Free Handjob (okay, well, free handjob advice anyway)
Whether you want to improve your own technique or have someone else in mind who you’d like to see improve theirs, the Hand Job Advice website will be a treasure trove. The site has a nice collection of free videos, each one focused on a particular stroke which is identified by its nickname. For example, the sample video here shows a [tag]handjob[/tag] stroke called the “Never Ending Tunnel (just click the video to start it).
There are twenty other free videos on the site, which show how to do things like the The Shocker, the Wild Butterfly, the Washing Machine, Milking The Bull, the 2 Finger Corkscrew, Starting A Fire, the Doorknob, the Palm Lick, the Fakie Hand Job, the Switch Hitter, the Pancake, the Flattener, the Ping-Pong, the Healing Stroke, the Slippy Grippy, the Headless Hand Job, the Squeezing Ring, the 2 Handed Slammer, the Swizzle Stick, and the Over-Under. You’ll also find advice on sensitive areas, how firm to grip, plus lubes to use and lube lessons. Check out Hand Job Advice and learn how to give a fantastic hand job.