the xlog : x-rated weblog

a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general

July 15, 2006

I’m a Mac, I’m a PC…and I Love Internet Porn!

Filed under: celebrities,humor,video clips — Simon @ 6:37 am
Dave Chappelle loves Internet pornI’m sure you’ve seen some of the “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” commercials on TV by now. I think there are about six different versions.This video clip is something Dave Chappelle did back when Mac was running their “Switch” campaign, but for some reason I hadn’t seen it before. So I figured maybe you haven’t seen in either.Click the image here to start the video.

July 11, 2006

Texas Says “Kinky” Is Okay

Filed under: celebrities,humor,sex news,video clips — Simon @ 6:49 pm
Kinky Friedman KinkyToon

If you don’t already know that Texas could wind up with a Jewish governor named Kinky Friedman, you haven’t been watching the news.

The latest development is that this writer of detective novels and leader of The Texas Jewboys, a satirical country and western band, has now been approved to have “Kinky” included with his name on the ballot. Some think Kinky’s campaign is a publicity stunt, but if it is, it’s one being guided by the consultant who helped Jesse Ventura (pro wrestler) become governor of Minnesota in 1998.

Click on the image above to watch one of the “KinkyToons” he’s using to get the message out. This one features some of Kinky’s musician friends–including Willie Nelson, Billie Joe Shaver, Bruce Robison, Kelly Willis, the Dixie Chicks, and Pat Green.

“I support gay marriage,” Friedman said in 2005, “I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us.”

If you want to know more about Kinky’s platform and his effort to win as an Independent in Texas, check out his website below.

Kinky Friedman for Governor 2006

July 10, 2006

Advertise on a hooker

Filed under: humor,sex news,video clips — Simon @ 5:01 am

Ads on Hooker's ThighsThis is a website for a Dutch advertising agency showing ads for beer, cars and other things on the thighs and cleavage of [tag]prostitutes[/tag]. The agency is actually a fake, and the site was built by a design student who chose satire as his way to protest against seeing too much advertising.

The website also shows ads painted on zoo animals, fish in aquariums, and large floating billboards over popular beaches. Anyone foolish enough to take him seriously, and call the agency, gets placed on hold and played sales messages until they hang up.

Click the image to open a new window with the website. The text is in Dutch but just wait for it to load and then click the “In Stores Now” graphic and you’ll be able to use the menu buttons on the left to navigate the site.

July 9, 2006

Fuck, Fucking, Fuckers, Fucked and more!

Filed under: humor,sex news,video clips — Simon @ 8:22 pm

At the end of June I posted a “Funny fucking dance routine” video. In that post I used the word “[tag]fuck[/tag]” a lot to satisfy those who didn’t think I said it enough. Today I found this other video which nicely explains all of the ways that this most excellent word can be used. I thought I’d share it here for all you fuckers who can’t fucking get e-fucking-nuff of it.

July 7, 2006

Porn isn’t all that makes me happy

Filed under: commentary,humor,sex news — Simon @ 11:24 am

buddychristBesides the fact that [tag]Dogma[/tag] is one of those movies that makes me laugh everytime I watch it, the [tag]Buddy Christ[/tag] icon is also used as a small symbol of recognition in some corners of the adult webmaster world.

It’s not like an Academy Award or anything, it really just signifies that someone has been in existence long enough, and has made the proper amount of comments necessary, to prove they’re a relatively upstanding member of that community.

So, anyway, on to my actual point.

Today, after years of diligently toiling in the salt mines that are the world of the adult webmaster, I will have finally earned my own Buddy Christ.

If I had a dancing banana smilie I’d stick one on the end of this post.

July 1, 2006

He didn’t know it was up his ass?!

Filed under: humor,sex news — Simon @ 3:04 pm

bulb-in-assHow the fuck do you sleep through someone shoving a lightbulb up your ass?

Fateh Mohammad, a prison inmate in Pakistan, says he woke up last weekend with a glass lightbulb in his anus. He said he was shocked when he was first told the cause of his discomfort. He swears he didn’t know the bulb was there.

Here’s a photograph of Dr. Aftab Ahmed looking at an X-ray of Mohammad at a hospital in Multan on June 28, 2006.

“We had to take it out intact,” said Dr. Farrukh Aftab at Nishtar Hospital. “Had it been broken inside, it would be a very very complicated situation.”

From the original story “Operation removes lightbulb from anus” (on Yahoo News).

June 30, 2006

Fuck Starbucks, check out this barista’s action

Filed under: humor,video clips — Simon @ 7:43 pm

Here’s a video I think you’ll enjoy. This pretty little barista wanders around offering folks some cream for their coffee. Check out the reactions from the customers when they see where the cream is coming from.

This video is from a post called “Excuse Me, I need a re-fill” on my friend Chop’s blog. You’ll always find a link to Chop On The Lake on my sidebar here because I enjoy his laid-back Southern approach to porn. You should check it out sometime and see if you like it too.

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