rest of the longneck. You go home and call Laurie. You feel like a high school kid. Even her voice has big boobs. Sure she’d like to have dinner at your place tomorrow evening. Her voice bounces “bye” and you put the phone down not quite believing it. You’ve got a date with Laurie. You fall into bed worn out. Suddenly your dick’s as hard as the nozzle on a fire hose. You think about those crazy nipples on the backs of your hands and you cry out “Laurie, Laurie, Laurie” when you cum. That’s all you remember.
(click to read entire story…)
December 13, 2006
[full story is 2,720 words]
Sarah dressed as the doctor left the room. She couldn’t believe it! That bikini shoot in Malaysia had given her a rare tropical disease. At first she was afraid she would die from it, but the doctor said it was easily curable, but when he told her the cure and it’s side effects, she wished she could die. The cure was simple enough. A small incision into her neck and remove the infected portion of her pituitary gland and she would be almost as good as new. The ‘almost’ part was the killer. With part of the gland missing, her metabolism would slow down and she would gain weight — A LOT of weight. This wouldn’t do for a model. Actually, she was now a former model since the medication had already put 13 pounds on her. She rubbed the soft belly that had once rippled with muscle. The surgery was tomorrow. Soon this barely noticeable tummy would balloon into a basketball of pure flab. A tear slid down her cheek.
Sarah came to a groggy consciousness after the surgery. She could feel the bandage on her neck. Oh no! as groggy as she was, just moments after major surgery, she was hungry! RAVENOUSLY HUNGRY! Sarah stayed in the hospital for only 2 days. As expected her metabolic rate was slowing rapidly. She found she was sleeping more, but also she had this delightful feeling of peace, and inner calmness she hadn’t known since she was 13 and had begun her career as a model. She went home concerned, but oddly hopeful of her future. She was glad to be off the medication but she had still put on 5 more pounds in the 2 days since the surgery. Her clothes were tight; too tight. On the way home she stopped in a mall to get some new things. Sarah was shocked. The only things that fit were size 8! She had been a petite 6 only a month before! Even more surprising was the fact her bra was now too small. She needed a 36B. The off the rack clothes and the added fullness in her hips, chest and face totally changed her look. She was still pretty, of course, even beautiful, but that ‘something special,’ call it glamour, that makes a top model was gone. In an instant, she knew what she had to do. She went to a beauty shop and had her hair re-styled and returned to its natural color. The effect was astonishing. Gone was Sarah Lane, model. In her place was Ann DeMarco, her real name.
It felt good to be Ann again. Her last stop was the supermarket. She filled her kitchen with all of the sights and smells of an Italian kitchen, that she had known and loved since she was a child. She prepared Veal Picante with pasta she made herself. The meal was a transitional experience for her. She had no financial worries, she had only had this lose of power that came with leaving modeling, but she would find a new way — a new life that would be more fulfilling than the old one. She looked around. This was a big house and she was determined to fill it with love and children.
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