a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general
February 3, 2007
Some people just can’t resist the lure of free left-over [tag]porn[/tag]. While others would rather sue someone over it.
The organizers of Imagination 69, a failed Belgian sex fair, were sued after thousands of erotic videos and books were left at the event’s site near Geraardsbergen. They’d planned for 30,000 visitors but less than 10,000 showed up, so there were lots of books, magazines, and DVDs left over at the end of the sex fair.
The solution for many vendors was to dump it all in fields outside of Geraardsbergen. Of course the news of this porn dump spread quickly and thousands of horny Belgians swooped in to snatch up the left behind loot. The area took on the name “Pornutopia” on the Internet as stories of free porn for the taking made the rounds of the chatrooms.
January 28, 2007
As the rich and slim flocked to the waterfront convention centre for Rio de Janeiro’s glitzy bi-annual fashion show, prostitutes in a downtown square took to a cobblestone catwalk for a show of their own. Sex service workers from Davida, a Brazilian organisation that defends the rights of prostitutes, strutted through the streets wearing their new line of fall/winter clothes.
The brand’s name is Daspu, is a play on “Daslu,” one of Brazil’s most expensive and exclusive fashion names being displayed across town by top models like Gisele Bundchen. Gabriela Leite, a founder of Daspu, said it was no mistake that her show was running on Fashion Rio’s biggest night.
“This fashion show today makes up part of our fall/winter collection that is not on the official agenda of Fashion Rio because we were never invited. Once again, social responsibility does not appear where it should appear,” Leite said.
According to organizers, the new 2007 fall/winter line draws from the deep well of artists inspired by prostitutes, from Toulouse Lautrec and Pablo Picasso to Madonna and Sting. Hired models and prostitutes walked a makeshift catwalk in an alleyway in Rio’s red-light district, throwing condoms to an animated crowd of hundreds.
There were spartan and utilitarian shirts with black and white blocks, colorful prints and plenty of eye-catching incarnations of the staple of the industry: the miniskirt. An eclectic group of spectators – including deserters from Fashion Rio looking for something different – ended the evening dancing samba to a live drum troupe.
January 22, 2007
The rock hard cock & balls fountain in front of Amsterdam’s famous Casa Rosso will be getting some competition soon. Near the end of March, the red-light district there should see the unveiling of a bronze statue designed to honor [tag]prostitutes[/tag] around the world.
“In many countries, prostitutes struggle and people have no respect for them whatsoever. The statue is meant to give all those men and women strength,” said Mariska Majoor who commissioned the statue. Majoor is a former prostitute who is best known for founding a center of prostitution in the city a decade ago.
The statue will be forged by sculptress Els Rijerse, and shows a woman who confidently looks out into the world, “a self-assured woman, her hands on her hips, looking sideways towards the sky, and standing on a doorstep,” according to the Dutch news agency ANP.
January 15, 2007
Last week Beijing, China confirmed something that many of us have thought for a long time. That’s right, it’s true, Asian Schoolgirls really do like having sex.
Results of their recent survey show that the average student loses their virginity by 15, and more than half of them see nothing wrong with a good one-night stand in the right circumstances. One group of 1,300 girls was asked if they would agree to sex when asked by a boyfriend, only 6 of them said they would say “no.” (And those might have been Asian teen lesbians for all we know.)
Educators involved in the survey were surprised at first by the results, but believe this is the result of a fast-changing society. While their traditional culture sanctifies abstinence and the government is also officially puritanical, contact with the rest of the world has resulted in a growingly rebellious and diverse urban youth culture.
Of course some of the lucky ones do manage to escape to the USA and wind up in an Asian Teen Porn gallery.
January 10, 2007
I used to think of Brazil as a place where personal freedoms were important. I thought that in part because of the very liberal thinking regarding sex being prevalent there, as evidenced by the invention of the ‘anal floss’ string thong bikini and the topless beaches, and let’s not forget Carnivale each year.
But then I find out that telcom companies in Brazil began blocking access to the YouTube service on Monday because one Brazilian model sued to get YouTube to remove a video of her having sex on a Spanish beach from its site. The suit was brought by Daniela Cicarelli (at right) and her boyfriend, and based on that one unresolved lawsuit, a court in Sao Paulo ordered Internet Service Providers to block YouTube until they remove the video.
Okay, so now one person can sue you and cause an entire country full of people to lose access to a legal website that they wish to visit? I think the Brazilian court acted like an ass in shutting down access for everyone in the country just because one person had a problem.
The video isn’t on the YouTube site now it seems, or at least I couldn’t find it using any of the search terms I thought made sense to use. I couldn’t find a copy on PornoTube either, so I guess they wanted to avoid the same kind of trouble. Personally I don’t see what the big fuss was about, I saw it and you don’t see much of anything since they’re in the water most of the time. You can check it out for yourself at the link below if you want.
By the way, I still think the Brazilian telcom companies are pretty cool. Check out “Get Connected” to see some of the banner ads one of the companies used to promote their services.
Click here to view the video.
(click to read more…)
January 5, 2007
I know that most people don’t think that people should be having sex with animals. And as the pictures on the page linked below will show, I think we’ll be able to agree that some animals really shouldn’t have sex with other animals either.
Actually, now that I think about it a little more, the page I’m linking to here is an animal cloning parody, so the truth is that it really would be people fucking with animals after all. I really hope our tax dollars are being spent on ways to use cloning to feed the world, and not just to give the wealthy some new playtoys.
Either way, I thought some of these creatures were pretty funny. I know that if these kinds of crossbreeds were commercially available, there’d be plenty of [tag]celebrities[/tag] lining up to stuff one of them into their cute little pet carrier hangbags.
I’m only showing you a few of the future pets here, but you can check out this page for many more, and in much larger formats.
January 3, 2007
What the fuck is this? Little Johnny’s first moneyshot?
Well, somehow I missed the original release of this product sometime last year. But I did see that its television commercial was back in circulation just in time for good people everywhere to run out, fight the hordes, and grab one of these as the perfect holiday gift for their own kids or someone else’s.
Yeah, right, that is if by perfect you mean you want to be remembered as the relative who started Little Johnny (or Joanie) on their path to porn stardom. Use the controls on the video above to watch the real television commercial.
Okay. So if you watched the commercial I think you know what I mean by the moneyshot comment. To me that commercial looks like the ethnic mix of a Benneton kids commercial with a porn action overlay.
Even if you discount how the Oozinator itself looks a bit like the cock from an alien porn movie, can you really watch those children receiving load after load of what the Hasbro website calls “globs of gooey bio-ooze” without thinking that this might have been a bad idea for a toy?
I’m not sure what was going on at the actual Hasbro board meetings when the Oozinator was discussed and given the green light for production, but the second video above is a comedic look at an an imaginary board meeting discussing a product that they call the Splooginator, which at least is a more honest name for this toy. You can use the controls just below the image to start the video.
The Oozinator was available for sale on the Amazon.com website, and the product definitely inspired some very interesting comments from their customers. Amazon of course decided to pull those comments so no one could see them anymore.
But wait. You see that didn’t really work as well as they hoped, since we do have a screen capture for you, showing some of what was said before the comments were removed. Click on the small graphic on the left below to see the comments about the Oozinator from the Amazon website before they were removed.
So, tell us what you think. Good idea for a toy for kids? Bad idea? Could be fun for adults? Would you buy one, give one as a gift, let your own kids have one?
[cartoon from wordsandpicturesonline.com]
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