I found this long movie clip and figured you’d enjoy it. Particularly if you like [tag]webcam girls[/tag] and the Van Halen song “Beautiful Girls.”
You really should watch this one somewhere you can have your sound turned on (and up!). Click the image to start the video.
If you enjoy watching the girls in the video, I’m putting a few links to the [tag]camgirl[/tag] websites shown in the video segments below so you can check them out.
Sweet Apples | Cam Girls Planet | Taras Cam
Webcam Dare | Raven Riley | Kat Vixen
If you’re wondering why your chocolate bunnies and jelly beans didn’t get delivered on time, this may help to explain the problem.

Sending a shout out to all my (marshmallow) peeps.
It’s only Israeli websites so far, but “Da-Net Group” has been hacking into sites and replacing pages and photos with images of a stern, white-bearded rabbi and text claiming responsiblity for having “erased all its abomination.” The text continues to say that the porn site was “a violation which has caused many people’s death, troubles and calamities.”
Wonder what the “violation” was all about? Simple, it seems Da-Net Group is pissed off because sites like those can cause a man to have “spilt his sperm for nothing!” as their text explains.
These people are just right out of their fucking minds.
There are only two kinds of people in this world: the people who masturbate … and the people who lie about not masturbating.
These idiots are afraid of their own fucking dicks!
— inspired by “Jewish “sex commando” targets Israeli porn Web sites”
We’re not just going to tell you about things worth seeing. Sometimes we’ll pass along warnings that there are some things you may not want to waste your time watching.
The movie, I Am a Sex Addict, from director/writer/star Caveh Zahedi, sounds like one of those we’re going to stick in the “didn’t see it” file.
You can read the whole review at the link below if you want more details, but here are two quotes from it that pretty much say it all:
Most of Zahedi’s film plays out like this: Zahedi gets a girlfriend, confides in her that he wants a blowjob from a prostitute, goes and does it, problems ensue. Repeat.
Turns out that Zahedi’s a selfish prick. By the time we get to the self-involved Zahedi’s teary catharsis, I didn’t sympathize with him so much as I felt like an egocentric asshole had cornered me at a party and had been whining at me for an hour and a half.
Watch this one if you want. But then don’t say we didn’t warn you.
(And if you do happen to see it, post a comment here to let us know whether you agree or disagree with what we said here. Thanks!)
quotes from original review at…
Portland Mercury – Film – Sex Addicts Have All the Fun
In Kuala Lumpur, an Indonesian maid posed in her [tag]underwear[/tag] for pictures her female employer promised would appear in the Indonesian version of [tag]Playboy[/tag], then complained after receiving no payment. The woman who took the pictures said she was just playing a joke on her maid. The maid can’t go to the police, since in Malaysia it’s illegal to pose for or to take nude photographs, and she would also face charges there.
It seems to me that the more they try to make sexual expression a crime, the more people wind up getting hurt by the stupid laws people create.
original story here…
Employer’s joke dashes maid’s Playboy hopes
While the first U.S. editions showed more skin than the new Indonesian [tag]Playboy[/tag], that sure didn’t stop some people there from grabbing them up as soon as they went on sale. And it didn’t stop others from being completely outraged about the very idea of Playboy being allowed in their country.
The Indonesian version of the magazine doesn’t even expose a nipple, so forget about any full frontal nudity here. And yet there are still people saying the very name Playboy is something they object to.
Full story available below.
(click to read more…)