the xlog : x-rated weblog

a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general

December 22, 2006

Who wants to live in Fuckville?

Filed under: humor,sex news — Simon @ 2:06 am

fuckby villageSeems there’s a village in Sweden whose residents want to change its name. They believe that the name of Fjuckby arouses ridicule, teasing and hilarity in the general public. The rude English-language associations are bad enough, but the Swedish word ‘juck’ means the same thing, making it hard to sell property or run a successful business there, or so the residents say.

A representative of the Swedish surveyors’ office said name changes were rare, but did admit that the village of Krakanger did change its name in the 1950s. It’s name basically meant “sorry about the vomit.”

If Fjuckby gets the name change it wants, similar campaigns may be launched in Anusviken, Arslet and Dicken. (Yeah, and don’t forget the lovely hamlet of Gagonacock.)


  1. “…making it hard to sell property or run a successful business there, or so the residents say.”

    Seems to me they’re in the wrong business. 😛

    FYI, I hear Kuntlic county has a reputation for delicious pies. 😉

    Comment by Virgohippy — December 22, 2006 @ 3:44 pm

  2. Those words struck the same chord here. I can think of a lot of businesses you could successfully run in a town with “Fuck” in its name.

    A slice of pie sounds good about now. 🙂

    Comment by Simon — December 23, 2006 @ 8:21 am

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