Besides mentioning some of the things available on this site, there’s plenty more for all you [tag]kinksters[/tag] and other [tag]pervs[/tag] in the latest issue of [tag]Fetish-News[/tag]. Check out the copy posted on the web to see if you like it. Information on how to get your own free email subscription is in the newsletter.
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The Seoul Sex Education Expo had heavily advertised the hot foreign women in steamy underwear, [tag]striptease[/tag] acts and sex seminars. But unfortunately, attendees had to settle for sex toys, lotions and audiovisual material.
Oh, the hot foreign models were ready to come perform at the show. No problem there at all. But the Korean immigration officials warned them that they’d be deported if they performed without performance visas. Usually they’d just have flown in on tourist visas, but that wasn’t good enough for the civic groups who pressured the Korean authorities to act like assholes and keep the models out of the country.
Road trip? Definitely not with this guy! Rescuers who pulled an unconscious driver who’d crashed into a bus from his car discovered that not only wasn’t he wearing his pants but he also had a vacuum pump on his dick.
Police in the Slovak town of Levice said they’d never before investigated an accident involving a half-naked unconscious driver and a [tag]penis pump[/tag]. Just one more benefit of a global free market economy I guess.
Teachers, schoolgirls and librarians, all taking off their clothes. What could be better than that? How about hot [tag]Las Vegas[/tag] [tag]strippers[/tag] dressed up in those outfits for a back-to-school fund-raiser called “Detention.”
Performers at Scores Las Vegas, a [tag]gentlemen’s club[/tag], peeled out of their clothes and offered lap dances to customers, to support the local school district. Scores also matched patrons donations on a dollar-for-dollar basis. Money raised will be used to provide new or gently used materials, supplies and computers to Clark County teachers for free or little cost.
Maybe it’s just me, but I like the subtle irony of strippers working hard to make sure someone gets an education.
As you probably know, [tag]Steve Irwin[/tag], The Crocodile Hunter, died yesterday from the poison barb of a bull stingray. The news says he died almost immediately, although he was rushed to an island to meet the medivac chopper. Thinking about it remined me of the commercials he’d done for FedEx a few years ago. Click on the arrow in the center of the image to start the video clip.
R.I.P. Steve
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