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November 30, 2007
After a month of planning, the day had finally arrived. My wife, Cathy, and I arrived at the hotel room before the other couple. The room is basically what other decent hotel rooms have; two queen size beds, a desk with rolling char, and a stationary chair. I know that we both were anxious and a little nervous.
We dropped off our bags in front of the desk while assessing the room. Not much later did we get our stuff unpacked and put into the dresser, there was a knock at the door. Excitedly my wife ran to the door and peered out the peep hole to see who it is. “They’re here, they’re here!” my wife exclaimed. Hurriedly Cathy opened the door, and with a flourish of her hand, she extended it in towards the room, motioning our friends, Jerry and Jenni in.
Cathy exchanged hugs with both of them while I just shook hands with Jerry and hugged Jenni. I could tell that they are as excited about tonight as we are. I waited with my wife, while our friends unpacked and of course, the girls took off into the bathroom to get some makeup on. Jerry and I whittled away the time with some idle chatter, talking about how work was going, and other stuff that is going to be pale in comparison to what would possibly transpire tonight.
After the girls got all done up, we headed out, the four of us, to the local family restaurant and had ourselves a nice cheap dinner, then headed out to the pool hall where we could get some drinks, and play some pool. We teamed up differently than normal. Jerry partnered up with my wife, while I was partnered with his. After a few games of pool, and quite a few drinks, we all decided to head back to the hotel.
When we finally got back to our room, I figured it would be a great idea to play some kind of game and asked if anyone else was interested. One point was made that we didn’t have anything with us to play, so I suggested that we could play an old childhood game called “Truth, dare, double dare, promise or repeat.” Since the game was pretty much explanatory, I didn’t have to get much into great detail. Of course, the girls were trying to stay conservative and only stuck with “truth” while us guys were trying to be a little daring. Some of the dares were kind of lame, until it was my turn to ask a truth question of my wife.
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November 28, 2007
I had only been home a couple of times since Mom’s funeral, on leave from the Army. When I was discharged, I bummed around a few weeks. Then I hitch-hiked home. It was dark when I went up the front steps of the house. I was surprised to find the door locked. I was even more surprised when a tall, dark-haired woman answered the door. She was full-figured, dressed in a tailored suit that showed off her curves. She looked thirty-five, maybe forty. I didn’t know what to say, but she said, “You must be Howard Jr. I recognize you from your picture. Please, call me Mother.”
I guess I just stood there with my mouth open. “Oh, you didn’t know your father remarried, did you? We wrote to your last known address, but the letter was returned, undeliverable, no forwarding address. Well, come on in. This is still your home, you know. Welcome. Would you like something to eat? A cup of coffee, anyway.”
I went on in, dropped my duffle bag by the door, and followed her to the kitchen. The place had changed. New curtains, things like that. Kind of spooky. “Where’s Dad?” I said.
“He got a better job, with Carstairs. He’s on a run to Duluth. I don’t know just when he’ll be back. Sugar? Milk?”
“Black’s fine.” I had a thousand questions to ask, but I didn’t know where to start. “Uh, have you been married long?”
“About six weeks.” At that point, there was a tentative knock on the front door. She motioned to me to stay put, and she went to the door. A moment later, she was back, with a more slender version of herself, obviously her daughter. “Howard, this is Rachel. Rachel, this is Howard, your step-father’s son. Say hello to Howard.”
“Hello, Howard, I’m pleased to meet you.” The older woman pointed at the kitchen clock. Rachel looked at it and said, “I’m sorry, Mother. I know I’m late, and I’m truly sorry.” That seemed strange. It wasn’t much past ten, and Rachel looked at least eighteen, old enough not to have a curfew.
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November 26, 2007
This is a story about my first time with a women. It starts at my house and where I lived with my grandmother ever since my mother had died 5 years earlier. I was 18 at the time and had been jacking off for quite a while by then at least 3-4 years one day my grandmother was doing the laundry and out of the blue said I wish you do you boy stuff in the bathroom and not get it on the sheets all the time. I didn’t say anything just turned beet red.
From then on I was careful not to get any cum on the sheets if possible sometimes id wake up from a dream and have cum though and id try to wipe the sheets but it was IM possible to get the cum out. I was a normal 16 year old id never had any pussy and it was all I thought about id fantasize about every girl and women I thought was sexy which was probably all of them at that age.
