a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general
September 16, 2007
Seriously, you really shouldn’t get on that plane. At least not if it’s run by Nepal Airlines.
In case you missed this story of the kind of high-tech response to an aeronautical problem you can expect in some parts of the world, the folks who run Nepal’s state-run airline sacrificed two goats earlier this month. The goats were killed because there were technical problems traced to an electrical fault on one of the two 757 aircraft operated by Nepal Airlines.
And when I say, “if you see them killing a goat,” what I’m referring to is that the airline had the two goats sacrificed right in front of the 757 while it sat at the Kathmandu international airport.
(click to read more…)
September 12, 2007
Have you ever wondered if porn movies are just made up as they go along? Some of them really do seem that way, while others have obviously had more put into their production. On hollywood-style mainstream movies, there’s something called a “read-through” where all the actors who have speaking parts sit around a table and read their lines out loud.
Something to keep in mind as you watch the clip is that often a read-through is done as a cold reading. This means that the actors have had no rehearsal time, so they don’t give a performance but simply to read the words on the page. Beacuse of this, it’s common for actors to read their entire role in a flat monotone.
Okay, now on to the clip. Depending on your sense of humor you’ll either find this hillarious or boring, but here we have for you an example of what a read-through would be like for a porn movie. Just click the button that says “play film” in the middle of the image to start the video.
September 7, 2007
You really have to be careful when you’re searching the Internet, or you might find some do-it-yourself instructions that you just have to try. Really, ’cause that’s sort of what happened with Howard Shelly, shown here with a satisfied smirk sometime after castrating himself with a kitchen knife.
Howard found a website which gave him a step-by-step walk-through to the kind of home surgery that most of us wouldn’t ever consider trying, but for Howard, this was just what he needed to see.
Once he had the ‘how-to’ information in hand, Howard waited for his wife to leave for work (and his two children for school we’re assuming here), and then took a kitchen knife with him into the bathroom. There he made the required cuts and then wrapped his detached testicles in a cloth and tossed them away. Afterwards he drove himself to the nearby doctor’s office and was then admitted to a local hospital.
To quote Howard Shelly: “I’m the sort of guy who, when I make up my mind to do something, wants it done there and then. … The worst bit was steeling myself for the first cut. The whole thing took six minutes. It was agony, but I knew I couldn’t stop.”
—— (click to read more…)
September 3, 2007

I’m sure many of our visitors here don’t remmber the original advertisement that appeared in the December 1936 edition of American Magazine. But just because the ad appeared over 70 years ago, that doesn’t mean it’s completely out of date today.
The ad shown here was Del Monte’s appeal to housewives about the wonderful effects they could derive from drinking more pineapple juice. And as the folks at Jezebel mentioned, pineapple juice is a known ‘home remedy’ for improving the flavor of semen and making vaginas taste, well, better.
The “secret” to putting a smile on their husbands faces, mentioned at the top of this ad, is explained for housewives in the full copy of the ad (click to see it) with these words:
If you want to change grouches to grins — give that man of yours Del Monte Pineapple Juice. Cater to his fondness for flavor. Men like the rich, ripe taste of this juice — the definite pineapple flavor it has. They like its freshness–the bracing refreshment it always brings. … You’ll know how extra good this juice must be!
At least this ad was all about good taste, and it didn’t require the housewives to rinse out their pussies with the pineapple juice.
But if you’d like to see a couple of other vintage ads that did ask women to wash their delicate parts with a liquid that was a little bit harsher, check out the link below.
Come take a look at what one company suggested that women should do in this earlier post here called:
You told them to wash their WHAT with it?
August 29, 2007
One of the subscribers to the Fetish-News email newsletter saw the pussy tattoo ideas we posted earlier and sent us these two tattoo ideas that we thought were funny and wanted to share with you.
The first one reminded us of that old saying, “Yeah, when monkeys fly out of my butt.” You know what we mean, the kind of Butt Monkey that flies out of your butt right after you say that. (Like in the film “Bruce Almighty”) Makes us wonder if that’s what she was thinking when she got it.
The one below is definitely tattooed around a Simpsons fan’s pussy. That one makes us wonder what Homer looks like with a close shave, because in this one he looks more like he needs one.

Click here for more Tattoo-related postings
August 23, 2007
The Mattel toy company has filed a lawsuit against porn starlet China Barbie because they say that her use of the Barbie name on her website is hurting their doll’s clean-cut image.
Mattel’s lawsuit, filed in Manhattan, claims Ms Barbie has tried to benefit from Mattel’s success with the 48-year-old line of dolls. They claim that China Barbie’s appearances in movies like Me Love You Long Time (and Me Love You Long Time 2) and others, are damaging to the good name of their doll.
The lawsuit said Mattel had registered its trademarks to protect the Barbie line of dolls and the $1.6billion in sales it generates. Mattel said it has sold more than 1 billion Barbie dolls worldwide and a typical American girl owns eight of them.
Mattel co-founder Ruth Handler created the Barbie doll in 1959 after discovering her daughter Barbara preferred to play with paper cutouts of adult female fashion dolls rather than baby dolls.
August 19, 2007
In response to the pics of California’s governor having sex that we posted here earlier (just kidding), someone sent us these shots of some light emitting diodes and resistors coupling in various familiar ways.
If you’d like to see these six pics a bit larger, you can just click on the image to the left or click the ‘read more’ link below.
And if you have any pics of other strange items having sex, feel free to send them along.
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