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October 31, 2007
I was sitting in a booth at a Country Western Bar that I was visiting for the first time. I was there about two hours watching the place fill up and waiting for the band to come back from break. I was downing my third beer and waiting to get up the nerve to ask one of the girls to dance. I had no one in particular in mind, but the place was full and there were plenty of women to choose from.
Just as I finished my beer, the waitress came over and placed another one on the table. She said it was complements of the customer sitting at the bar. I could hardly see the bar area because my view was blocked by all the customers. I just waved in that general direction, a friendly salute and started to drink the beer. Many images were going through my mind, wondering who bought me the beer. As I was looking down at my glass, I sensed that someone was standing next to my booth and I quickly looked up.
She was amazing. She stood at least 6’2″ and had gorgeous long blonde hair. Her stature was immense. She was at least 200lbs with broad shoulders and very large breasts. She had on a cowboy hat, overalls and snake skin boots with steel toes and spurs. I just stared at her completely speechless. She finally said, “Well, aren’t you going to invite me to join you?” I stuttered, “Yes, of course.”
She sat down on the same side I was on and slid all the way over, pressing me into the wall. She put her arm around me and gave me a firm squeeze. I felt my heart pounding and my groin coming to life as she looked me in the eye. She said, “I’m the Sheriff around here. How would you like to be my deputy?” I just nodded my head and felt a gulp in my throat. This was not a woman who took no for an answer and I was totally confused by her aggressive tactics.
Before I knew it, she grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me toward her. She opened my mouth with her tongue and stuck it half-way down my throat. Her other arm reached into my crotch and started squeezing my balls. I felt completely helpless. I was being crushed by an amazon and was loving every second of it. We both began to breath heavily and were getting very turned on.
After what seemed like eternity, she removed her tongue from my mouth and said, “Let’s go back to my place for a little bull riding.” I couldn’t believe what I heard, but awkwardly smiled and said, “That sounds like a great idea, lets go.”
She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the booth without any effort. She put her arm around my waist tightly and said, “You’re coming with me.” I was very embarrassed. I felt like everyone in the bar was staring at me as I was being dragged down the aisle by a large cowgirl and trying to cover up the large bulge in my pants.
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October 29, 2007
It was getting close to lunch time and I was already restless. I was staring into the terminal of my workstation, not concentrating on what I needed to do, but thinking of wild sexual encounters involving myself and my latest lust.
There was a light tap at the door behind me, taking me out of my reverie. I turned to see the part-timer, Anita, looking around the door as she opened it. She had started the previous day. She was doing a report for the boss and I had been assigned to answer any questions that she may have had.
The day before, while she had been in the adjacent office, going over the project with the boss I couldn’t help but notice her. She wore a modest skirt which came to about her knees. He legs were marvelous, thin and shapely. She had a fine body with sensual curves. She wasn’t skinny, or thin, but she was fine. Her breasts, full and perfectly proportioned, pressed against the light blouse that she wore. Her face was pretty and she had a wonderful mane of long, auburn hair.
As she left the office with her bundle of notebooks and papers, Anita’s eyes met mine. They were a light shade of brown. Her smile was infectious. It made an electric sensation go through my body and my head was light. I smiled my best smile back at her. She didn’t look away and with a wave and a crinkle of her eye, she said “See You!” and was out the door. She was scheduled to be here for the rest of the week and suddenly I had the feeling that it was going to be quite good.
She had come by on two occasions the previous day. On the first, she had only inquired about how to format the report she was working on. She stood at the door, leaning into my office as she asked.
I turned in my chair to face her. Her hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned forward and her blouse fell open a bit, offering a brief glimpse of her treasures as she asked, “How should print this when I’m done?” I could feel a stirring in my loins. I said, “You can just keep the text in block paragraphs and put the figures in columns under however many headings you feel necessary.” I couldn’t take my eyes away from the opening of her blouse, hoping that I would get another view. When I finally shifted my gaze up to her face, Anita had a knowing look and a sly smile. She said “O.K., I can do that,” then she stepped out of the office and closed the door behind her.
Later when she returned she had a rough draft of the report compiled from a small percentage of the stats she had reviewed. She set the pad on the desk in front of me and leaned over my shoulder and pointed out key elements as I read. I could smell her scent, not a perfume, but a sweet feminine scent. I could hardly concentrate, I could feel my pulse quicken. Her hair was on my shoulder and felt as light as clouds.
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October 27, 2007
The agreement was that Hope would meet John on the ground level of the apartment building at the elevator bank. They would rise together in the elevator to Hope and Tom’s apartment on the eighth floor. The agreement was that for Hope and Tom’s 10th anniversary, Hope would grant Tom’s ultimate wish–to watch another man fuck Hope while Tom watched.
Hope nervously paced the ground floor, waiting for John, wondering if she would regret her agreement with Tom. She loved Tom and very much wanted to please him, but she had never shared her body with another since their wedding and worried about the consequences for their marriage.
Yet, after much discussion and mutual reassurances, both Hope and Tom had begun to feel an unequaled sense of anticipation…of excitement. Now they had only to hope the careful selection of John as a partner would not be regretted.
