the xlog : x-rated weblog

a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general

July 14, 2006

Sex workers can’t get no respect (and are tired of it)

Filed under: photos,sex news — Simon @ 12:30 pm

SexWorkerRallyThis photo is from a demonstration held yesterday on the steps of the courthouse in Las Vegas.

The group, composed of [tag]prostitutes[/tag], [tag]strippers[/tag] and men and women of the night, called for more respect and stronger legal protections for legal and illegal workers in the sex industry. They complained that a series of new anti-human trafficking laws restrict their freedom and called for the decriminalization of the world’s oldest profession.

I have to agree with them. I think that spending the money we’re wasting locking up prostitutes and their johns could be spent in much better ways. We need to take a hard look at the things we’re trying so hard to control and realize that we need to get our noses out of what people want to do with each other.

You can read more about the demonstration and what they’re trying to achieve in the story linked here: Vegas sex workers demand rights, respect

1 Comment »

  1. it’s funny that this event was held this week, the Video Software dealers association was this week and Xbiz ..I guess it must be sex week in Vegas. Of course only the sex workers made the news..

    Comment by docholly — July 16, 2006 @ 9:43 am

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