a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general
December 24, 2007
Carmen Electra was part of a mob scene in Montreal’s downtown club strip, where she was hosting a burlesque performance at the Opera Nightclub.
There, the two-time Playboy cover girl was jetted in to introduce the "Belluscious" act. And while she wasn’t actually going to be getting up to any sexual antics on stage herself, the crowd was eager to see if they could press the flesh with the former Mrs. Dennis Rodman.
"I’m just a girl from Cincinnati, Ohio, who had big dreams and managed to get here," she told the Globe, shortly before heading onstage. Born Tara Leigh Patrick (her stage name was supplied by none other than the artist currently known as Prince), Electra is also busy shilling her latest video, another entry in her hugely popular Aerobics Striptease series.
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November 25, 2007
British actress Sienna Miller admits she enjoyed stripping for the movie “Hippie Hippie Shake,” although she was embarrassed after her pictures appeared online.
Miller also said it wasn’t as traumatic as she thought it would be. “There were eight of us and we were playing hippies and it was the summer of love. We take our clothes off, eight boys and girls, and go for a swim. We were nervous but it’s real camaraderie when you are all together. It’s actually hilarious getting naked in front of people you love and respect,” dailysnack.com quoted Miller as saying.
The movie is a psychedelic journey through London in the sixties and early seventies focusing on the love between the character played by Miller and the one played by actor Cillian Murphy.
She added: “The water was freezing cold, so the boys weren’t too happy. The water was about seven degrees, it was colder than anything I have experienced in my life. But as a result it was quite funny and we felt a big sense of achievement after doing it.”
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November 23, 2007
German supermodel Heidi Klum is taking a leaf from Christina Aguilera’s book, and planning to spend one whole a day a week as nature intended, naked with her husband.
She said: “You know Christina Aguilera has ‘Naked Sundays’? I might have to copy her and do that. I’ll do ‘Seal and Heidi’s Naked Sunday.’ ”
Heidi and her ‘Crazy’ singer husband – who have two sons, Henry, two, and 11-month-old Johan, as well as Heidi’s three-year-old daughter Leni from a previous relationship – recently revealed baby Johan is ruining their sex life.
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November 11, 2007
It’s not everyday you get to see a Winona Ryder nude scene, in fact, it’s pretty much never, seeing as how Winona Ryder really never does nude scenes.
But that’s all changed now. Winona’s in a new movie called Sex and Death 101 (yeah, I never heard of it either), in which she actually appears nude.
Now, in the scene itself, you’d be hard-pressed to catch any actually nakedness, since things move kind of quick, but there are a distinct four or five frames of pure Winona Ryder nakedness. And thanks to the miracle that is the freeze-frame, you can now enjoy those frames forever and ever.
Click these links to see the rest of the pics: Winona 1 – Winona 2 – Winona 3 – Winona 4
November 8, 2007
Actress Angelina Jolie has told her husband Brad Pitt, that her digital nude scenes in Beowulf are more realistic and exposing than she first imagined.
Angelina Jolie has warned partner Brad Pitt about the level of nudity in her new computer-animated movie Beowulf.
The Hollywood beauty was so shocked by how “real” the animation looked, she said she felt “exposed” after seeing herself naked.
Angelina said: “I was really surprised that I felt exposed. There are certain moments where I actually felt shy – and called home, just to explain that the fun movie I had done that was a digital animation was, in fact, a little different than we expected. “I didn’t expect ourselves to come out as much. I didn’t expect it to feel as real, so it was kind of funny at first.”
Angelina, who was pregnant with her daughter Shiloh when she worked on Beowulf, admits her baby bump caused some problems for the animators.
She told People magazine: “I was three months pregnant for some of it. You wouldn’t know though. We did the mapping of my body before and they worked wonders. It was a pleasure.” The film sees Angelina play a temptress killer lizard, painted gold and sporting a tail, and Angelina admits: “I really did love my tail.”
Beowulf, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring British actor Ray Winston, is due to hit cinemas later this month.
September 20, 2007
Film-maker Vincent Gallo has hit out at a movie critic who suggested he used a fake penis for a controversial sex scene in his low budget film Brown Bunny.
Gallo’s co-star – and ex-girlfriend – Chloe Sevigny (now one of the hot polygamist wives on HBO’s Big Love) performs oral sex on him during the shocking shot. Both insisted when the film was released in 2003 that the sex act was genuine.
But New York Post reviewer Frank Scheck hinted a prosthetic had been used in a recent article. He described the penis as an “appendage that may or may not have belonged to her co-star and director, Vincent Gallo.”
Gallo immediately wrote a foul-mouthed reply to the newspaper, saying: “Tell that hack to convince his mother, sister or wife to let me give it to her…and then she can report back to little Frank if she thought (it was fake).
“The Brown Bunny is an ultra-low-budget film. With that in mind, the expense to create a prosthetic that could pass on film would be well out of the film’s budget, and so far no one has come close to making such a thing pass as real…
“For example, Mark Wahlberg’s rubber (penis) was far from realistic and was only seen for a few seconds. If one wasn’t blinded by jealousy, it would be easy to tell (my) scene was real. Chloe Sevigny herself has publicly said the scene involved us performing real sex.
“Why then does Scheck promote doubt about the scene’s authentic nature? I speculate it’s because Mr. Scheck most likely has a very small, ugly penis and needs to believe that only in make-believe does anyone have one like mine!”
We haven’t been able to find a video clip of the blowjob scene to show you here, but we do know of a site where you can see the the Chloe Sevigny blowjob video. It’s a membership site, but they do have a trial membership so you can watch the video and take a look around to see what you think.
September 8, 2007
Billie Paul Piper, whose real name is Leian Paul Piper, is an English actress who launched her career as a pop singer in her teens. Now people best know her as Rose Tyler, companion to the Doctor in the television series Doctor Who.
Billie’s role in Doctor Who has made her a household name in the United Kingdom and she’s pretty well-known in the USA too. Particularly among those of us who like hot blondes who look like they know exactly what to do with a stiff cock.
From what we’ve heard, Billie’s next role is in a show called Diary Of A London Call Girl. And we hear that she’s been receiving advice from a dominatrix for her role in the new show, in which she’ll be playing a high-class hooker.
The show’s plot is based on an online blog which was written by an anonymous sex worker. As a spokeswoman for the show explained: “They do have a dominatrix on set to advise. It’s about prostitution and they want to get it right.”
We don’t have any pics of the hot Rose Tyler getting DP’d by both of the two Dr Whos for whom she was a ‘companion’ but if you want to see a little more of Billie Piper (and other hot stars) you can check out the links to some celebrity sites below.
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