In New Delhi there’s a man who wants his dick cut off. No, he’s not trying to get a sex change operation. And no, he’s not mad at his dick for some reason. It’s just that he has two of them and thinks he needs to lose one if he wants to ever marry and have a normal sexual life.
Okay, so instead of pursuing a very lucrative life as a porn star, this 24-year-old double-dick man checked himself into a hospital and requested surgical removal of one of his dicks. Hey, I’m serious about the pornstar career he’s passing up. Imagine the scenes of surprising [tag]double-penetration[/tag]: she knows he’s the only guy in the room and she knows his cock is in her pussy and both his hands are on her tits, so what the hell is that pushing its way into her ass?
The doctors commented that the surgery is challenging because both dicks are fully-functional and well-formed. Thinking about this for a minute, even without going into porn, I bet this guy could find plenty of women (and men) who wouldn’t think two cocks were too many.
Can’t you just hear him at the bar saying “Actually, I have 12 inches hanging between my legs. Of course that’s split between my two cocks.” I doubt this guy would ever have to pay for a drink or go home alone if he didn’t want to…and he chooses surgery.
Well, there’s still hope for those who’d love to find a double-dick man. The rare medical condition is called penile duplication or diphallus, and occurs among one in 5.5 million men. There are about 100 reported cases worldwide right now, so get out there and start looking.
(Note: In a completely unrelated story, last year a German biker’s wife filed for divorce after he showed her the results of his surgery in which doctors had attached a second penis.)
— image above is from the Double Cock Sex article at (check them out).