Would you like porn with your pizza?
That’s the new question you’ll hear when you call to get a pizza delivered. At least it will be if Corey Wildeman has his way. That’s because his new pizza place in Winnipeg, Canada inserts pornographic pictures in the box under the pizza.
Not everyone in the Manitoba capital is happy with this idea, but it’s being done strictly by the law. Callers must be 18 or over to order from Porno Pizza, and need to show a photo I.D. before the box is handed to them by the delivery person at the door. “They have to make sure they’re selling to someone who’s of age,” lawyer Ian Berger said. “But other than that, get a little something extra with your pizza — there’s nothing wrong with that.”
While Porno Pizza might not cross any legal lines, it did cross the comfort line for some folks, with one woman saying the woman in the photo she received was “too naked,” while another said that porn was “something I wouldn’t expect to have anything to do with pizza.” But actually what has surprised Wildeman the most since opening is the sex of the customers. “It’s about 75 to 80% female that are placing the orders and are taking orders at the door,” he said.
The pictures that Porno Pizza sends out now are chosen at random, “It runs the full gamut. There are some that are very Playboy-esque and others which Larry Flynt would blush at,” Wildeman said, describing the photos sent out with orders. He plans to give the customer more control over the kind of photo they’ll find in their box, and hopes to build his business into a national franchise.