Hope turned as she heard slow, solid footsteps approach behind her. She looked up into John’s smiling face, his eyes dancing with light.
“You sure you want this?” he said as he brushed Hope’s hair from her face.
“An agreement is an agreement,” Hope smiled as she pressed the elevator signal “UP.”
Hope’s heartbeat began to quicken as she pressed the elevator button for the eighth floor. She quickly wiped away a narrow line of sweat upon her upper lip and hoped John would not notice as the elevator began to rise.
John smiled and Hope felt drawn to the lively crinkles around his eyes as he did so. John was well-built, at least eight inches taller than Hope and she wondered if he liked short women. She asked him his feelings and John responded, “You’re not short. You’re petite.” They both laughed.
John smiled again and reached across the elevator to pull her closer to him. His hands caressed her breasts and suddenly his hands grasped her narrow waist, lifting her and bracing her against the elevator wall as he pressed his body against her. As John’s warm mouth covered her lips, his tongue darting back and forth, Hope felt his hardened dick shove into her crotch. She gasped for breath as the elevator door opened and John lowered her to the floor.
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October 25, 2007
Their eyes had met at the turnstile….his fare ticket had been returned with a “See Attendant” notice, and his blush was very noticeable against his blonde beard. Rachael smiled sympathetically as he moved aside and let her through.
Sexy eyes she thought to herself as she walked to the escalator descending to the train platform. Hearing the train doors open, she ran quickly down the slowly moving stairway and arrived just in time to see the doors closing and the train pulling away. “Nutz!” she mumbled under her breath, and moved to her accustomed queue position, where she opened her novel.
The ill-fated mad dash to the train platform had made her warm and she removed her long coat, dropping her book in the process. As she bent over to pick it up, her rear end bumped against the person in back of her, and she swiftly straightened, turning to apologize. Now it was her turn to blush as she saw that same blonde beard and sexy eyes she had encountered upstairs at the turnstile. She had noticed him many times before, and had imagined he had watched her a few times as well, although she didn’t think it was true.
She averted her eyes quickly, not knowing what his thoughts were, but she couldn’t restrain her own. She tried to go back to her book, but couldn’t concentrate. The stranger had stepped forward to the side to look down the tunnel for an oncoming train, and she could see the slight bulge in his suit pants in spite of the jacket he held over his arm. He stepped back in place behind her, and she went back to her story.
Soon, she felt something push gently up against her ass, which felt much like a briefcase. He must have made a mistake, she thought, and mentally forgave him. Shifting from one foot to the other, she couldn’t help fantasizing about this stranger behind her. She had noticed he was about her age, of average height and weight; the kind of teddy bear she would love to hold and suckle. His face was that average-guy good looking, with strong cheekbones (what she could see beneath his beard), and smiling blue eyes.
Well, what am I doing day-dreaming about him” she asked herself. After all, he probably wouldn’t even LOOK at me. She unobtrusively tugged at her slightly snug blouse, smoothing it over her breasts, and rounded hips.
She had been uncomfortable all day, noticing how this blouse accentuated her large breasts, and how the new brassier she was wearing held them up and allowed them to bounce MUCH too much when she walked.
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October 23, 2007
I am a cross-dresser who has for years enjoyed looking and acting like a woman. Lulu, my wife, started to enjoy this side of me once she discovered how easily she could dominate me. She likes to expose my transvestism to unsuspecting souls.
At first it was something simple like holding panties up to my waist while shopping for lingerie. But it has progressed to her telling me to buy specific items like a pink bra, a red garter belt or a black teddy. She also insists that I tell the sails clerk that the items are for me. I will be severely punished if I don’t comply, so when we go into the lingerie department and asked what we’re looking for, I will answer, “A pink bra. I wear a 36A.” It never fails to raise eyebrows. I love the embarrassment of it all.
My wife loves to embarrass me outdoors too. We will go to a public tennis court with me dressed in a white shirt and shorts with bright pink panties and a bra that will clearly show through underneath. It never fails to provoke stares. I have also gone to the tennis courts wearing a tennis dress with full makeup and a blonde wig. I’m quite convincing when dressed as a girl, so this doesn’t bother my game. But what does bother it is the fact that I’m also wearing tight nipple clamps and have a buttplug in place.
Lulu thinks I should experience womanly feelings and adventures as much as possible. So in bed I must be ready to accept her strap-on dildo and open my mouth so she can feed me my semen when I come. I also make regular visits to a beauty saloon for wig styling and facials.
A real surprise came a few weeks ago. Our tenth anniversary was fast approaching, and we had talked about exchanging vows again. We had arranged to hire a minister in a small chapel and have another couple, our best friends, stand up for us. This would be on a Wednesday night, and we would take off the rest of the week for a second honeymoon.
I should have known nothing is as expected when Lulu is involved.
She called me at work and told me to meet her at a bridal shop later on so we could get fitted. I thought she meant that I would be renting a tux. But when I arrived at the shop she was inside talking to the owner. They gave me a strange smile when I walked in. The owner looked at me and said, “Yes, I have something will fit him perfectly.”
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