I did do my boy stuff in the bathroom a lot as my grandmother called it. And one day I had been in there for maybe 5 minutes and just ran in to drain a huge hard on I had I sat down and leaned back feet on the bath tub in front of me and was stroking my cock and could feel the cum building in my balls and body I knew it wouldn’t be long until I shot a load all over my belly.
When all of a sudden the door comes open and my grandmother was standing there with a laundry basket.she had come to get the dirty laudry from the hamper and there I sat stretched out stroking my 8 incher for all I was worth she didn’t even flinch she said oh sorry let me know when your done. And turned and walked out shutting the door behind her.
I was so embarrassed I thought I had locked that door what an idiot I am. When I came out which I didn’t want to do to face her she said sit down for a minute I want to talk to you. I did I thought she was going to bitch me out. But she started out by saying she was sorry she didn’t know I was in there and its a natural thing for boys my age and asked if id mind answering some questions for her ? I told her no…
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November 24, 2007
Paula was going out of her mind, she was down to her last twenty dollars and if she didn’t find a steady source of income in a hurry she was gonna find herself out on the street!!! The rent was due in just three more day, no, make that three months rent was due in three days, and even though her landlord had been understanding of her problems, even a nice guy like Mr. Fuller would finally put his foot down sometime, and Paula was pretty sure that time would be this Friday!!! Restlessly she thumbed through the help wanted ads, when suddenly her eyes locked on an ad that read, “Women, Make Big Money Fast, No Experience Necessary, Start Tomorrow, Call 555-4321 and ask for Mr. Zolton”!!! Could this be the answer to her dreams, that she didn’t know, but as her hand reached for the phone, she sensed that her life would be changing forever!?!
“Please, have a chair, Miss Winters,” Ogden Zolton said easily, “I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the place!?!” “Uh, no, not really,” she replied softly, “your directions were perfect!!!” “Good,” he replied while leaning back in his chair and lighting up a cigarette, “so tell me, Miss Winters, do you know what we do here, I mean how we make our money!?!” “No, I don’t,” she answered quickly, “your ad wasn’t too specific on anything, except for the fact that the money was good!!!” He smiled for a second, and after blowing out a long stream of smoke, nodded and replied, “The money’s very good, in fact I’d say it was excellent, how does five hundred dollars a day sound to you!?!” “F-five hundred,” she stammered, “did you say five hundred dollars per day!?!” “Exactly,” he shot back, “and there’s a chance it could even go higher!!!” Her head was swimming at the prospect of making so much money so quickly, but her good sense told her nothing was that easy, so in a wary voice she asked, “What would I have to do to earn that kind of salary!?!” “A very good question,” Ogden Zolton replied while getting up from his desk and motioning her to follow him as he opened the door, “let me show you and you can decide if you’re cut out for our kind of work!!!”
(click to read entire story…)
November 23, 2007
It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order! I’d counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, “come with me and I’ll show you a good time” offers.
I’d responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, “Why, is there someone else coming?” Jenny, the girl on the next stand to mine let out a most unladylike guffaw and promptly lost a sale!
“Hell” she laughed, “It was well worth it, what a creep!”
Slipping off my jacket, I poured myself a gin and tonic from the mini bar and that’s when I saw the card offering an in-house pedicure and manicure for foot weary business ladies. Well that was me all right, my feet were talking to me!
I rang the number and was greeted by a very well spoken woman called Sandra, she gave me a price scale and giggled when I said, “Just come and stop my feet from abusing me, to hell with the cost”
Another gin and tonic eased my frustrations somewhat and I was just about to draw a bath when I heard a gentle knock on the door.
“Hi” she said brightly, “I’m from the anti feet abusing society!”
That made me laugh and I like her immediately. “Well you’d better come in “I smiled, “But I wasn’t expecting you right away, I’ll just be a minute, help yourself to a drink while you’re waiting”
“Thank you, maybe afterwards” she smiled showing a beautiful set of gleaming white teeth, “But you don’t need to go anywhere, our service is expensive as you know, but we do everything for you, absolutely everything!”
(click to read entire story…)
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