the xlog : x-rated weblog

a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general

November 21, 2006

What color are your pubes?

Filed under: humor,photos,sex news — Simon @ 9:56 am

pubic hair dyesAbout 25 years ago I knew a group of club girls who all dyed their pubic hair bright pink. Some of the guys I knew made it their mission to collect the full set of ‘pink girls’ and it made for some good times to remove a girl’s panties and discover someone new had joined their little pink clique. So this recent story about someone making a product those girls would have loved brought back great memories.

Betty Beauty, which bills its products as ‘colour for the hair down there’, is making waves in the beauty world with its new range of [tag]pubic hair[/tag] dyes. Founder Nancy Jarecki came up with the idea when she was living in Rome three years ago. She noticed as women left a salon, the colourist would discreetly slip them little brown bags.

“They would receive it with such delight, kiss kiss, and away they would go,” she said. Curious, she asked the receptionist what the women were getting in those little bags and was told “to match down there.” “I thought: ‘Of course, who wouldn’t want to be a true blonde?'”

So she worked with a chemist and toxicologist to develop a gentle, no-drip formulation and speciality application tools. offers five colors: Brown Betty, Blonde Betty, Auburn Betty, Black Betty and Fun Betty (bright pink), and also sells T-shirts that ask: “Is your betty ready?” The firm says its products are not just aimed at women. “Men have betties, too. Everyone’s got one!” Ms. Jarecki said.

I don’t know about everyone having a betty, but I do know there are a few ladies who’ll read about the new easy way to ‘get pink’ and will be smiling at the memories. And this product, unlike some of the things the girls used back then, doesn’t come off if you engage in any sort of physical activity. Neither perspiration nor oral sex has any effect on the color (and it doesn’t non-consensually wind up on the partner!).


  1. […] Posted on the Xlog is an article about a hair dye for your pubes. It got me thinking that perhaps I’ve lost touch with the times a bit. Maybe it’s become “old fashion” but for me, I still prefer a “shaved monkey” over a color coordinated one. The article says that the developer worked with a chemist and a toxicologist to develop a gentle, no drip formula and special application tools but the question I have to ask is how long before it’s safe to do a little muff diving. Can you imagine, going down on a set of freshly dyed pubes only to come up with a face full of pube color? Explain that one….I decided to go with a new goatee but it just doesn’t grow in right! […]

    Pingback by XXX Blog Maniac » Pube Color….Do Guy’s Really Care? — November 22, 2006 @ 10:08 am

  2. I have just one question: do you think pink highlights would go well with a deep purple bush?

    Comment by Virgohippy — November 22, 2006 @ 2:19 pm

  3. As a hippy, I would have never thought you were into a punk rocker mode. You cease to surprise!

    Comment by Walrus — November 23, 2006 @ 4:11 am

  4. Back in the early 80s, I had several friends who wound up ‘wearing the mark’ of the pink clique girls. Some wound up with their own pubes stained pink from the heat, perspiration and friction. But the funniest were the ones who wound up with their beard, mustache or goatee carrying the sure sign of what they’d just been up to.

    Punk Rock Hippie – I like that. 🙂

    Comment by Simon — November 23, 2006 @ 8:03 am

  5. They don’t call me hippie freak for nuthin. 🙂

    Admit it Simon, you loved the extra attention you got after being seen with pink on your face. 😉

    Comment by Virgohippy — November 28, 2006 @ 2:18 am

  6. […] I heard talk from one of those people who actually knew what sex was back in the 80’s (I was still ditching my diapers, running around naked in the backyard back then) that pink pubes were quite the secret fad. He calls himself Simon, runs a blog called The XLog… anyway… he asked, “What Color Are Your Pubes?” […]

    Pingback by Erotophoria » Blog Archive » Missed the Pink Pubes Craze — November 28, 2006 @ 3:31 am

  7. Actually I was one of the ‘early adopters’ when it came to those girls. The leader of their little click was one of my best friend’s girlfriend back then. So I was fortunate to also get early warnings from her about the new girls, who usually were still new at coloring their pussy hair vivid pink. The more experienced cadre girls had already been shown the secrets of their order, and their pink stayed where it belonged, in that lovely place betweeen their legs. 🙂

    Comment by Simon — November 28, 2006 @ 7:17 am

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