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August 19, 2007
In retrospect, I should have known that his plans for the evening were more elaborate than he’d told me. They always are. But I went into it thinking that we were simply having dinner with a friend of his, a man he referred to as an excellent conversationalist and a ‘fun’ person.
I wore almost-normal clothes — a long skirt with high-heeled boots, scoop necked silk shirt with a pendant in the shape of his mark. My buttocks still tingled from the spanking he’d given me earlier, and I could feel a bruise swelling gently on my thigh where he’d bitten me. There was a certain extra thrill in feeling the aches and throbs in my body after he had done with me. I relished them as a secret thrill when people saw us together, for we were close friends and no one knew of the deeper relationship we shared.
The man he introduced to me as Orion was already seated in a booth at the restaurant when we arrived. He was tall and slim, with a stern countenance and icy grey eyes that thawed a little when he smiled. My master ordered for me, and this was my first clue that something was up. He ordered a light, easily digestible meal which alerted me to the fact that I would possibly need to be ready for action before long. Or he could simply be teasing me…
But no.
He and Orion chatted easily over their wine. I sat back and enjoyed the witty conversation, relishing the feel of my master’s leg against mine. He was not paying much attention to me, other than to smile at me occasionally or feed me a morsel of food from his plate. I began to relax, the wine making me feel mellow and a little sleepy.
Suddenly his head snapped around and when I looked into his eyes I knew the game was about to begin. Still, I was stunned when he slapped my face lightly and ordered me to go to the restroom and remove my underwear.
My face must have showed my amazement. How could he talk to me like this in front of Orion? No one knew of our relationship save my master and me, his slave. And now he was ordering me around in front of a man I had just met!
My hesitation seemed to anger Orion, because he leaned over the table and grabbed my face in his hands, squeezing my cheeks painfully. His eyes were frosty.
“Do you hesitate, little one? Most unwise.”
My head immobile, I looked pleadingly, shocked, at my master, but he met my frightened eyes with a glare. He wanted it this way!
As I left the table, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. It was a salt sister to the moisture between my legs.
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August 17, 2007
[full story is 2,012 words]
I teach anatomy to medical students and nurses. Although I have never tried to seduce a student, I often have fantasized about making love to one or more of my students. The following is a story based on that fantasy.
I hear a knock on my office door. As I open the door I am greeted by the sight of two sensuous students, Tina and Linda. Tina is a brunette with large, dark, inviting eyes. She has a slender figure, with small, firm breasts, a tiny waist, and a nicely rounded ass. Linda is a voluptuous blond. She has a beautiful face, framed by long blond hair. Her figure flows from her abundant mammaries, to a slender waist and then expands into her full, round ass. Both these freshman nursing students really fill out their student nurse uniforms. They both are freshman nursing students in my anatomy class. Unfortunately, neither of them are doing well in the class. I do welcome their presence in lecture, because they wear short skirts to class. Since the lectures are given in a large amphitheater and these two do not keep their legs together, I have a very nice view of their crotch all during class. I often have thought about screwing these two, but no opportunity has presented itself. That is until now.
“Hello Tina and Linda, What can I do for you?”
“Professor, we know that we are failing anatomy. We want to know if there is anything we can do to improve our grade in your course. Perhaps you could give us some special tutoring.”
“Well Tina, I think that special tutoring sessions can be arranged. After all, its still early in the semester so you both still have time to raise your grade. Both of you come into my office and sit down.”
As I begin my tutoring session, I explain to the girls that they must come in twice a week for the remainder of the semester to pass the course. They quickly agree. I ask them some questions to break the ice:
“Tell me girls, how old are you?”
Tina replies, “I’m 18.”
“Me too,” adds Linda.
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August 15, 2007
[full story is 2,884 words]
I turn the corner and walk through the doors into the library. I stop and listen for any familiar voices in the general area. No one. Pushing the button on my watch, I listen for what time it is. “Seven twenty-four, p.m.” Good, I’m early. I walk to an empty table, fold up my cane, sit down and wait.
Five minutes later, I hear someone walk up to my table. “Hello, Tom. Been waiting long?” It’s my study partner, Christine. I’d recognize that silky voice anywhere.
“No, I just got here.”
We get out our books, and I put my tape recorder on the table. After about a half hour of studying, I hear noise coming from one of the small public rooms. I ask Chris if she could see what it was, and she leaves the table to check.
“It’s a science fiction club. They meet here every Thursday,” she says upon returning.
“Oh. Well, their movie is too loud for me to concentrate. Perhaps we could find somewhere else to study.”
“Hmmm. Well, my roommate has her boyfriend over tonight. Not the best atmosphere for studying right now, How about your place?”
I think for a second, trying to remember how clean my apartment is. “I guess that’ll work. I live three blocks from here.”
“Ok, let’s go.” We pack up our stuff and leave. “Would you like me to lead you?” she asks as I start to get out my cane. I gladly accept, and we begin walking down the street.
The feel of the skin on her arm under my fingers is strangely stimulating. I’ve never felt such soft smooth texture. She quickly notices the way I’m touching her.
“Ooh. What are you doing? That feels good.”
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August 13, 2007
[full story is 3,165 words]
He’d talked to her an innumerable number of times on the telephone. As a matter of fact, they had been casually flirting over AT&T for nearly 6 months. Neither had seen one another so as they walked into the meeting room where they were supposed to have their week-long meeting, both were looking for the other. He knew her right away because she was the only woman in the room. Before the meeting began, he made a point of walking up and introducing himself. “Hi, I’m Peter Watkins,” he said. “I believe we’ve met, over the phone.” Her handshake was firm but there was no commitment there and her eyes only glimpsed his as they said their pleasantries.
It was a working meeting and she was in one group while he was in another. Only occasionally did they have to address one another. Toward the end of the meeting, he asked for some assistance from anyone in the room. As she looked at him, their eyes met, seriously, for the first time. He knew, she was his. Of course, in a meeting such as this, there was no time for exploring the relationship further. But tomorrow was another day.
Since she lived in the general area, she left with her car pool and he wandered back to the hotel following the meeting. The next morning, he was in the meeting room getting ready for the meeting when she came in with an arm full of papers to be distributed. He jumped up to help her and lifted the load from her arms. As he did, his arm brushed against her body. To anyone else, it would have looked innocent, but he knew there was electricity passed on that casual touch. So did she; they both knew it. During the day, he had several other opportunities to be close to her. His touch was returned, albeit only slightly, each time. He knew she was his. She knew she was attracted to this man.
That’s all there was to this first meeting. Although they did go to dinner at her home and met her husband, two children, dogs, cats and assorted other house guests. He knew, however, there would be many more meetings and the foundation had been laid. She knew too.
The next time was a working meeting in Phoenix, far from both their homes. As usual, the first day was casual, with the greetings and small talk that normally accompanied such meetings. Oh sure, they got their work done but the real meeting was to take place later.
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August 10, 2007
[full story is 3,902 words]
The whole week had been hot. Actually, the whole damn beginning of the summer had been hot. And now, a small vacation. 24 free hours. 24 free hours were going to be spent in a nice, clean, quiet, motel room. But, that was yet to come…
Kathy bound out the door toward the car. Naturally, being the gentleman I am, I opened her car door for her and took her bags. I carefully placed her luggage in the trunk and quickly got back into the driver’s seat. Although we both knew what lay ahead this weekend (sex), of course, casual small talk took over. We had known each other for about a year at this time. Sex became something to look forward to for both of us. But, we wanted to put a deliberate twist into our sex to liven things up. Quite a few subjects were tossed in the air and commented on as we drove to the motel. But, not much substance to the conversation could be recorded. Ultimately, like all conversations where some anxiety or anticipation is present, the topic we returned to often was the weather. And, ironically, it was an appropriate subject. It was hot. And, it wasn’t going to get any cooler.
Through the whole summer, we had exchanged letters. We often met on weekends and had frequent retreats to motels. Sometimes motels could wait, sometimes hotel rooms were paid for in haste with no real sleeping involved, and sometimes we bummed around Indianapolis first to highten the anticipation for what was to come. After each liason, our letters would often jump into the subject of sex–literally. One subject never connected to another. These discussions would often lead to fantasies that we would both someday like to bring to reality. Unknown to myself, one of those fantasies we discussed would soon be reality.
I was soon surprised. Our favorite cuisine for that summer was Korean and Chinese food. As we were sitting in a Chinese restaurant, Kathy casually dropped her plans right in my lap.
“So, Allan, are you up for tonight?”
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